

Leon lived an agonizing life, being an orphan who learned to survive and fend for himself by living life as a game. His main goal? Do Not Lose He died unexpectedly in a way that some would consider valiant, and others absolutely retarded. After thousands of years in the afterlife, Leon receives an opportunity to help a Demi-god in a grand plan to stop a prophesied war that would engulf and destroy all walks of life from occurring far in the future. Reluctantly, he ultimately decides to go along with the plan, but under his own conditions. “Leon, you need to promise me that you will keep your identity hidden.” “Nahh… no way. If I'm going to be reincarnated into a world of fantasy, I will make it all mine!” --------- Until I'm contracted I don't plan on having powerstones exchanged for extra chapters. For this book I plan to go all out and make it a brilliant story with much emotion and absolute action as well, with no exceptions of adventures world building, great fight scenes and imagery. For most weeks my posting schedule will be 5 chapters or more/week.

WriterTheos · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Brilliance Of Dream

Utter silence filled the air. 10 hours had passed since the beginning of the trial.

By this point, several birds, squirrels, and other critters had rested atop the bodies of the two men, not making a peep themselves.

It was intense, but not a single lid dared to move even a millimeter.

"A staring contest is not just a test of pain endurance, but one that challenges how far you are willing to go to get what you want. How much pain can you take? How much boredom? Stress? Hunger? Thirst? How much do you want to win? How powerful is your intent?!"

The booming voice shouted from the heavens once more, upsetting none of the creatures present. The voice inside their heads appeared to be audible just to Alexander and Leon.

"No… you're wrong, whoever you are." Alexander suddenly spoke on hearing the voice.

"This is not a test between whose will is greater, but a test to see whose dream is grander! My dream, given to me by Zeus himself, is to become the greatest conqueror of all."

Clearly, this was an invitation to Leon. Alexander wanted to know of Leon's dream, and just how big it was.

"You're right, this is a trial to determine which dream is grander. My dream…"

What was a dream again? Leon knew his purpose, his goal, but as of yet, he had not come up with a dream.

Just thinking about it threatened to give him a headache, especially after keeping his eyes open for so long.

"My dream… is infinite. I have no end point, only a purpose for life, and that purpose is to win!" Leon valiantly spoke.

"Those who I cherished fallen, those of my blood, my kin, fallen! Budding prospects, to wise ancients, all have perished in my conquest. My promise to those soul's are what fuel me." Suddenly, a new rage seemed to envelop Alexander's eyes.

"I WILL NOT LOSE." He roared, his eyes as wide as two planets stretched across his face.

The hairs on Leon's body stood up tall. He gritted his teeth, knowing that his victory would lead to the downfall of those who put their trust in the legendary man who stood in front of him.

"This trial has been far more frightening than I could have ever imagined, but I have already made a promise to win." He spoke with an unwavering voice.

His body was dripping with a level of confidence never before witnessed. At this moment, Alexander's posture had weakened and his demeanor had become less valiant.

Leon knew that it wasn't going to be long before he would pass this trail.

Although the pain he felt at that moment was indescribably excruciating, the pain was never something that bothered him.

It only made him stronger. Leon thrived in pain, in an effort to better himself.

"Alexander, can I ask you to do me a selfish favor?" He said in a calm voice.

The great man looked back at Leon with a defeated look on his face. Was this boy really going to ask to win now? Obviously, he would never take that offer.

"If you're going to ask for me to give up, don't bothe-" Alexander was cut off.

"Please, do not let those lives who died for your conquest end in vain. Allow me to inherit your dream, Alexander. I will bear it on my shoulders, along with the lives of everyone who perished. There will come a day when I achieve that dream and give peace to not just those who died for its cause, but also to you."

At that moment, a bright feeling that Alexander hadn't felt since he was still living entered his body.


It felt as though his tough demeanor melted right then and there. The weight on his shoulders, the promises he held onto for thousands of years that felt like mountains disappeared.

He continued to look into Leon's eyes without blinking.

'His eyes… they are pure.' He thought to himself.

"Why would you… do such a thing? To take on that responsibility, it will crush you down to your knees."

"Why? Well, that's obvious, is it not? I have no other choice." Leon smiled wholeheartedly while grinning through his teeth.

This promise meant everything to Alexander, while Leon simply thought of it as the only choice he had.

At this moment, Alexander the Great realized the difference between himself and the great man standing in front of him.

In the next few seconds, a pair of eyelids slowly closed.

The brilliance of dream is not undestood by many. By the end of this novel, I hope to showcase that, along with many other brilliances.

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