

Leon lived an agonizing life, being an orphan who learned to survive and fend for himself by living life as a game. His main goal? Do Not Lose He died unexpectedly in a way that some would consider valiant, and others absolutely retarded. After thousands of years in the afterlife, Leon receives an opportunity to help a Demi-god in a grand plan to stop a prophesied war that would engulf and destroy all walks of life from occurring far in the future. Reluctantly, he ultimately decides to go along with the plan, but under his own conditions. “Leon, you need to promise me that you will keep your identity hidden.” “Nahh… no way. If I'm going to be reincarnated into a world of fantasy, I will make it all mine!” --------- Until I'm contracted I don't plan on having powerstones exchanged for extra chapters. For this book I plan to go all out and make it a brilliant story with much emotion and absolute action as well, with no exceptions of adventures world building, great fight scenes and imagery. For most weeks my posting schedule will be 5 chapters or more/week.

WriterTheos · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Primordial Abilities

Eagerness sparked in Lirien's eyes as a grin once again formed on his face. "I knew you wouldn't let me down!" He said with a joyous expression.

Leon did not reply to this. Clearly, his mood was messed up after having to conform to the Demi-god's demands. Noticing this, Lirien didn't waste any more time and continued with his plan. With a swipe of the hand, a violet orb suddenly appeared in his palms.

The orb was the size of an apple, radiating a mist of red energy as it fluctuated.

"This is the demon child's soul."

With the orb in one hand, Lirien swiped his other hand in the air, turning Leon's body into a ball of energy as well, that quickly flew up and into his empty hand. The color of Leon's soul was a brilliant light blue. Finally, Lirien raised both of his hands into the air and closed his eyes before beginning to chant an unrecognizable mantra of sorts.

"Mahou hec to re kau ma na taou-"

After a total of 20 seconds, the two souls lifted from his hands and floated up a few feet before closing the distance with each other. Before long, the two orbs were encircling each other at increasing speeds, spewing their energy everywhere before finally colliding with each other and causing a small explosion of colorful mist.

After the mist cleared, it gave way to a single orb that now existed in the place of the two. Immediately, the orb that was a deep purple color transformed back into Leon's body, but this time, he had a completely different aura than before.

For Leon, it felt as though he had gone unconscious for a short period. Opening his eyes, he noticed that something in his mind felt different, but he just couldn't tell what.

"How does Leon feel? You are now half demon."

Hearing this took Leon back slightly. He hadn't really thought about it like that before, that he was actually going to be a demon. However, he quickly brushed off any thoughts about that. So what if he was a demon? Even if he was a slime, he would still win in the game of life.

"I feel the exact same as before. Now, is it time to reincarnate me yet?" He said with an impatient tone.

"Ha! Far from it. You still don't know anything about the world you are going to, or what you will even be doing. First things first, when going into this world, I need you to be as hidden and undisturbing as possible. If the elder gods catch on to our little plan, they will have you executed at once. Leon, you need to promise me that you will keep your identity hidden." Lirien's tone changed from joking to very serious by the end of his statement.

Leon paused for a moment before replying nonchalantly. "Nahh… no way. You want me to go into that world and be a nobody, just because of some geezer Demi-gods? What's the worst they could do to me? Kill me? Then I'll be right back here."

"That's not how it wor-" Lirien wanted to give a rebuttal, but Leon did not allow him to butt in out of nowhere and continued.

"Screw that! If I'm going to be reincarnated into a world of fantasy, I will make it all mine!" Leon crossed his arms and affirmed his stance.

Hearing this sent a shiver down Lirien's spine. 'Just what kind of delusional idiot have I run into!? Although… I guess my plans aren't the least bit delusional than his.' He thought to himself.

After this, Lirien explained a bit more about the world. How politics worked between kingdoms, how caste systems worked, religions, cultures, morals, and traditions. He made sure to go in depth and not leave any important information on the table.

"Now, although this all may be true, sending you into Zaryn without anything but your own body and mind would truly be delusional thinking. To help you on your journey, I will grant you one of my primordial powers that you can choose from a plethora of powers. Make sure to choose wisely, as the one that fits you best will be the deciding factor in whether you succeed in this mission." Lirien stated.

Although Leon believed that he would succeed even without any help from the Demi-god, he wasn't going to complain when receiving his help. Since he was already sort of invested in this plan, he saw that Lirien's intentions weren't bad, so there was no point in fully going against him, even if he was a petty moron.

With another swipe of the wrist from Lirien, 6 panels appeared in front of Leon's eyes, each screen containing a title stating the skill's name and a small description of it. Out of the 6, 3 were golden.

[Transcending Vigor: As you continue to defeat enemies, grow stronger, and master different abilities, your strength, vitality, agility, health, and durability will increase exponentially.]

'So an infinitely rising stat boost, huh?' Leon thought after reading the first one.

[Space Manipulation: Ability to enter a personal void that defies the law of time according to its mastery. As this ability is mastered further, the difference in time between reality and void will increase. The void also grows as proficiency increases.]

'Wow... what a useful ability. This would mean a place where I can go if in need of protection from danger, more time to think something out, or even just to train and store things.'

[Wukong's Eyes (Weakened Form): The ability to gain knowledge of one's weaknesses, strengths, and the ability to look forward slightly into time according to skills mastery to predict the next movements of the skills subject.]

'This one isn't bad either. Although it says weakened form, it would potentially allow me to win all 1v1 fights.'

Out of the final 3, 2 of them were made of diamond.

[Innate Collection: Ability to collect a skill from something which you have killed. Can collect multiple abilities when proficiency is sufficient.]

'What!? Isn't this skill a bit too overpowered? It is almost on another level than the past three. This skill alone would allow me to gain indefinite power that increased by multiple folds over time.'

[Time Manipulation: Ability to stop time at will. The duration of the time stop will depend on the proficiency in the skill, and beings will still be conscious when under the effect of the skill.]

Just like the other diamond ability, this one wasn't failing to impress as well. From the looks of it, picking out a skill was going to be extremely difficult for Leon.

Finally, his eyes came across the final skill, which was made of gray stone but burned in an eternal red flame that Leon could feel even though it was meters away from him. Just gazing at the panel was enough to strike fear into his heart.

"That ability is not mine. It is the original ability of the demon child whose soul has bonded to yours. With his soul, his ability was also taken. You do not have to choose it, but can if you wish. The choice is yours." Lirien made sure to say.


[Contrivance Of Tartarus: Ability to create new things from previously mastered things. This description applies to skills, beings, and magic elements. New skills can be created by merging two skills that have already been mastered. When your proficiency in this ability is sufficient, you will have the ability to create new beings, and eventually new forms of elements.]

On reading this, Leon's eyes slowly widened, as a smile formed on his face...

"Oh and also, just so you know, not all of these skills will be granted to you just by choosing them. As you see, they are ranked. The reason for this is that each of these skills has trials one must conquer to control them. Of course, the golden abilities have the easiest trails, and the hellish ability has the harde-" Lirien was cut off by an overly excited Leon who hadn't listened to a single word he said.

"I choose this one!" He said with a grin on his face, staring directly at the Contrivance Of Tartarus ability.

Trails? Who gives 2 shits about those?

WriterTheoscreators' thoughts