
Chapter 22

Two days later, after a long, tiring journey, she arrived safely at home in the late evening. Polly prepared a hearty dinner and a hot bath for her, then urged her to sleep early afterward. She should be happy to be home at last, but not a second she felt joy. She couldn't think of the last time she felt very much alone.

Resting her head against the pillow, she lost in deep thoughts. She was a thousand miles away from home, deserted from the people she loved, to escape from a disastrous fate of being shackled to an absolute swine for eternity. Ironically, that supposed to be the only chance to a respectable life that she might ever have. It seemed like a proper and decent life was never meant for her. She and her line were doomed. She was condemned to a life of disgrace. No man considered her worth a travail. Even if she finally found a man who was brave enough to get himself in a tussle and stand up for her, in the end, still and all, he turned his back on her. Because no decent man would be willing to give up everything for a disgraceful woman, especially a man like him. Perhaps she had to find a man who had nothing at all, so he would simply have nothing to lose.

Despite her exhaustion, going to sleep was difficult. She turned and tossed in her bed several times, and when she finally drifted into slumber, she awoke in the middle of the night with a curious heartbeat and some sort of unpleasant feelings. She sat on her bed, feeling a bit relieved to see Polly was sleeping sound beside her. She glanced around the dark room, to the reflection of moonlight on the wall to the shadowy window. Lying on her back again, she stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out the sudden trepidation that engulfed her. She rolled to her side and stared at the window, terrified by the undesirable images of someone appeared there all in the sudden, at the time she least expected it. Shaking off the scary imaginings, she pulled her blanket and curled beneath the fabric. She couldn't sleep again until the dawn broke.


Sitting at the head of the huge dining table the next morning, Ashton watched his family and the Wyndhams chattering lightly as they had a formal brunch. Uncle Carlton was having a serious conversation with Lord Wyndham, and Aunt Cecily was talking to the princess while Selene was eating in silence, not involving herself in the women's conversation. She looked utterly self-possessed, comfortable in her quietness. She always looked poised, but today she looked rather too composed, too suspiciously calm. She darted a glance at him as though she could sense his stare, and their gazes met across the table. Her eyes lingered on him for a while, before returning to her plate, and he felt a rush of strange, unpleasant feelings.

Ever since they started the trip back home, he had a premonition of an impending disaster. He couldn't get the other woman out of his head, along with a feeling in his bones that there was going to be a momentous change of fate in matters of day. He felt an immediate impulse to see her then and there, and no matter how hard he tried to suppress it, the urge got stronger with every passing minute.

Unable to subdue the unaccountable urge, he decided to go and have a glimpse of her from a distance. He had sworn to himself, he would never meet her again, but he wouldn't break his pledge if he only looked at her from afar. As he sneaked and slipped out of the manor some time later, he grasped a strange awareness that it wasn't whim or lovesick or any sentimental yearning that moved him this very moment. It felt more like he was driven by instinct.


In the meanwhile, Ava walked to the market with a strange feeling of anticipation. Despite the convenient crowd thronged the street, she felt alarmed. Since last night she had had a sense of foreboding, a feeling that something bad was about to happen. She almost reached the main street that led to the market when an irresistible impulse had her turning back to look around. Among the crowd, she caught a man with a shabby coat and a grey hat standing against a pillar a distance away behind her. The brim of his hat cast shadow on his face, and it was difficult to see the direction of his gaze, but some instinct got her nape hair rise in alarm. Somehow she was certain that the man was watching her.

She turned and continued to walk as her heart began to beat painfully hard. She tried to think clearly. There was no clear sign that the man had a malicious intention toward her. Perhaps she was just too consumed with fear. Seemingly the lady's threat had made her a bit paranoid.

Besides, this was a lively street. There was no way anyone could do anything to her in a crowded place.

She went into the market in continuous restlessness. Getting her job done quickly, she intended to return to the safety of her home as soon as possible. Another thought entered her mind. Could she be certain that she was safe inside the house? The little cottage she called home was nothing more than a flimsy construction against danger. A big, powerful man could break the door easily with several kicks.

Shivering at the thought, she darted a look around the street as she stepped out of the market. She saw nothing of the suspicious man around. She scurried down the street, turning back every now and then to see if she was being stalked. Suddenly she caught a glimpse of grey hat among the crowd. She rushed into a bookshop nearby, hiding herself in a shadowy corner near the shop window. Peering through the window, she felt a little relief to find that the man seemed to lose track of her. She waited until the man passed by and disappeared from sight.

Her mind racing as she stepped out to the street. She had no real idea as to why she was frightened with some stranger on the street, or why she suspected that particular man, but as much as she couldn't explain it, she had a sort of premonition that the danger was real. She must tell Polly about this. She shouldn't keep her problem from her. After Polly knew everything, they should decide together whether to stay or to leave this town. Making up her mind, she dashed home. As she reached the small stream near her house, she felt a bit relieved. In a couple of minutes she would be safe at home and no longer alone.

She halted immediately when she caught a slight movement from behind the trees. The man with the grey hat appeared from the shadows several steps away from her. In a short distance, she could see his eyes clearly. Devoid of any emotion, his gaze fastened on her and he moved quickly toward her.

Eyes widened in terror, she felt a cold wind sweeping through her whole body. Her foreboding proved correct. The man had a bad intention toward her. She wheeled around to run across the bridge. Looking desperately at the row of cottages a few miles away, she forced her legs to move faster. At this moment, the short distance seemed to be endless, the possible help seemed too far from reach.

She screamed in shock when suddenly a strong arm seized her from behind and a rough hand stifled her shout. Kicking and clawing, she twisted and turned uselessly as the man dragged her to the edge of the stream. Somehow she managed to throw her head back with all her strength, knocking her captor on the nose. The man cursed and jerked her away abruptly. She was staggering on her feet when a hard blow on her head sent an explosion of sparks before her eyes. She must have fainted for one second or two, because the next thing she knew, she was lying on the ground with a spinning head and a blurred vision. When the man crouched over her defenseless body, she thought he was going to ravish her on the spot, outside in the broad daylight. Her faint scream turned to a strangled gasp when the man wrapped his hands around her neck, his fingers tightening and digging mercilessly into her throat. Suffocating, she gasped and gulped air in sudden realization. The man didn't intend to violate her. The man's purpose was to kill her and he was going to do it without any delay.

Twisting frantically beneath him, she clawed at his hands, digging her fingernails into his wrists, but his grip was too strong to wriggle out of. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing escaped her constricted throat. Her lungs started to ache as his grip tightened, leaving her with no air. The edge of her vision went dark. In nearly surreal moment, she thought dimly that this was her final destiny. Then suddenly the weight upon her body and the tightness in her throat was gone.

Ashton arrived on the scene of the incident not a moment too soon. Had he come a minute later, the man would very likely have finished her. Grabbing the villain's collar from behind, he pulled the man off with a brutal force. He struck the man a quick, sharp blow on the face, sending him sprawling across the ground. He could just have killed the man, piercing him with his sword from behind, but he needed the man alive to know something, or precisely to confirm something. He straddled the man, grasping his lapels as he inquired,

"Who sent you?"

Her feeble moan distracted him, and he turned to see her. Her head fell to the side, and her body went completely still. A dreadful thought occurred to him. If the strangulation caused the arteries to tear apart, she might very likely die from dissection. To his great relief, her eyes flew open to meet his gaze, and suddenly widened in horror, her mouth fell open as if about to scream.

A painful sensation, like a hard punch, shot through somewhere about his chest, drawing his attention back to the attacker. It wasn't until he saw a dagger plunging into his flesh and blood shooting out of his body that he knew his opponent had stabbed him just below his collarbone. Vaguely, he noticed that the man was lefthanded, as he stabbed him in the right shoulder. Growling, the man pulled out the dagger abruptly and more blood spurted heavily over the front of the villain's shirt.

Witnessing the whole scene, Ava recoiled at the hideous sight. She crawled in horror, struggling to get to her feet.

Pressing his cut instinctively with one hand, Ashton was scarcely able to contain the severe pain. He cursed himself inwardly. How could he forget the basic rules? In a real fight, focus was everything. To get distracted even for a split second was a fatal oversight. He struggled not to pass out in the midst of pain, anticipating another attack. Fortunately, the villain didn't try to strike him again. With a grunt of effort, the man shoved him back, wriggling free from his restraint and running off. Soon he was disappeared in the end of the road.

"Oh my God!"

She gasped out, rushing toward him and landed on her knees beside him. She clutched his arms tight as though to keep him from collapsing.

"Oh my God, are you quite all right?!"

She observed his face anxiously, noticing that his complexion had become pale and his lips turned bloodless. She flinched as her gaze dropped to the stab wound, from which a surge of blood gushing out.

Assessing his injury, he quickly learned that the stab didn't damage his vital organ or arteries. However, if the flow didn't get stanched immediately, he might suffer a significant blood loss.

"I'm fine."

He brushed her worry aside.

"No, you're not! You're bleeding so bad!"

She exclaimed in horror at the sight of blood soaking all over the front of his white shirt, seeped rapidly through the thick fabric of his waistcoat.

"Let me see."

Carefully she tugged at the gap in the fabric to have a better look of the wound, her fingers brushing his blood-stained skin. In the daylight she could see clearly that the wound was deep enough and gaping open. She put her thumb and forefinger carefully around the cut, and applied a gentle pressure to press the edges together. The cut couldn't be closed easily and it was bleeding profusely.

"This is terrible. It needs to be closed up immediately or you'll be bleeding out to death."

She cast a worried glance at the end of the street, where the man was last seen.

"Thanks God he is gone. I thought he was going to kill you."

"No, he had no intention to kill me."

He replied positively, following the direction of her gaze.

"Bloody Hell," He muttered again, his quiet voice contained a hint of fury.

"I should never have dismissed her threat as a bluff."

She understood instantly who he alluded to. Turning his attention to her, he inspected her with a quick yet thorough glance.

"Are you hurt?"

Her breath caught when his gaze roaming over her.

"No, but you are. We need to stop the bleeding immediately."

She took his hand and helped him to his feet. Holding his arm firmly, she led him to a hut nearby.

The hut was a small, crude construction made of planks, serving as a storage for unused chests and farming equipment. The dusty floor was dappled with slivers of light streaking through the gaps between the wall. She guided him to a chest in the corner, urging him to sit there, then she took a clean handkerchief from her skirt pocket and gently pressed the folded linen to his wound.

"Hold it there until I come back."

She turned around and hurried to the door, stopping abruptly at the door and turned toward him.

"Sit still, try not to make any move unless it's really necessary. It will help slow the bleeding."

She rushed to the house. In several moments she had some water boiled in a kettle, in the meanwhile, she searched for some suturing kit in her bedroom. She was glad Polly wasn't at home at the moment. She put everything she needed in a basket and washed her hands until she was certain they were perfectly clean. Then she used a clean, worn-out cloth to help holding the kettle.

When she returned to the hut, he was sitting still obediently, waiting for her. The rickety door was blown by a gust of wind as she went through. It swayed as if going to slam shut, but it stopped several inches away from the doorframe, leaving it slightly open. She placed the hot water and the basket carefully on a chest near them. Putting out a bottle of whiskey and a glass from the basket, she poured the whiskey to the glass.

"Here," She offered the glass to him.

"Hope it can help a little with the pain."

He took the glass from her, studying the pale liquid for a while before bringing it to his mouth. Watching his reaction to the second-rate liquor, she muttered a little bit apologetically.

"It's not the kind of drink you're accustomed to, but it's all I've got."

Downing more of the spirits, he stared at her.

"Do you drink?"

She shook her head, glancing at the bottle anxiously.

"No, it's Polly's. She's going to kill me for this. It took her a lot of savings to buy it."

"I'll give her a very good compensation."

He finished his drink and set the empty glass aside. She felt a wave of nervousness as he focused on her afterward, waiting for her to handle him. Her color rose when she finally managed to tell him.

"You need to take off your shirt."

He reached to his necktie carefully but soon it was plain to see that even the slightest movement of his right hand affected the muscles in his right shoulder.

"Wait, you'd better not move your right hand. Here, let me help."

She helped him out of his waistcoat, putting the fabric carefully aside. Heat crept over her cheeks when she fumbled with his necktie, loosening the silken knot around his throat. This was such an intimate gesture, to undress a man in seclusion. She kept her gaze averted, intensely aware that he was watching her in such a close range. Her fingers slightly trembled when she undid the buttons in his collar. She felt him catching his breath when her fingernails grazed his skin beneath the fabric. Giving herself a mental shake, she tried to convince herself that she didn't need to feel inhibited. She was just helping him remove his clothes, like a nurse. A nurse might even need to strip naked a male patient on occasion.

After the last button undone, she fumbled to pull his shirt out of his trousers. Tugging at the hem of the fabric, she lifted the shirt over his head. She wondered how he could sit still with a self-contained ease, completely unaffected by the disconcerting situation while she was growing nervous with each second passing.

The view of his naked torso was not helping. She swallowed unconsciously, it took all her might to restrain herself from roaming her gaze over the tempting sight. Just as she ever imagined, he had a fine male form. There was no excessive bulk in his body, every part of it was long and slender, from his trunk to his fingers. And he was smooth, she noticed, there was no hair along his chest. An undesirable thought entered her mind, wondering how the sleek skin would feel against her palm. Consumed with self-disgust, she gave herself another mental shake. She reminded herself, the wound required an immediate care. She must stop thinking nonsense and proceed with the procedure.

She placed the blood-stained handkerchief below the wound to catch the drips, before trickling the whiskey to disinfect the injured area. The liquid ran down the cut, rinsing the smear of blood over there. A sharp pain stung and he gave a slight grimace.

"Sorry. This might hurt a bit."

She glanced at him worriedly.

"But don't worry, you're in good hands. I'm very skilled at this."

She took the needle and dipped most of the length into the boiling hot water. With the sterilized needle in her hand, she turned toward him.


"Go on."

Then the sharp point of the needle was on his skin, a second later, it sank into his muscles. The moment it made its way through his flesh, he grabbed the wrist of her free hand reflexively, his fingers digging deep into her bones.

"I'm sorry."

She looked up at him immediately. Eyes closed and brows drawn taut in great pain, a thin layer of sweat started to coat his face. He inhaled deeply. She waited until his grip loosened.


"All right." She put the needle on him again. "I'll tell you when I put it in, take a deep, long breath."


She prickled the needle into him again and his grip tightened, but the breathing trick seemed quite helpful. His reaction to the pain was not as strong as the initial response. However, after some time, his face and body got slick with sweat. She was sweating as well, her skin grew warm and damp beneath her dress, a small drop rolled down her forehead.

"Do you want to drink again?"

She offered as she dabbed a drip of blood. He answered with a shake of head.

"Shall I stop? Do you want to take a break for a minute or so?"

He looked away with a crease of pain, his lips dry and pale.

"Just get it done, and make it quick."

She continued stitching with slightly shaking hand, fully aware that he was getting restless with each jab. Sweat ran in rivulets down his throat.

Forcing himself to sit still, Ashton fought an irresistible impulse to kneel onto the ground, wringing away from the unforgiving pain.

"This is the last one."

She affirmed in relief, sensing that he was losing the last vestiges of resistance. The needle worked its way through his flesh for one final time and he sucked in a quick breath.


She snatched the scissors quickly, snipping the thread and tied it off. Then she wiped the last drip of blood rolling down his skin. He shut his eyes closed and breathed deeply, gulping for some air. He looked so terribly in pain, she was overcome with a need to soothe him.

"It's all right now."

She grabbed the cloth to wipe his face, but the fabric was already soaking with blood. She tossed the cloth aside and without a second thought, she ran her fingers along his face, rubbing away a film of liquid below his eyes. He opened his eyes to the gentle touch. The moment his blue eyes captured hers, something in his eyes stole her breath.

She pulled her hand away abruptly and turned around, pretending to busy herself with the suturing kit. For some reasons, her heart beating rapidly and her hands trembling as she delved in the basket for the bandage. She forced herself to focus on the next thing to do. She still had to bind the wound.

Taking a deep breath quietly, she grabbed the bandage briskly and spun on her heels, then she stepped closer without looking at him. She put the bandage on top of his shoulder, rolling it to wrap the strip around. She felt his breath fanning her damp skin as he unexpectedly bent closer to her. She startled and glanced at him immediately.

The next second, his mouth was upon hers.

He could feel her body tense in shock and resistance. For a fleeting instant, he thought she would start back in revulsion, but a second later, her hand slid to his uninjured shoulder and her fingers curled against his flesh. The strip made no sound as it dropped to the ground.

His powerful thrust forced her head to tip back. With a gentle insistence, he urged her to part her lips. Holding the back of her neck with one hand, he kissed her with desperation that both startling and frightening. He never felt a stronger need, an irresistible urge to have something then and there, as if he was going to die and her lips were the only remedy.

He kissed her out of the blue, it knocked the wind out of her. When his lips met hers, however, she could not for a moment tear herself apart. It was hot and sweet, strong and delicate, and fierce and tender at the same time, it was more than all she had ever known. It was like being caught by a spell, she was robbed of her breath and her good senses as well. All thoughts were gone as if washed by a fierce rain. Only when his lips slid away from hers, she could feel the ground beneath her feet again. Her lashes stirred and she met his rapturous blue eyes.

"Dear God,"

She muttered in shock, catching her breath.

"Why did you..."

She couldn't bring herself to finish, watching in a daze as his eyes dug into her, his gaze held hers to the exclusion of all else.

"Ever since the night I met you in the wilds, you've had a hold on me."

Unexpectedly he laid bare his soul.

"I've tried, but I can't get you out of my head."


She took a step back in perplexed shock. Even though she knew that he was strongly infatuated with her, nothing of the knowledge prepared her for this unexpected moment.

"This is not right..."

Turning around, she made a dart for the door, which was slightly open. Her shaking hand reached the rusty knob. She shrieked when his hand suddenly shoved the door from behind her, slamming it shut. The heat from his body came over her, trapping her between him and the door. The sound of his breathing and his scent surrounding her.

She felt a warm breeze in the back of her ear as he dragged the length of her hair to one side of her shoulder. He bent down and pressed a kiss on the delicate curve of her neck. The tenderness of his kiss stunned her. She was reduced to a standstill, shuddering slightly when the tip of his nose ran along her neck. A little sound escaped her throat as she closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side.

"No, please."

Her trembling voice was coming in gasps. She turned around to deny the tormenting pleasure. The teasing ceased, only to be replaced by another. His mouth found hers once again, chasing away the last modicum of her senses. The world behind that door passed out of memory and existence, and she let it go. The sight obscured and the sound faded, and nothing else mattered but this sweet sensation and the wild racing in her heart.

"Stop it..."

Struggling to collect her wits, she whispered against his lips.

"Oh, please stop."

"How could I?"

He breathed the word into her mouth.

"You're not letting me go."

It took a long while for her to seize it, but finally she realized that she was clutching his head, her fingers buried in the silky strands of his hair. She pulled her hands away sharply and turned her face away, breaking the kiss. Finally he withdrew from her. Breathing hard, they stared at each other, his hand fell away from her arm. He was still bracing another hand against the door. Breathless and tingling all over, she dared to look him in the eyes.

"What do you want from me?"

"All of you."

His bluntness surprised her, and she couldn't help her heart leaping in wild delight. But she had to keep her head.

"You know I can't give it to you."

"I know you want it as much as I do."

"No, I don't!"

She retorted, exasperated by his overconfidence. To her dismay, he looked irritatingly certain of himself as he countered.

"Your response implied otherwise."

"That's unfair!"

She gasped, fumbling for words.

"You took me by surprise!"


Staring at him rounded eye, a hot flush crossed her cheeks. She wished she could sink into the ground and disappear from sight. How could she be so fool to let a momentary lapse cost her an eternal shame? She looked back at him with a mixture of rage and embarrassment.

"Maybe I lost my head for a moment but it doesn't mean that I'm willing to be your whore."

He looked dazed by her unexpected remarks.

"It's not what I think."

"So what do you think you can get from me?"

He frowned at her scornful question.

"I'm not going to take advantage of you. I want you not only for the use of your body."

She gaped at his choice of words, that was rather vulgar in her opinion, and she could say nothing in response. What he said next took her breath away.

"God knows I never planned it in the first place, but I've come to fall head over heels in love with you."

Stunned, she blurted instantly.

"You must have lost your senses!"

"So I supposed, and you're the one to blame."

His confession caught her completely off guard, she couldn't think of a word to answer. An indistinct sound beyond the door snapped her out of her stupor. The screeching female sound got near, followed by a hasty footsteps.

"It's Polly."

She muttered, moving away from the door, and he stepped back. A moment later, the door swayed open abruptly and Polly appeared in the doorway.

"Where have you been~"

Polly's voice trailed off at once and her eyes darted wildly from her to him by turns. Her mouth dropped open as though she was seeing a ghost. Out of the corner of her eye, Ava noticed that he looked completely unconcerned.


Polly hissed in dreadful shock.

Ava approached her in a rush.

"Before you get any idea, I tell you, I can explain this."

She pushed Polly out of the hut, putting her hands around her shocked friend and turning her around. Glancing over her shoulder, she said to him,

"Wait for me, I'll be just a moment."

In a quick, thorough and miraculously coherent explanation, she managed to describe the unexpected plight caused by the misunderstanding of the duke's fiancée. Polly didn't interrupt her a moment throughout the explanation, but when she finished, Polly stared at her with narrowed eyes and scowled,

"How long has it been going on?"

"A week or so, I'm not sure but~"

"I'm not talking about that."

Polly cut her off impatiently.

"How long have you been with him?"

"I'm not... Good Lord! What gave you the idea?"

Polly sent her an accusing glare.

"I should have read the signs since the night he saved you. I knew something wrong was happening but I couldn't guess it."

Assessing her change of expression, Polly asked.

"You've been meeting him secretly, haven't you?"

She sputtered, choking out a quick answer.

"Yes, but... but nothing happened~"

"You think I believe that?"

"I swear to God!"

She exclaimed, and then lowered her gaze and swallowed, muttering quietly,

"We just kissed..."

"My God! How could you be so demented?!!!"

Polly shouted, and Ava nearly flinched, losing all her nerve to look at her.

"I don't know, I just... I got lost in the moment, and..."

She paused, but then said,

"He said he's in love with me."

"Good Lord!!! How could you be so foolish? It's only a polite excuse to get into your skirt!"

Polly started to walk back and forth anxiously.

"I can't believe it. If you're going to allow this, you should have accepted Magnus in the first place."

"Magnus refused to give the only thing that I want, Polly. He will never marry me."

"And you think he will? Do you forget that he is getting married with his princess bride in a fortnight?"

Polly sneered, but her scornful expression softened instantly when she saw the painful look in her eyes.

"Look, both of them can never give you what you want the most. But at least Magnus loves you, I know he does. He might not be able to make you his wife by law, but he will respect and take care of you no less than a real wife."

When Ava said nothing in response, she continued,

"As for this one, I have no doubt that he only wants a moment's pleasure with you."

That comment gave her a sudden stab of pain. She took a hurtful lungs of breath, wishing that emotion didn't find a way into her face. Polly regarded her warily, then asked,

"Have you given yourself to him?"

Ava reacted instantly as if she was just stung by a bee.

"No! I told you we just kissed."

"Good. Next time never let him take advantage of you again."

A moment of awkward silence dragged on several seconds. After some time, without quite looking at Polly, she murmured uneasily,

"I still have to return to him to bind his wound,"

She hesitated,

"Or, will you do it for me?"

"Jesus, no!!!"

Polly spurned abruptly, her mouth twisted into a grimace.

"All right, then. I must return to him now. I've made him wait too long."

She turned away from her friend. Polly bored her gaze into her back, grumbled in annoyance.

"I can't believe you could be besotted with that cocky blueblood. He might be handsome like the devil~"

She darted a glance at Polly, not expecting she would ever hear her friend say something positive about him. Raising her brow, Polly cocked her head and rolled her eyes.

"Actually he is... I'll only allow him that~ but he is a conceited ass."

As she searched for a new clean strip in her bedroom, she thought everything over. The impulsive kisses, the sudden and unexpected confession. Although she knew he was seriously obsessed with her, she never thought that he would ever confess his feelings to her.

Love, is it what he truly feels for her?

He knew nearly nothing about her, and she knew little about him. Polly was right. He might not be in love with her. He was possibly just physically obsessed with her. A fleeting attraction, which would soon fade once he got her. When the novelty was gone, he would probably get tired of her. And when he no longer wanted her, he would find a reason to get rid of her.

Walking back to the hut, she felt an inexorable tide of shame. All this time, although she was nothing, but she had her dignity, a sense of pride in herself, that she was worthy of honor and respect. Which she feared she could no longer hold on to, now that Lady Selene Wyndham's accusation proved justified. She could no longer claim herself pure and guiltless. Everything had changed in the span of a kiss.

She entered the hut and found him waiting, half-sitting on the oak chest just like when she took care of him before. Approaching him with a new strip of bandage, she muttered,

"I've told her everything she needed to know."

"How did she take that?"

"Terribly shocked, I suppose."

She stepped in between his knees and put the strip on the top of the injured shoulder. She leaned toward him, slipping her hand beneath the other arm to wrap across his back. Her face was only a breath away from his. He inclined his head to her, and she jerked her head backward sharply, escaping from his touch.

"Don't even think about it."

She glanced at him warily.

"Polly may come at any time."

"We'll know when she gets near, she is noisier than a band of horses."

"No! That's not the reason. We can't do it again."

She said as if talking to herself rather than to him.

"That was a terrible mistake."

He looked thoroughly amused in spite of her rejection.

"Blast it, I really want to kiss you right now."

He bent forward only an inch, making her pull away in a sudden jerk. She pushed his chest immediately, holding him back.

"If you try to do it again, I will fetch Polly and let her take care of you."

"Like hell."

He muttered with a touch of annoyance, and she had to stifle a helpless smile.

"Then keep still. Now will you let me finish this without distraction?"

He obeyed without another word, and she focused on her task. However, the dragging silence unnerved her no less. Becoming nervous, she moistened her lips, and regretted it instantly, knowing that he was watching her. She shouldn't draw his attention back there. Feeling his relentless stare on her, she kept her gaze focusing on the strip when spoke to him.

"Should I remind you that you're getting married in matter of days?"

"Not anymore."

Stunned, she glanced at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going to marry her. Not after what she's done to you."

His eyes flickered with a sudden flash of hatred and his voice turned chilling.

"Actually all I want to do right now is to kill her."

"No! This is not all her fault. Something has misled her~"

"It doesn't really matter. I'm not going to marry her, I've just realized I can't continue in this fashion."

Quite taken aback, her hands fell away from the strip, leaving it untied.

"You can't make such decision on impulse. You're going to regret it later."

"The only thing I'll ever regret is marrying a woman I cannot love and end up abandoning her."

"You can't afford to abandon your duty."

"I can't afford to live a lie either."

"Oh, dear,"

She let out a bewildered sigh.

"I'm so confused right now..."

"You don't need to."

She jerked her head slightly away when his hand lifted to her face, but he just gently tucked a little wisp of hair behind her ear.

"Tell me, what do you want? What do you feel for me?"

Her eyes dropped in a mixture of confusion and doubt.

"It doesn't matter... In the end, it doesn't matter..."

She lifted her gaze into his, catching her breath.

"Because no matter what we feel and what we want, it wouldn't take us anywhere."

She turned away after saying that, and continued pensively.

"You have responsibilities and you'll never stray from the path that was meant for you."

"I believe anything is possible."

Came his unexpected reply.

She turned back to him again.

"Please don't do this. It's not going to end well between us."

He made no answer at that plea, only regarding her in silence for some time before finally said,

"We'll save this discussion for later, now go and pack your belongings, we're leaving soon."


"I have a private property in a neighboring town three days ride away from here. Nobody knows I own that place. You're going with me there."


She rebuffed instantly.

"I told you I don't want to be your whore."

"I told you I'm not asking you to."

"Then why do you want to take me to your secret place?"

"You can't stay here. The man may come back at any time. I can't leave you alone unprotected and I have no one I can trust to guard you here. There I have a few men whose absolute loyalties are to me."

She fell silent, considering the idea for a moment.

"But, what will people think if I stay in your place?"

"Nobody will have a clue. There are only a few servants in that house. They don't know you, you're a total stranger to them. What do you care whatever they think?"

The servants would think she was just another whore that their master was banging at the moment. However, she was a stranger to them as well as they were strangers to her. She could use fake name, playing a character that never truly existed. She would never cross path with those people again after she left. But still, she had some doubts and fears... As if he could read her mind, he spoke in a reassuring tone.

"You can rest assured that I will not impose my will on you. I will not take liberties with you."

She shook her head.

"No, I cannot stay in your place. There must be another way..."

"There's no other way. It's the only way I can see to your safety."

To tell the truth, at the moment she was afraid that he was cornering her into a situation from which she could not escape. Coming with him to his place was like entering a lion's den. Under his protection, she might be safe from the rest of the world, but who was going to save her from him?

"I can just leave this town on my own, that's what your fiancée asked of me. I don't have to leave with you."

She suggested, and he responded with an irritated frown.

"You're saying that you want to travel on the street on your own? For Christsakes, a man has just tried to kill you and now he is somewhere out there, waiting for another chance to attack. Don't you understand you're in great danger?"

"But I don't think it's a good idea. Think about it, if we both suddenly disappear at the same time, people will know instantly, or at least suspect, that we're leaving together. Can you imagine what would they think of us? It would bring shame on both of us, on your family~"

He put in suddenly, ignoring her objection.

"None of those matters more than life. You'll leave with me even if I have to drag you along the way."

Shocked by his threatening remark, for a moment she couldn't find a word to reply. It was another evidence that he would go to any length to get what he wanted, and he had no scruples about bending his will on her. He had just confessed his love for her yet now he was putting the screws on her. She looked up at him, muttering in protest.

"You can't force me to come with you against my will, and... you just promised that you won't impose your will on me."

"I will if I have to. You leave me no choice."

He replied with an icy voice.

Stunned, she stared at him as words failed her. This was crazy. He was crazy. She couldn't let him get her under his thumb. But at this point, no rejection or argument could stop him from taking her away. She must find another way, she had no strength or power to deny him.

"All right. I will come with you, but there's one thing I need to ask of you."

Her voice slightly trembled when she finally opened her mouth.

"Please give me one more night to stay. We can leave tomorrow in the morning."

"Why? It doesn't make any difference if we leave today or tomorrow."

He shot a glance at her and she felt her breath caught in fear.

"I want you to think about it."

Miraculously she found a quick answer for the question.

"In doing this, you certainly have more to lose than I. I want you to give yourself time to consider it. If you haven't changed your mind tomorrow, I'll leave with you."

He contemplated her with an inscrutable expression.

"I just want you to be sure about it. I don't want you to regret it years from now."

She added when he didn't say anything. Holding her breath, she waited for his answer in silence. Her heart pounded as she prayed that he would say yes. This must work, this was her only chance.

"All right."

He finally said, and she nearly expelled a breath in relief.

"I won't change my mind, but I'm doing it just because you asked me to. But you're not going to stay here tonight. Go pack your things and tell your maid to get a hackney. You'll stay at Waterside Inn tonight. It's the finest and safest hostelry in this town."

Pausing for a while to think about it, he resumed shortly.

"Bring everything you need. I'll pick you up tomorrow at nine o' clock in the morning. We'll depart from the inn right after."

"All right."

She wet her lower lip unconsciously, swallowing nervously before speaking.

"Just one more thing, I need to ask for your word..."

She broke off, drawing in a deep breath.

"What happened between us, can we keep it a secret?"

When he only regarded her without a word, she entreated him again more desperately.

"Promise me nobody will know about it, no matter what."

He stared at her speculatively for a short while and she could only wish her request wouldn't rouse any suspicion.

"Of course."

"Can I trust you?"

She asked again, somehow she was in need of an affirmation.

"You have my word."

"Thank you."

She could only wish that he would keep his promise.

"There's one thing,"

He said with an obvious note of austerity in his voice.

"Don't get any ideas of running. There's nowhere on this earth that I cannot find you."

Her heart missed a beat, and she managed to conceal fear behind the mask of indignation.

"It seems like the assassin is not the only thing that I have to fear."

He looked slightly taken aback by her response.

"You know I won't hurt you."

"You don't need to scare me into giving in to your will. You know I have no other place to turn."

She turned around and started to put things into the basket. Lying and pretending were never easy for her, particularly to a person she was fearful of. A cold tremor ran through her body and she stiffened her back in an effort to prevent her body from trembling.

Watching her rigid back, he felt an inconvenient guilt sweep over him. He knew that he wasn't good with people. All his life, he had only too many people to command, to give order, people who comply willingly to anything he required. It had been ages since he had someone to care for.

After everything was stuffed inside the basket, she took it and walked toward the door.


She made a wince of pain as he grabbed her hand. Pulling her closer, he turned her wrist upward and found some bruises there. Seemingly he had clasped her hand so hard when she was stitching him up, it left her with purple marks.

"This must hurt."

She felt his finger sweep over her bruised skin with light, gentle pressure, bringing about a faint, little pain that strangely felt good. She almost closed her eyes and took a shuddering breath.

"Don't give it a second thought. It's just that I bruise very easily."

His gaze remained fixed on the bruises as he stroked across the purple marks.

"I should have been more gentle with you."

"You're in pain, I know you didn't mean to hurt me."

He lifted his gaze on hers and released her hand carefully. When she looked at him again, his expression had astonishingly softened.

"I didn't mean to scare you either."

When his finger slid away, her body mourned the loss of the slight, fleeting touch, craving for more.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like being pushed around, but you're in possible danger and I just can't let you place yourself at risk."

"I know."

She felt her heart swell helplessly and a tender feeling stirred inside her.

"I'd better get prepared now."

She faltered, feeling her legs feeble and clumsy as she moved away. If he only knew, he didn't need force to subdue her. When he was kind and tender like this, he could make her turn docile like a stray dog let a gentle stranger feed and pet her. She shook her head unconsciously. She shouldn't let her heart rule her head. Good senses must prevail, no matter what.


An hour later, they were arrived at Waterside Inn. He helped her mounting from the hackney and held her by the arm along the way, as though to keep her from running. She and Polly wore a cloak and a big shawl around their neck, covering almost all of their faces and hair. They cast down their eyes and tugged the hem of the shawl until it covered their mouth while heading to the concierge. From the way the concierge got on his feet quickly and approached him, Ava knew instantly that the staff recognized him. It was difficult to stay unnoticed with his unusual hair color. She was certain that his ripped, blood-stained waistcoat didn't escape the staff's notice, however the man wisely kept his gaze averted from the sight of the duke's disheveled appearance, and greeted him properly.

Ava heard him muttering about bumping into some burglars on his journey and she could hear a little, although he said it in a low voice, he stated in an unmistakable tone to the staff to keep his visit confidential. She'd better not try to guess what the staff thought about her. She was certain everyone in this town knew the duke was to marry Lady Selene Wyndham in matter of days, yet now he was bringing two women with him to a hostel, and made a peremptory request to keep it confidential.

After getting the key, he led the way upstairs to their room. She darted a look around the small corridor as they reached the door. Seconds later, she heard the sound of the key scraping in the lock, and the door opened with a soft click.

The smell of clean linen sheet mingled with a subtle scent of lavender welcomed them as they stepped into the room. The room was clean and bright, with neutral tone of ivory and beige dominated the wall. He headed to the window, parting the curtains to have a look at the cobbled street below. She guessed that he was surveying the surroundings. His gaze swept over the room, up to the ceilings, and he went to the bathroom, stopping at the door to take a sly look inside. Watching him observe the room, she recognized that he was thorough, he was detailed, she suspected nothing could escape his eagle eye.

She swallowed and clenched her fist in nervousness. This plan must work. She prayed she could make it.

Suddenly he darted a quick glance at her, and she turned away instantly. Polly was dragging one of their valises to the corner, and she pretended to help. She heard him crossing the room. Sneaking a glance, she saw him at the door, turning the key in the lock to make sure it worked well. After he was done with his observation, he moved toward her and passed the key.

"Lock the door as soon as I leave."

He threw a glance across the room once again as if to make sure everything was perfectly well.

"Keep the door locked and the window closed at all times. This bedchamber has inner bathroom so you've got everything you need in here. You'll be safe as long as you stay behind this door."

"All right."

She murmured compliantly. His gaze swept over her from head to toe, and back to her face again, as though examining her. She held her breath, surely he couldn't read her mind...

"I'll order your meal to be delivered here immediately. Don't go near the window, or if you really need to, keep the curtains closed."

He opened the door and stepped out of the room, and turned toward her once again before he left.

"Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow at nine o' clock sharp. Stay safe."

As soon as the door closed, she took a long, deep breath. Polly was busy unpacking the suitcase in the corner, completely unaware of her changing expression. She moved toward the window and peeked through a slit in the curtains.

Several moments later, she saw him leaving, walking down the street below. She waited until his back disappeared in the end of the street, then she rushed to her valise. Polly was gone to the bathroom, so she had a little time to change clothes without disruption. Opening the small trunk, she dug into the bottom and pulled out a fancy gown in emerald green. The dress was one of Lady Byrne's gift. She kept it for special occasion and seemingly, it was the perfect time to wear it. Although the purpose was far from romantic. She needed it to disguise. She took a box from the bottom of the trunk and opened it. Producing a fashionable hat with a fishnet veil from the box, she put in on the bed and started to disrobe.

"Jeez, what are you doing?"

Polly came out of the bathroom when she was almost done. She was looking at her reflection in the mirror, arranging the veil over her face.

"I'll tell you later, Polly. I must hurry, I'm afraid I'm running out of time."

"You want to go? But where??? It's dangerous out there!"

Polly watched her in horror.

"Nobody will recognize me in this dress, and I cover my face and hair with this."

She fixed her hat.

"Trust me, Polly. You stay here until I come back. I'll explain to you later."

She opened the door just when a servant was about to knock.

"Excuse me, Madam. I'm bringing your meal~"

"Just come in."

She edged past the servant quickly.

"You may have it first!"

She exclaimed to Polly and rushed along the corridor. Downstairs, she ordered the concierge to fetch her a hackney coach immediately. For a moment, she worried if the duke had ordered the staff not to allow her to leave, but the man showed no sign of suspicion or disapproval. He took her order and sent a servant to get the hackney. Not so long after, the servant returned to her with the hackney. Murmuring gratitude, she walked toward the waiting carriage and stepped into it. Once she was safely inside, she rested her back against the plump seat, breathing in relief. The vehicle moved forward with a slight jolt and seconds later she was on her way, to seize a fate of her own choice, not a fate she was accursed to bear.


Just as he reached the end of the street, he turned and got back to where he left her. He planned to watch over her secretly. He knew she opposed the idea of leaving with him, and she felt like being forced into his will. He compromised with her and went along with her request because he wanted to resolve their dispute. But he wouldn't allow her any opportunity to escape.

He took another route, coming back from a small alley between a tavern and a shop on the other side of the street. He sneaked his way up to an alehouse right in the opposite of the inn. He entered the place and sat by the window. A servant came hastily and he ordered a glass of ale. Peering through the filthy glass of the window, he kept one eye on the front of the opposite building. A male servant came out of the inn, hurrying along the path. The man disappeared in the distance.

After several minutes, a hackney coach came with the servant sitting next to the coachman. The young man alighted from the carriage and scurried into the inn. Moments later, a woman with an exquisite dress appeared at the inn gate. The woman wore an emerald green dress and a small, black hat with a fishnet veil fell over her face. No one would ever expect that she was the same woman who had just checked in a few minutes ago in her somber cloak and shabby shawl, but he knew without the slightest doubt that it was her. Even with the veil quite concealing her face. He knew the way she moved.

Where does she mean to go? Wearing all those fancy things. Is she trying to run away from him? But it doesn't seem like she is leaving for good. She doesn't bring anything but a small reticule. She doesn't bring her valise. Moreover, the maid isn't going with her.

Watching her step into the carriage, he grew restless in curiosity. He could just catch her, but he decided he wanted to know what she was up to. Leaving the untouched ale with some coins in the table, he moved fast toward the door. Fortunately a farmer with a fine colt came across him before her carriage disappeared in the end of the street. The farmer took advantage of his situation and he had to pay a fortune for the horse, but he didn't care. All that mattered now was that he must not lose track of her. Whatever she planned to do, he was going to find out.


Gazing out the window of the carriage, Ava tried to stem the uneasiness welling in her stomach. This was the best option, she convinced herself. This was the most reasonable choice, the most sensible thing to do. This was her only chance to escape from the imminent danger, and from the inescapable fate that never stopped chasing her.

As the carriage brought her closer to the destination, her heart began to pound in a frantic beat. The once so familiar road appeared, and each and every memory of the past flashing through her mind, like it just happened yesterday. Those were such happy times, the moments she remembered so well. Suddenly she felt like she was going to cry.

The vehicle slowed gradually as it reached a narrow path, and eventually came to a halt. The door opened with a loud sound, and she watched in growing restlessness as the coachman settled the steps for her. She mounted from the carriage, pulling down the edge of her fishnet veil and scurrying down the path. A sudden thought crossed her mind at the moment. What if he wasn't there?

A not so distant clash and clang echoed in the air as though answering her question and before long, a small cottage came into sight, along with two men fighting with swords in the front yard. Bursting with relief and emotion, she stopped and cried out his name.


The two men stopped at once and turned toward her. Her heart nearly stopped at the very sight of him. God, it's been a long time. She felt her chest squeeze in tightening ache.

He didn't change much. He looked just like the last time she left him in the barn. He looked so ruggedly handsome, and suddenly it felt like they just laughed and kissed and walked together not so long ago.


A sob escaped her voice as tears constricted her throat. Heat sprang to her eyes and spilled over her face. She removed her hat and tossed it to the ground.


He whispered her name and flung his sword, running to her.

And she flew to his familiar embrace.

The captain grinned and turned around, walking away to allow them some privacy.

Magnus caught her in his powerful arms, and she wrapped her arms around him. Pressing her head against his chest, she could feel the thundering of his heart. His strong muscles squeezed her tender bones until it was almost painful, his body was wet and slick with sweat, his shirt damp against her skin, but she didn't care, for finally she was back in his arms again.

"Ava? Is it you?"

She heard him whispering through her hair. She tilted her head toward him, her sight blurred by tears, and she couldn't bring herself to speak, knowing that whatever she said would come out a series of sobs. He stroked her hair gently. His voice filled with sheer disbelief when he asked.

"Is it really you?"

He cupped her face in his large hand, strong emotion turned his voice into a painful rasp.

"God, how I miss you!"

He captured her mouth in a hot, wet kiss. She closed her eyes. It had been too long she forgot how it felt to kiss him. She felt his hot, wet lips on hers, strong and demanding. His rough stubble grazing the corner of her mouth and tickling her chin. She felt his insistent tongue swirl inside her mouth powerfully.

But she didn't feel what she felt when the other man was kissing her some time ago. The glowing sensation, the butterfly feeling, the magic that made the world revolve and disappear, and nothing mattered more than the breathtaking moment.

She clutched his lapel and pulled him closer, pressing her mouth to him harder, trying to take more of him. Trying to find the passion once they shared together in the old days. He groaned and kissed her deeper, his mouth devouring her like a starving man. But she still couldn't find it.

Several yards away, Ashton watched the heartfelt scene from behind a sheltering trees. At the sight of her in the arms of his cousin, his heartbeat slowed to a heavy, painful throb. Looking at her tear-stained face, the yearning in her eyes, he felt an unexpected sting of shame. Right from the start, she was his cousin's woman. He had wanted a woman belonged to another, moreover, belonged to a man he should consider a brother. He had never thought about that before, because he never expected, never meant things to go this far. But after what happened in the empty hut, everything had changed now. He had overstepped the border. And to make it worse, he was the one who separated them. It would be terribly unfair to steal her from him. Rooting on the spot, he went very still, staring blankly at the pair.

When Magnus finally broke the kiss, Ava was shaken, not by passion but by shock of the startling discovery. Looking up into his honey brown eyes, she wondered, would she ever kiss him again without thinking of his cousin instead? Would she ever close her eyes without the pair of blue eyes flashing through her mind? All in a sudden, she was seized by a dreadful guilt. She had been unfaithful to him, even though it was just a temporary lapse, but what happened in the hut couldn't be undone. She would feel less guilty if it was another man, but she had sinned with the most forbidden man. She had betrayed him in the worst way possible.

"You can't imagine how bad I miss you, love. Never a day passed without thinking of you."

Magnus' voice brought her back to the present. He knuckled her damp cheek lightly, trailing the trace of tears over her face.

"Then why did you never come? Why did you never send words to me?"

She demanded, and he fell silent, looking uncertain for several moments before replying,

"I can't put your life at risk, my dear. You have no idea how cruel my cousin can be. He would carry out his threat without mercy, and I cannot risk to lose you..."

She caught her breath at the mention of his cousin. She turned away her face as to avoid meeting his eyes.


She swallowed hard.

"Listen to me. I'm in a serious trouble. I need you to take me away from here as soon as possible."

She took a trembling breath to suppress a twinge of guilt. She had cheated on him, and now she was going to deceive him.

"My father has located me. This very moment, he is on his way to this town. Once he finds me, there will be no chance for us to be together..."

She had no choice. She couldn't tell him the real reason, she couldn't let him know the truth. The truth that any wrongdoing accused to her was correct. Before today she wouldn't care to admit it, even to herself. But now she couldn't deny it, that even though nothing ever happened between her and the duke before today, but indeed it was the beginning of a love affair. What happened this afternoon was a sheer evidence.

Struggling to keep her true feelings from showing, she continued,

"I'm planning to move to another town, that's why I come to you now. I'm running out of time. I must leave now but I don't want to lose you."

She paused and looked him in the eyes.

"Tell me, Magnus, do you still love me?"

"You know I do, even when we're not together. I never stop."

"Then come away with me tonight. I've been waiting for you all along, but this time I cannot wait. Now I need you more than ever."


His hands fell away and he stepped back as to make a space between them.

"It's a serious thing. I know how you're feeling right now..."

He hesitated for a while, but then resumed,

"But I can't just leave and desert everything like I have no responsibility, and I have my parents~"


She cut him off.

"To my knowledge, you never show any concern or interest in your responsibility, and I don't ask you to desert your parents. I know they will be furious for some time, but eventually they will forgive us. I'm certain about that. You won't be deprived of your birthright for long. You are their only son."

Magnus shook his head.

"It's easy for you to say because you don't know my father. He wouldn't hesitate to kill me if I dared to return from elopement."

"For Heaven's sake, he will not kill you!"

She snapped, looking at him in exasperation. She couldn't believe after all this time, he still came up with that excuse.

"Magnus, I'm not going to wait much longer. If you don't come with me tonight, you'll never see me again."

He looked quite taken aback by the ultimatum, and she felt an unexpected guilt, but she steeled herself.

Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed and replied in defeated tone.

"All right, we will go to my place. We should have done this long time ago..."

"I will follow you wherever you go, but promise me,"

She took his hand and held it tight.

"Marry me first, we cannot leave together and stay unmarried. People will think we already sin even if we don't."

He swallowed hard in the face of the one word he feared the most. The only thing that was stronger than his love for her, the fear of being cornered into marriage. He couldn't marry her, no matter how much he loved her.

"Marry? My love, we cannot decide something as important as marriage in just one night. We need time to consider everything~"

"One night?"

She exclaimed in disbelief.

"Magnus, I've been waiting for you forever. You said you love me and you can't let me go. Didn't you mean it in the least?"

He held her arms, trying to reassure her.

"I never said anything I didn't mean. I love you, I swear by the sun above, I will die for you."

She shrugged him off impatiently.

"You don't need to die for me. I'm asking you to marry me, so we can live our life together."

She ceased to talk and stared intently at him.

"I asked you once and you turned your back on me."

He averted his gaze again, combing his hair with his fingers again as he turned silent, obviously frustated. Ava watched him in equal frustation.

"Please don't let me down again this time. Because this is the last time I ask you to. I won't beg for you to come with me again."

"All right, all right... I'll come with you, but..."

He finally said, pausing as if he was struggling for words.

"Give me time to prepare, I cannot just disappear, my family will be worried, my mother will be falling ill~"

"Until midnight."

She interrupted, refusing to hear more excuses.


"I'll see you by midnight. I stay in Waterside Inn. Come to pick me up tonight. We must leave before the dawn break. I'm certain my father is going to arrive in the morning..."

She hesitated but then she decided to say it since he looked like he needed some encouragement.

"If you don't make it tonight, I will go without you and you'll never see me again."

He looked stupefied, and she beheld his gaze, urging for an answer.

"All right."

He finally replied, though she sensed his reluctance.

"I'll be waiting for you. See you soon."

She stood on tiptoes to brush her lips against his. He was still, however, too dumbfounded to return her kiss. She turned around and walked away, stopping to take her small hat and brush the dust off. She put it on again, arranging the veil to cover her face. The coachman set out the steps for her, and she climbed into the carriage.

As the carriage rolled away, she twisted in her seat to have a look at him, but her mind strayed helplessly to another man. The image of the haunting blue eyes recalled to her that very moment, and she consumed by guilt that she had deceived him this way. But apart from their mutual attraction, she knew nearly nothing about him and she couldn't entrust her life and future to him just yet. Staring idly at the whirling scenery outside the window, she convinced herself that she had done the right thing.


A few hours later in the evening, Ashton tipped his head back, peering up the white, classical facade of Waterside Inn. He felt like a miserable fool, standing on the edge of the street for almost half an hour only to see the light in her window. He caught a movement beneath the white sheer curtains. The slender figure ceased to move, and the next second, the window pushed open. Her face appeared in the window frame.


She called, peering down at him. She darted a look around, then her gaze drifted back to him.

"What are you doing out there at this hour?"

"Just checking around."

He replied shortly, looking up at her.

She looked hesitated, but then she asked again, making a gesture with her hand.

"Do you want to go upstairs?"

"No, I'm just about to leave."

He looked away, staring idly at the empty street.


She said unexpectedly and disappeared from the window.

Ava put on a big shawl around her neck and wore a somber cloak over her dress.

"What are you doing?"

Polly stared at her in confusion from a chair in the corner.

"I'll go downstairs and see him."

Polly frowned.

"What for? Aren't we going to escape from him in a couple of hours?"

"I know."

She swallowed with an uneasy feeling.

"I just want to see him for the last time."

One last look before she left it all behind.


She heard Polly calling again when her hand was on the doorknob.

"Could it be possible that he suspects that we're planning to flee?

"No, I don't think so."

Rushing downstairs, she reached the gate in less than two minutes. Her heart skipped a beat when their gazes met. She halted a few steps away from him. Her eyes roamed over him lightly, she noticed that he had changed his clothes.

"How long have you been here?"

She folded her arms in the cold, night breeze, resting one hand on the layers of of wool above her chest.

"Several minutes, I guess. Just making sure there's no suspicious person around and you're safe inside."

"I'm perfectly safe. This hostelry is very secure indeed. No random people can have easy access inside and a lot of servants and guards seem to be present everywhere."

She tipped her head back to glance up at the three stories high building, and drifted her gaze back to him.

"Thank you for all you've done for me."

"Don't mention it."

It took no time for her to notice that he looked different. When she came to him, he remained still, not trying to get close to her, as if he wanted to keep some proper distance from her. And there was a distant look in his eyes, even though he was looking at her. He was irritatingly courteous and polite after their intimate encounter.

Her eyes shifted to his injured shoulder and lingered there, before coming back to his face.

"Your shoulder, does it still hurt?"

"A little, but it's nothing."

"I haven't told you, you should keep it dry for the first forty-eight hours. Afterward, you can wash it with cool water and soap, but don't wash or rub the stitches directly, just dab it with a clean towel to dry it. Just dab, remember, don't rub it~"

She ceased to speak as she realized, she would suggest that she wouldn't be there tomorrow to take care of him. She observed his expression to see if there was a hint of suspicion, but strangely he only regarded her as if he already understood.

"I know. I'll take care of it."

A long silence dragged on several moments, and a thought occurred to her. Perhaps he already changed his mind. Perhaps he finally considered what happened in the hut as a mistake, a momentary lapse, a madness. Perhaps he had come to decide that he couldn't leave with her, and now he was mortified to tell her. Ridiculously, her heart sank in disappointment.

"Have you met your fiancée?"

She broke in, suddenly consumed by curiosity.

"Not yet."

"Look, I'm perfectly fine if you change your mind about leaving with me~"


He cut her off.

"I've made up my mind. I'm not going to marry her no matter what."

She prayed that he wouldn't make any drastic measures before tomorrow. Before he knew that she was leaving him for good. Before he knew that she couldn't give him anything in return. Swallowing hard, she asked,

"So you still want to do this?"

"Sure. I haven't changed my mind. Have you?"

"No, of course not."

She almost faltered at the unexpected question. He hadn't changed his mind. He still wanted her. As much as she felt guilty about it, she couldn't deny she felt a tide of relief. She was glad he wasn't leaving her. Ironically she was the one who was leaving him, in a couple of hours...

God above! She almost forgot that Magnus would be coming here in a couple of hours. She needed to make sure he already left before Magnus arrived, or there would be a terrible mess.

"It's been a long day, you must be exhausted. You need to get some sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us."

She felt a pang of shame as she said that lies. All her life, she rarely lied, even about small things, yet now, she was deceiving two men in her own behalf.

"You're right. I'd better leave now."

He threw his gaze into the distance.

"All right. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night."

She wheeled around quickly to hide her face, suddenly bursting with an inexplicable emotion. Why did she feel this way? This was what she wanted, to escape from him and to escape from a fate she always feared. Why did it suddenly hurt to know that this was the last time she would ever see him? Tears welled in the corner of her eyes, threatening to roll down her face.

"Take care."

She halted in midstride at the strange reply.


She asked dully. It was strange, but really, he behaved as though he already knew it was their last meeting. Although she knew it was impossible.

"You take care."

She rushed into the inn as the last piece of her resistance crumbled and she couldn't hold back any longer. Tears streaming down her face and she wiped her cheeks roughly as she hurried upstairs, feeling broken as though it was her who was being forsaken instead of him.
