
Distenrias: The Call of the Phoenix

The royal prince of the Elven Kingdom wakes one day to find a weird image in front of him. A transparent paper is floating in front of his face with all sorts of weird words and numbers. Not long after, he starts having visions of himself in different places, with different people and fighting different monsters. Will these visions reveal his future or will they only bring destruction.

PheonixRebirth · Fantasy
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New Companions

2 years have passed and little Jeorn has grown a little bigger. Recently, he starts his lessons to learn how to be a king. As the crown prince of the Elven Kingdom, this was his duty. No matter how much he did not want to do it. His only happiness came from the fact that Alyssa was his teacher. This did not keep him from trying to sneak out of the castle to get away from his lessons. He would always be caught. However, today would be different. He had snuck into the royal library using homework as an excuse and found a spellbook. The spell-book contained dark magic. The magic that would let him control darkness to his advantage. Not to be confused with black magic that would only be used by people with evil hearts to commit horrible tragedies.

He had stayed up all night studying this magic to sneak out of the castle without anyone noticing. He smirked as he tried to use the magic and sneak past the guards. They noticed him but let him go as they were fond of the little lad. They were encouraged by the king to ignore the prince as long as he blatantly didn't walk right past them. "This encourages his ingenuity and skills. As long as he doesn't do anything too dangerous, this should be no problem." The king had told them.

Once Jeorn had gotten around the corner, one of the guards left to warn Alyssa of the start of the day's game. Jeorn rushes out of the tower and sneaks around in the shadows. Many guards were startled to see a shady form creeping around the castle. Once they look closer and see that it is the prince, a special alarm is sounded and Jeorn startles. "They found me already? Does this dark magic even work?" He starts being chased by several guards. Most of the guards kept watching for threats while a few were sent after the boy. Jeorn jumps around dodging the guards while laughing. He knew they were not seriously trying to catch him. They were just there to slow him down until the real threat came.

Alyssa runs out of the tower that Jeorn just came out of a few minutes ago. She watches as three guards surround him and how he nimbly jumps over one. He sprints toward the gate after he sees Alyssa exit the tower. He has a sly grin on his face. "Catch me if you can, Aunty Lyss." He yells out. Alyssa smiles and gives him a short headstart. After five seconds, she sprints after the young boy who had just run up a wall and jumped over a guard that had been blocking his way. He was about to slip out of the gate and get away when a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. He starts fighting against the hand but it does not release him. "Fine, I will come back and take my lessons. You can let go of me now, Aunty Lyss." Alyssa laughs at his attempt to get her to let go of him. "Don't think I haven't forgotten about the stunt you tried to pull last week after I let go of you."

Jeorn slumps and looks rejected after trying his "last-ditch" effort. He turns to look at her and tries his final gamble. He thought he had figured this spell out but had no one to try it on. He swirls the magic inside of him and says "Blind." A dark mist covers Alyssa's eyes. Surprised, she moves her hand to wipe off whatever is blocking her vision. Letting Jeorn go in the process. He slips out of the gate while everyone was distracted. He sprints into the nearby forest and disappears. Alyssa removes the magic covering her eyes. A glint appears in her eyes as she recognizes the spell that Jeorn cast. "Already learning magic? What a smart little boy." After gloating over the skill of the boy that she raised, she turns to the captain of the guards. "Well, go after him. Those woods are dangerous." The captain jumps and starts ordering men to start a search party.

Jeorn jumps around in the trees. Enjoying the freedom now that he was no longer cooped up in the castle. This was his first time out and he was going to make the most of it. He whooped and laughed as he jumped around. He falls as a sudden "Ding" startles him. b He looks around before noticing a weird light coming and a weird scroll appears in front of him. It is transparent and has some weird words and numbers on it.

Hidden mission complete.

Escape the Castle before the age of 10.

Completion Level: Rank SS

Completion: Unlock the Hero system before your tenth birthday. Starter box.

Failure: Loss of starter box.

Extra completion level reward: Rank A – 1% strength increase every level. Rank -S Increased Magic comprehension +10% on all magics. Rank SS – Sexy female voice added to the Hero system.

Please name the system.

"What is going on?" Jeorn asks with confusion. A female voice responds. "This is a system generated by several different magics combined. It is was generated to help you become a force that will change the world." Jeorn just smiles and agrees. "I think I will just call you Rose." As the name leaves his lips, a burning pain explodes in his right hand. He screams out drawing the attention of every living creature in the forest. A large wolf runs into the clearing growling at the little boy. It runs at him. As it is about to pounce on him a figure jumps in front of him with a sword. He swings and cuts the Wolf's eye.

A large drop of blood hits a large rock and steams up. The wolf runs away and the figure runs over to where the blood fell. He pulls out something and dips it into the small pool of blood. His back has been to Jeorn the whole time. When he turns around, Jeorn is surprised to see a boy just a few years older than him. He smiles down at him and holds out a hand to Jeorn. Jeorn takes it and winces as he pulls him up. The pain is still in his hand, just not as strong.

He looks at it and notices a red mark there in the shape of wings. That seemed to be where the pain was originating from. "I heard your scream and came to check it out." The boy said. "My name is Robert." Jeorn nods. "I am Prince Jeorn. Thank you for saving my life." Robert looks at him in surprise. He kneels in front of Jeorn. "Your Majesty. I apologize for not recognizing you." Jeorn laughs and shakes his head. "No need for that. You can just call me Jeorn. I let my friends call me that." Neither knew that this would be the start of a friendship that would last a lifetime.

Hey everyone, Author here. I haven't been able to post for a few days due to some problems. I am having problems with my computer and I want to write more. The best way for me to be able to do this is to build a new one, but I don't have the money to do so at the moment. I'm not interested in doing a Pat.reon. I don't have any benefits to you paying on there so instead I will leave a Paypal link here. Don't worry, there is no pressure to send me anything. But know that it is much appreciated and will help me get my content out quicker.


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