

MC Re-Incarnated into multiple Disney Universes. Simple right?

GiveMeMulah · Movies
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The journey back to the kingdom took an entire month, a week of this time being used to pack up and get ready. Before the higher ranked officers could return back home they had to first be received and congratulated by the Queen in the capital.

Adam wondered why that was so, since it would make perfect sense to just hold this little event any other time. Of course he could only keep these thoughts to himself, since the Queen issued these orders.

As they were going past villages and towns the regular soldiers started breaking off, until eventually there was only Adam and 10 other high ranked personnel left of horseback.

The entire time Adam noticed how the standard of living for people had dropped drastically- a lot more beggars and tramps were loitering the streets of towns and villages.

Inside the capital however was an extremely different story, the streets filled with only well dressed people. The way Adam and his fellow officers were treated was also completely different- people made way for them and bowed as they passed on horseback, obviously aware of their identities.

Outside the Queens palace there were rows of Huntsmen lined up to form a path for them, at the end of the path being one of the Queen's attendants.

"I wish to congratulate you on your splendid victory over the savages in the West, dear sirs. This feeling is shared not only by me, but by every notable figure in our country...."

The man went on and started an entire speech, Adam not really listening and pretty impatient to get this over with and get back home.

".... and so the Queen wishes to personally congratulate you gentlemen. All you have to do is follow me."

The man took them up the stairs of the palace and through endless corridors until they reached the throne room, where the Queen was sitting on her golden throne.

She looked just as young as when Adam first saw her, but as he knew her secret he didn't share the same feeling of awe and attraction as the rest of the men in the room.

His nonchalant expression was immediately noticed by her however, and she whispered something inaudible to one of the attendants near her.

The ceremony was kept short and after the Queen gave a short speech about the rewards each of them will receive they were dismissed(the reward being a lot of gold). The first to get up and leave was the general, and when Adam got up from his kneeling position the attendant the Queen previously spoke to put his hand of Adam's shoulder.

"Sir, the Queen has requested for you to wait behind."

Adam raised an eyebrow and remained inside the room, the Queen not speaking to him until all the other officers had left.

"Lieutenant Adam Foster, the one behind the victory over the West I believe?" The Queen got up and walked towards him.

"Without the General or the other men I don't think things would have gone this way. That is why saying that I am the man behind the victory is a little to much your majesty." Adam replied with a bow.

"Humble... that is a very good quality to possess as a Lieutenant. Your achievements are by far the greatest in the group, which is why I asked for you to stay behind.

As an additional reward to what you've already been promised, I give you the honour to not only become head of my palace guards but also my personal guard."

Adam cursed mentally, sweat forming on the side of his head. I mean who would want to become the personal guard of this evil woman? He knew she was behind not only the current state of the country, but also behind her husband's death.

"I feel extremely honoured by your offer your majesty, but-"

"It wasn't an offer."


The room entered a state of tension, most of the attendants understanding why Adam wouldn't want this position.

"Thank you for bestowing me this position, your highness."

"You deserve it after all of your achievements. Also, you won't start right away. You can take a two week leave and at the end of those two weeks you are expected to take the position."

After that final statement Adam bowed again and left the room, his steps quite heavy and fast.

*Well... wasn't that quite the surprise?* Loki said casually.

*I was thinking of letting the plot pass by while I live my life casually, but I guess that can't happen can it?*

*Remember what I told you, you're gonna be involved wether you like it or not. Although I don't control how you get involved, you'll get pulled in one way or another.* Loki said a little apologetically.

Adam sighed and shook his head, deciding to focus on the only piece of good news right now- he finally gets to go home.