
List...✎(changes made near the end)


The Truth Untold - BTS

¹:⁰³ ──♡─────³:³⁰

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: ̗̀➛ Chapter 5

3rd Person POV

Peter makes it to the hospital, his hoodie tied around his torso, the white shirt he wore under now a blackish red. Peter noticed that every few times she vomits, the blood comes out black.

Anastasia passed out a few minutes ago after asking God if this was because she decided to get Pepsi even though she knew Natasha liked Cola. All Peter could think about while he walked was how peculiar she was. She seemed to have a good sense of humour and she was a sweet person but showed hostility toward him at first.

"Why did you do that!?" She hissed with a hushed voice, blood spilling down her chin. Her face twisting into a look of pain with every word she spoke.

Peter ignores his thoughts and sprints into the hospital, calling for help which causes the girl's eyes to flutter open.

"Peter, " she mutters with a strained voice.

He looks at her as he runs to the front desk, "if they ask for a number give them... Give them this." she intakes a sharp breath and pulls out a small notepad with phone numbers on the first page from her pocket.

"O-ok I'll make sure to get it to them," Peter assured as they took her away and Peter told them what happened. The nurses and doctors sit him down and start writing down every important detail.

"I needed some fresh air so I went on a walk and I saw three- no two- wait yah it was three guys cornering her trying to mug her and one guy made her fall and hit her head and that's why she has the scrape on her face, and it's bruising, it looked really bad. you guys... You have to make sure she's oka-"

"Kid, we wanna do that but you gotta tell us what happened to her alright?" A male nurse gives a kind smile that contrasts with his stern voice and encourages Peter to continue.

"So after she fell," Peter stayed on the topic this time, "he kicked her in the stomach really hard and then stepped on her leg. I-I heard..." Peter takes a deep breath in, "I heard it... and then she started throwing up blood and it was black and I took her here."

"I'm guessing you don't know her?" The nurse asks as he looks at the nurse beside him writing down the important details.

Peter shook his head, "well she might have tears in her blood vessels due to the trauma of the kick and that could cause internal bleeding," Peter listens closely, "I know this is a long shot, but did she happen to tell you, anyone, we could call."

"Actually, "Peters's face lights up at the one good thing that has happened all night, "she gave me this." he handed the nurse the notepad with the phone numbers on it.

As the nurse took the notepad, three more nurses run towards them calling the girl who had been writing down everything Peter said.

"Alana, Dr.Smith wants you to scrub in!" the nurse runs to the surgeon, "but you have to run, the girl began seizing and she's losing a lot of blood."

The one who Peter assumes is Alana gives a firm nod and runs to help with the surgery. He sits down and chooses to wait until Anastasias guardian or the person that would be at the other end of the phone when one of the numbers given is called arrives.

So there, Peter sits waiting for the surgery to be done, 3 hours later. No one has arrived and claimed to be Anastasia's Guardian. Peter would nod off every few seconds, but instantly opens his eyes and continues to fight the urge to sleep.

Peter's leg bounces up and down, the nervousness evident from the furrowed eyebrows, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, and the way he twists the bottom of his shirt in his finger over and over again.

The same nurse and the surgeon from before are making their way to Peter, his attention now on them. He stood up quickly, eager to know how the procedure went.

"Alright, Mr. ...."


"Mr.Parker, it is safe to say that the procedure went well." Alana said, the clipboard stationary in her hand, "she does have trauma to the head, there is slight bruising, there also seems to be a few scars on her back, and a long vertical one on the right side of her stomach." She checked off a few things from the list of what Peter knew was the list of injuries, the fact that she said scars, stays present in the back of his mind.

"You said she hit her head when she fell?"

"Yeah... Yes, I did." he breathes as he tries to think properly.

"Alright, " she marks a few things on her clipboard, "You can go and see her," the doctor gestures to the hallway that had multiple rooms, "but she's under heavy sedation and will most likely not know what she's saying or you know what they say in those funny videos, "sound drunk"."

Peter nodded and walked beside the doctor down the hall, his heart beating faster with every step and every door he walks past.

The doctor stopped in front of a closed door. Peter takes a deep breath of familiar hospital air, his hand reaching for the doorknob. His skin grazing the cold metal as he presses down and opens the door only to be faced with the first person he couldn't properly protect in his 2 months of being Spiderman.

"Hey, Peter Parker, "Anastasia's voice, as broken as her leg, ending the silence that was eating the boy alive.

Peter's eyes scanned Anastasia's wrapped leg, stomach and head. She winces in discomfort as her lips stop forming words. Her bruised and scraped complexion making the strange sick feeling in his stomach even worse.

"Oh my God." he breathes, disgusted by himself, the wave of disappointment drowning him.

"I'm going to leave, " the doctor turned to exit, "I will inform you if anyone picks up the phone, we have attempted to call the numbers given to us, but no one is answering." the doctor leaves in a hurry as a code blue alert sounds.

"Sounds about right." Anastasia sighs her eyes roaming around the room, landing on Peter, "you just gonna stand there Spiderboy, friendly neighbourhood hoodie thief?"

Peter slowly walks to the chair and takes a seat.

"I'm sorry." Peter looks Anastasia in the eyes, the sincerity, more than she had ever received in her entire life, enough to suffocate her.

"It's not your fault." she confided, turning away, her watery eyes glued to the ceiling, unable to hold on to the hatred she had felt before seeing the face behind the spiderman mask.

It was a person, a kid, just like her.

It wasn't his fault. Not even the reason she hated him was his fault. She couldn't hate him for being born, it wasn't something he could control. She could hate him for being alive, but she refused to stoop that low.

She hated it. She hated that she simply felt that he cared even the slightest bit about her even though he just met her. That he cared about her more than her own dad.

It's been 3 hours and her dad still isn't here.

"It is..." he shook his head lightly, "if I hadn't fallen asleep this never would have happened."

Anastasia listens intently, her mind still foggy, and her words slowly getting more affected by the sedation.

"Well I mean, " she giggled, "usually it isn't preferred to sleep on a job, but it isn't your fault."

Peter taken by surprise looks at her in confusion.

"If you really think about it it's is Steves fault."

"Sorry icant English at the momunt.. mOmEmt."

She finally looks away from the wall and at the confused Peter Parker.

"Yah... the doctor said it would be an effect of the sedation." Peter, unsure of what to say, just sat with her.

During the few hours that pass by, the two had a few conversations, none that revealed Anastasia's name. They watched Tom and Jerry on the Tv that hung from the ceiling. They took some naps, and the doctors and nurses came and checked up on her every half an hour.

As the next episode of the cartoon plays on the small Tv Anastasias empty stomach growls, she continues to watch, ignoring the hunger she's feeling. Other than the fact that she probably isn't even allowed to eat, she doesn't want to cause anymore trouble, this is all because she decided to sneak out. She doesn't want to ask for food because she feels, that would be too much. She doesn't want to be more of a burden that she already thinks she is.

She must be hungry, she was just leaving the convenience store.

Peter thinks to himself as he stands up and moves towards the door turning his head to face her about to ask a question.

Anastasia on the other hand assumes that he's going to leave. She doesn't want him to leave though, she doesn't want to be alone and Peter's company is quite nice. But asking him to stay wouldn't be fair and she knows it. 

Her heart begins pound in her chest, it feels almost like a brick being thrown against a wall. she inhales deeply through her nose, the painkillers prove that they work as the injury in her stomach remains numb.

Her right hand moving slowly to her left wrist, eyes still glued to the screen, she pinches the blue skin, the fact that she doesn't feel anything making her pinch harder. She wants to feel something, something other than loneliness, something other than the fear that anyone that enters her life will leave, whether it be for a day, a week, a year, forever.

"Hey, do you want anything to drink or eat?" Peter asks worriedly, noticing her blue wrists, and hearing each and every heartbeat race to beat faster than the one before, but choosing that it's not his place to ask about something this serious, at least not yet.

His first idea is to calm her down, and get her some food. He quickly remembers that he should ask the doctor if she's allowed to eat, "actually... wait a sec I'll be back."

"You will?" She looks at him wide-eyed.

"Of course," Peter assures with a smile and leaves the room to look for the doctor.



I'm sorry this took so long, I've got school work and stuff T_T

But thank you for reading and thanks for 90 reads!

♡︎I hope you liked this chapter♡︎

♥︎Stay Safe♥︎