
Disciple of Ice and fire gods

Kade is a mage who's parents where killed by the ice palace and he wants revenge. He trains using the manual of the gods of Ice and fire to become powerful enough to get his revenge on the ice palace

PPhantom · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Revenge on the Ice Priestess

Kade and his father ran into the Ice palace to look for his mother and stop her from accepting the ice stone. When they got there she had already gone up.

"Sister when you go up you cannot change your mind" said the 2nd priest but she was determined to do so to honour her master. She grabbed the ice stone and started taking the power to become a high priestess when her husband and son rushed in to stop her.

The 2nd priest ordered for them to be killed and they started fighting. Kade's father defeated all the guards, the 2nd priest decided to take things into his own hands and shot a powerful attack. The mother seeing this used the ice stone to stop the attack.

Her master got angry that she stopped the ceremony to save them so she decided to kill kade and his father. The mother seeing this told the master, " If u want to kill them u will have to kill me too".

The master didn't hesitate and turned the mother into an ice sculpture. The mother handed Kade the ice stone before she was frozen. Kade's father seeing this retreated with Kade but the soldiers were hot on their heels. The father, the apprentice of the fire house master, gave his son the fire stone and made a teleportation array.

Kade didn't want to leave his father but his father pushed him into the array. He saw his father sacrifice his live and save him. He was teleported to a forest full of poisonous miasma. He feel unconscious due to the amount of poison.

He awoke later on in a cottage where he saw an old man treating his wounds. He got up and asked the man, "What do u want from me". The man told him he found him in the woods and saved him.

The man asked Kade what happened to him but he did not want to tell the man for fear that he might alert the Ice palace, hence, he told the man he had lost his memories. The man told Kade he could stay, if he had nowhere to go. He asked Kade to call him Grandpa Zhan.