
Chapter One

Daisy POV

Hi! I m daisy, normal school girl with normal life but lots of dreams in my mind. Yes I m not that quite popular but people love my behaviour. I m just plain simple girl with greenish blue eyes,long black hair, and average height. Did I tell u the most annoying thing I find? Thats relationships!

I don't like being in a relationship. I m happy with what my parents will choose for me. I get bullied in my school. Wonder why? Cause i can't stand up for myself! I easily get tortured. And the most hatest person not to mention but thats Luke, school's most popular boy with dark brown hair, blue eyes which make every girls fall on their knees. But I hate him! He usually walk pushing me and laughing with his asshole friends.

Even, he thrown a huge foil paper ball at me. And I? Didn't say anything! I hate myself for being this useless.

My best friend Taniya has a huge crush on that duffer. Taniya is absolutely stunning. Long blonde hairs with perfect 'no acne' skin. Grey eyes which makes her mesmerizing. Her height defines perfection.

We are the bestest friend cause our mothers are best friends from their childhood time. So in the sense we too are great friends. We always hangout all the time together. She loves to party and I don't like it that much.

She is all flirty in school and I walk in my own world. Own world like an introvert world. Atleast that's what I call.

So she is crushing Luke recently. And flirting with that dumbhead. Whenever he see me that shitty smirk always printed on his face.

By the way, this is all my inner thoughts, and I swear that I don't swear in outer world.



I woke up when the sunlight hit me straight on the face. Ugh! Why I always forget closing curtains? I lazily put my feets on the cold floor and got up to change for the school. I put on my clothes. Did I mention I was studying in grade 11? 1 year more and I'll be free bird. I will follow my dream to became an artist and a writer. Too much? yeah, I don't know yet what to choose. But everyone says that time almost do everything, so give time, some time.

I went downstairs to eat my breakfast. Wow, just 2 minutes left for the bus to arrive. I quickly grabbed my toast and stuffed my mouth, not able to speak. My mom started laughing because I was totally looking like a baby Orangutan. I rushed outside, bus was already there. I climbed up and noticed all were grinning at me. Was I looking that funny? Is my hair alright? Did I woke up with acne that I didn't notice, until now? Anyways I ignored and took my seat next to my best friend Taniya. She was already looking at me with that " what have u done to yourself" look. She shown me her pocket mirror. Damn! My face was covered by mayonnaise and red sauce. What a great start of my morning!

We reached at our school. I was quite worried that dumbhead must not be around or else he will start his 'Daily torture Daisy' game. Ughhh! I hate when I can't say him anything but this time I promised myself to stand up for myself and answer him back. Wow! Look who I found just now winking at my best friend. Guess what happened next. She ran up to her and started her flirty drama. As expected. I was looking at him in disgust. He looked back and gave me a sweet smile.

Whats up with him?

Is this his new game?

If it is, this time, I won't be facing down.

I hated when Taniya does that infront of me. She knew exactly that I hated him but still she can't resist to go on doing that. Bell rang and I pulled Taniya to take her to our first class. She winked at Luke and went with me to attend the class.

Ugh this girl!

Our first lecture was history. One of my favourite subject but Taniya hated it. I find history a lot interesting. I even score good in it.

Mr Johnston entered the class and we took our seat after wishing him good morning. He started his chapter. I was paying attention but Taniya was already asleep. After awhile she started snoring. I tried waking her up as Mr Johnston was glaring at her.

" Miss Paul!!!!!." Mr Johnston shouted and Taniya was still in her deep sleep. I shook her hard and she woke up staring at me with bore eyes. Mr Johnston still glaring at her and she made her gaze up to him. She was stunned. Goosebumps made their way up her neck

" Detention! Miss Paul!."

She said sorry and paid attention this time. After bell rang we quickly rushed out to our lockers. I and Taniya made our seperate ways .We went back to our next class. My next class was English. Class with DUMBHEAD. I and Taniya share few classes and rest of my classes are with Luke. Awesome right?

I went inside and took my seat. After that, teacher entered into the class. After 2 minutes Luke entered the class. He walked up to find a seat and saw my empty side. He smirked and sat beside me. I narrowed my eyes in disgust.

Why was he sitting here?

Can't he go to the next bench beside Lily?

Lily was school nerd. She likes to study all the time and had a huge glasses. He sent me his million dollar smile and I ignored him not looking at him. I was wondering why he didn't do anything today? Always, he was pushing me, throwing foil balls. But today he did nothing.

I made my distance from him sitting at the very end of the bench just a minute to fall. He grabbed me and put me back to my place. I almost flinched at his sudden touch.

" What are you doing? So interested to fall? I m not going to eat you miss Wheel!."

Mrs Rodriguez glared at both of us.

Can't he speak little low?

" Master Jackson, you are already late in the class and you are making disturbance! Detention to you both."

What?? What did I do? I raised my hand to speak to say that I did nothing wrong but Luke pulled my hand down. I looked at him just about to slap. But later he said something that made me confused? " Don't worry Daisy, we both will enjoy this detention together."

What the hell is wrong with him?

Dumb head.

Luke POV

Ever since I laid my eyes on Daisy I feel something different. Something which I had never felt before. She was very silent, sincere and innocent. She was something else. Whenever I noticed her, she don't talk much, keep distance from badass boys, she was so innocent. I wonder if any guy could easily hurt her.

See, I am not the type of popular guy who sleep around with half of girls population. I am a kind of guy who believes in perfect relationship, perfect girl and perfect everything.

But I behave cold with everyone. I just can't keep a smile. I think I got my cold behaviour from my sperm donor. He is just- just nothing. Long story short,

I hate my father.

And about my mother, I don't even know if she cares about me or her career and money.

Sucks right?

But every human dream right? I dream weird too. And that's how I made a most miserable plan ever. I knew Daisy will never notice me. And I was scared if someone used her for her innocence. I made a plan to make her bold.

I thought to do something, I wanted her to be bold enough so that she could face the reality of today's world. So I started a plan. I became the one to bully her. I do some random things like to push her, not so hard so that she falls. Not ever.

I throw paper balls at her and sometimes do some things which irritate her most. She hates me obviously but my intention is to make her stand up for herself. I feel like crap doing that. I don't want her to just ignore the shitty things I do. Whenever I try to be badass in front for her I mentally kick myself. I hate the fact that she hates me. But I can't see her getting bullied or get hurt easily. Yes I am saying that. Don't think I like her. Obviously not.

But her best friend, what's her name again? Tanni? Trust me, I legit hate her. Even if she looks like a doll, I cringe when I see her. Everything about her seems so fake. I don't like flirting with her but with the fact that Daisy will ever get jealous.... No! What am I thinking? I don't like her.

But who am I kidding?

She will never like me for the things I do to her. But atleast I can try....

Its been 2 months with that bully reputation of mine. It actually sucks.

I was walking through the corridor. My eyes met Daisy's. I can't resist to look at her. Her dark hair, her eyes which makes my heart flush faster. She is atleast 1 foot shorter than me. Her face lightening up when she finds something funny. Her hair crossing her perfect face when wind hit her.

Oh God! Why is she so pretty and cute. Shh! stop looking Luke, stop looking! or else your plan will mess up.

I casually walked making my gaze at front again. As I walked past Daisy and her BFF, tannu? Whatever.

I winked at her bff and she was all running to catch up to me leaving Daisy behind. I found anger boiling up inside me. Why in the world Daisy choosed this idiot to be her best friend? She was all flirty with me and I was pretending to be interested in her. I watched Daisy from corner of my eye. She was giving The Look.

After that I gave my best smile to Daisy but she ignored. My heart started to clench at the fact that she will never like me. Not even as friend.

Dammit! It fucking hurts!

Bell rang and Daisy pulled her stupid friend with her to the class. I watched as she pulled off and ran to the class. I was mentally cracking for the stupid behavior I had done in front of Daisy. But then I decided to stop my plan. It was enough being a badass in front of her.

2 months.

I don't feel good. I thought instead to make a good hand in front of her. To do a friendship. I mentally made up my mind and went to my 1st class. Biology.

I made up to the class at the same time as Mr Alex entered. We entered at the same time. He glared at me not quite impressed.

" Mr Jackson come before I enter the class."

I just nodded and sat. I paid no attention and started thinking about how to make myself a " good boy" in front of Daisy. I was thinking as my friend Joy snapped finger at my face and I came back to reality.

Thank goodness that Mr Alex was busy writing balance equation on the board.

Joy quitely whispered to me.

" What made you think so hard that I have to bring you back from the dream world?"

I just shook my head and paid my attention back. Not to Mr Alex but to the idea I was thinking about before.

Then something hit my mind.

I should flirt with Daisy so maybe she can fall for me like every other girls in the school.

Bad idea right? Whatever, let's try.

I made up my mind to talk to her in the next class. English.

Bell rang and all students rushed out of their classes towards their locker. I rushed to my locker. Grabbed my requirements but noticed something sticked on my locker.

It was a mobile number with initials " Taniya."

I looked around and found Taniya rushing towards her class. I balled the paper and thrown in the dustbin. "Useless." I thought to myself.

Oh shit! I am going to be late. I ran fast and made up to the class. Mrs Rodriguez was already in class. She was glaring at me but said nothing. I watched the classroom to find any seat. I saw Daisy sitting alone and I smirked when I made my way next to her. She was little confused and nervous. I gave my good smile. She was totally confused but ignored.


I have to do a lot to make her trust me.

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!

I saw her moving away from me. She was uncomfortable. Then I noticed she was at the very end of our bench. Wtf! She hates me this much?! I mentally killed myself many times.

I leaned closer to make her sit comfortable again. She looked at me like she will just hit me. But I found it cute. Oh god! She looked cuter when she makes that angry face.

I said her to sit properly and I m not gonna eat her. She said nothing but shoot me disgusted look.

'Luke! you are a fucking Douche bag'. Said voice behind my head.

After that Mrs Rodriguez shared most annoying look at me and ended giving detention. Great! But both of us? Wow that's good for me. But Daisy didn't find it good. She started defending herself. I was grinning.

I quickly pulled her hand. Her hands are so tiny compared to mine. She furrowed her eyebrows at me and given me a death glare. Woah! I never found her so angry. I think my plan to make her bold made good progress but nevermind the things I lost.

I said her that we will enjoy this detention together but she looked, Mad?. She was mentally screaming I know.

This is going to be a lot more. I will win her! No matter what. After my months of irritating her I just want to make a friendship.

I know I sound weird but that's what I am.

Next chapter