
-DISCONTINUED- [ENG] No Past and No Future

Rheannon Whitley, the only demon controller in the Rexton Kingdom escapes from prison. The culprit is the Outcast Prince, Axelle Rexton, who has been seen living quietly apart from society. Everyone began to wonder; what's the matter? The normally peaceful kingdom was in turmoil. The King couldn't just punish Rheannon and Axelle for the sake of the kingdom. So a noble was sacrificed. Hadrian Melchoir, a border guard marquess, is asked to marry Rheannon. "You'll find out later what I mean and when," the King said to Hadrian on his wedding day. The wedding ensued, Hadrian and Rheannon both agreed to be worthy partners for each other. But for the sake of the King's absolute command and Axelle's ascension to the throne, their marriage will not be able to go on that easily. “Well, who is faster here, Marquess Hadrian? My mouth or your sword swing?"

Sekarayu_52 · History
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63 Chs

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"Oh, look! There's a squirrel!" Axelle pointed to one of the tree branches. "Can you see it?"

Rheannon didn't answer, but her sparkling eyes of amazement explained it all. Axelle made him smile.

"Want to come closer?" offered Axelle.

Upon receiving a nod from Rheannon, Axelle immediately pushed her wheelchair closer to the tree.

Rheannon has been in his care for a week. Axelle, who doesn't have much work, decides to take care of her himself, of course with the help of a few maids who are not busy. So far, though insignificant, Rheannon's condition is improving. At least the color on her face is back.

"Next month is summer. There is a summer white flower in the garden behind my room. If we have the opportunity, we can see it together later," said Axelle.

This time Rheannon gave no response. Instead she looked deeply into Axelle's blue eyes.

And as if understanding what she meant, Axelle said, "There was a flax flower in the main garden's Palace back then. The garden was built for me." Axelle ended it with an awkward laugh.

Rheannon's weak grip then Axelle considers her way of comforting.

Axelle had already begun to make plans—even if only in his mind—for Rheannon.

This woman has nothing left. There was indeed Duke Colton, but after all they were a family with different names. In addition, there is no guarantee that the Colton family will take care of Rheannon.

Especially the Palace. Axelle was sure that His Majesty King Rexton V would rather kill Rheannon all at once when he had the opportunity.

So let Axelle just take care of her.

He realized that saving prisoners like Rheannon meant he had to be ready to take on new responsibilities. Axelle doesn't mind having to take care of Rheannon. When the time comes, he will let Rheannon choose her path: whether to go out or stay in Axelle's little castle.

The important thing now, Axelle must be able to make Rheannon back "alive".

[I am alright]. That's how Rheannon looked at Axelle at the moment.

"Even just by looking at you I know that you are not okay," Axelle said as he pushed Rheannon's wheelchair toward a cooler place. "Lady Rheannon doesn't need to force herself to feel good."

[Prince Axelle is a good person] That's roughly what Rheannon's weak grip meant.

What is a good person like?

Is saving Rheannon a virtue? Yet at the same time, Axelle freed a prisoner who was said to be a sinner and caused trouble for the people of his castle.

Is it a good thing to just keep quiet and obey what the Palace says? Meanwhile those who are still loyal to the late King Rexton IV expect justice to be served.

Is avoiding bloodshed a virtue? Though Axelle knew that some people out there expected a move from her.

What is a good person like?

Axelle felt the hem of his sleeve being pulled by Rheannon. The woman asked for attention and looked at him in the most sincere way Axelle could ever get.

"I'm fine," Axelle said to Rheannon.

Suddenly two maids appeared in a hurry. One of them immediately took over Rheannaon's wheelchair.

"Your Highness! His Grace is visiting the Palace!"

Hearing that, Axelle immediately paled.


Marquess Hadrian Melchoir, a young nobleman who takes the place of his father and brother after his family was killed in a coup nearly ten years ago. People called him a "young hero" because it was Hadrian who then burned the land of Whitley. Hadrian and his knights were also the ones who killed the uncontrollable demons after the demon controller family became extinct.

With a back story like that, it's no exaggeration if people respect him so much. However, you could say, at that time Hadrian was working alone without the guidance of his father or brother. What a great achievement a young marquess could achieve.

Even though he is said to be young, in fact Marquess Hadrian is now 35 years old, Axelle thought.

35 years, without a potential lover let alone a wife. After all that chaos, now Hadrian is facing the claws of his family who are after his position.

Not that Hadrian is free from romance rumors. There were several nobles who offered their daughters to the Marquess. But reportedly, Hadrian liked Crown Princess Luciell, the only daughter of the King.

Axelle himself is skeptical about this for many reasons…

"Lady Rheannon is in her room right now," Elias appeared and gave a report. "A knight and a servant accompanied her there."

"Thank you, Elias," Axelle said. "I hope Marquess Hadrian doesn't visit here."

For many reasons. The two main reasons are (1) Hadrian was the one who killed Rheannon's parents and (2) Rheannon's whereabouts in Axelle's small castle are and will continue to be kept secret.

"Why did Marquess Hadrian come all the way to the Palace, huh?" asked Axelle.

"Of course because it's Princess Luciell's birthday soon, Your Highness," answered Elias. "His Grace likes her, doesn't he?"

It's going to be a while even though it's still about two weeks away. "Ah, yes. Poor man..." Axelle muttered subconsciously.

"Excuse me?"

"Ah, I mean," said Axelle hastily, "as far as I can see, Princess Luciell likes Lord Chas Colton. Hmm, but I could be wrong. I mean, Princess Luciell also pays more attention to Marquess Hadrian."

"Princess Luciell does pay a lot of attention to the noblemen out there, Your Highness."

Axelle laughed awkwardly at Elias' inappropriate words.

Until noon, Axelle had received no news of Hadrian's visit to the Palace. Evening came, and still no news.

Until late at night, the cat who had been trained as a secret messenger meowed softly towards Axelle.

"Sen!" Axelle exclaimed.

The message that Sen brought was very brief.

[Marquess Hadrian is on his way to the castle.]

"I'm not in the mood to have guests," groaned Axelle.

"Me too. But the Prince must not say that," said Elias. "Come on, Your Highness. You must start giving instructions to the others."

Sure enough, Hadrian arrived at Axelle's small castle shortly after. He brought a pack of meat, which meant the castle chef had to cook and Axelle and Hadrian had to have dinner together.

Axelle had absolutely no agenda or wanted to have dinner with Hadrian.

"I saw a large, new-looking painting in the foyer earlier," Hadrian finally said after minutes of awkward silence during their dinner. "Did Your Highness paint it?"

"Ah, yes. I painted it," said Axelle. "The painting of Sir Blaine, the former owner of this castle. Since the original is obsolete, I intend to renew it."

"It is a beautiful painting."

"Thank you. I only paint by looking at the original painting."

"I didn't think you would display portraits of other people in your castle. Yet Your Highness can display paintings of the late Kings and Queens."

"A painting like that I keep to myself. It is in a special room," Axelle said calmly. "I have pretty good refining abilities, so the items I make with all my heart tend to hold sacred powers. This includes paintings of the late Kings and Queens."

"You mean, Your Highness' painting turned into a sacred object or a talisman?"

"Not to the point that it can be used as a talisman, but at least it can spread a positive aura around the castle and especially my art room."

"Is the Your Highness' art room nearby? Because since entering this castle I feel… calmer," said Hadrian slowly.

Axelle didn't answer, nor did Hadrian seem to be waiting for an answer from him.

Silently, Axelle stole glances at Hadrian.

The last time they met, about a year or two ago, there was a strange aura surrounding Hadrian. Now the aura seemed to be getting thicker—not a good sign.

Axelle thought, a person as great as Hadrian, who was able to eliminate uncontrollable demons, would be able to get rid of the dark aura by himself over time. But apparently, Hadrian was slowly being devoured by that aura.

Or did Hadrian not feel and not see?

"If Your Grace pleases, I can give holy power to the thing Your Grace wants," Axelle offered as soon as they finished their dinner. "But it has to be something of value, something that you take great care of."

It took Hadrian a few seconds to then untie the red ribbon in his hair. Hadrian's long black hair immediately fell beautifully because of it.

Hadrian passed his red ribbon to Axelle without a word.

"Is this a relic?" asked Axelle.

"Yes. Belongs to my late mother," answered Hadrian slowly.

Axelle closed his eyes, said a prayer for the late Lady Melchoir, asked for peace of mind and safety for Hadrian, and begged God to bless the red ribbon.

"The effect will only last for a week, after which the effect will fade slowly," explained Axelle as she returned Hadrian's red ribbon. "Furthermore, if Your Grace wants to request another consecrated object, you can come to the nearest temple and ask the priest there."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Hadrian said sincerely. He glanced at his red ribbon. "I think I'm only here to ask for dinner and a talisman."

"I don't mind at all."

"Actually I came here to see how Your Highness is doing. Since returning from the temple academy, Your Highness has hardly been seen in any social circles."

"Oh, yes." Axelle cleared his throat. "I'm busy with my own activities. Lately I'm learning to carve too."

"This week the Your Highness has not been seen wandering the Palace."


"Has the Your Highness found what you've been looking for so long that he chose to stay in your castle to protect what you've found?"