
Discarded Projects of Mine Free to Take

Discarded Fanfic projects of mine that I feel I can no longer write most of these are Fate related because I started writing these back during when I was really into Fate which I still am but it's at passive level.

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Emiya OC in AU Naruto World Draft

"Team 7 will have Naruko Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and finally Kurai Emiya. Your Guys's sensei is Kakashi Hatake" Iruka sensei announced as I leaned against the window without a single expression. Inwardly I cursed why was I stuck with those two. I am the dead last of the year and yet I am stuck with those two, the ones I hated the most, Naruko Uzumaki, second daughter of the fourth Hokage and Sasuke Uchiha the son of the Uchiha Clan Head Fugaku.

Then there was me, the boy that went through hell so that he could survive the rampage of the Nine tails. That night I lost everything my identity, my parents, and my origin. I became this broken machine that was lost and angry at the world for taking everything away from me the only thing I had left to keep me going was my promise of becoming a...hero of justice.

So, I channeled that anger into doing positive things in order to achieve my ideal like helping out other students at the academy or cooking food for the homeless when I could.

As a ninja I had no talent in hand to hand, nor was I good at genjutsu but I was the best when it came to weaponry and average when it came to ninjutsu. Hence the position of deadlast was given to me due to every other clan kid being better than me but I had one secret that made me just as good as any other clan shinobi.

The attack of the Kyuubi had reforged me into something else, a sword to be more precise for whatever reason whenever I took a look at a weapon I could instantly copy everything about it and then use it, but it didn't end there oh no the weapons I copied were stored away into my mind ready to be summoned forth and take over any space that I wished.

Funny thing was that there were already a couple of weapons in this personal world of mine a pair of twin blades, a twisted drill sword that can twist reality apart, an unbreakable seven layered shield, a crimson spear that can pierce the heart, and two blades that shined brightly but I could never touched them.

"Oi don't ignore me Kurai I am trying to talk to you dattebayo" said the voice and host of everything that ruined my life oh how I wish I could litter her body with swords but I couldn't "Sorry Naruko I was just thinking and spaced out for a moment what were you asking?" I said with a perfect fake smile.

"Well, I was saying that we should get to know each other since we are going to be part of a team" Naruko said with a bright smile while Sasuke nodded his head "Let me start I am Sasuke Uchiha and I specialize in fire style, lighting style, the Uchiha taijutsu, and Shuriken throwing my dream is to one day surpass my older brother Itachi" he said.

Naruko continued "I am Naruko Uzumaki Namikaze and I specialize in Windstyle, Frontal Assault Combat, I suck at genjutsu, and I am pretty average at everything else my dream is to take over the position of Hokage."

Nodding my head, I began my own introduction "My name is Kurai Emiya and I specialize in weapons mainly swords, I am average with ninjutsu, my genjutsu, and hand combat isn't really all that good compared to the two of you, but I have faith that I can catch up...my dream is-" I paused halfway through when I sensed someone watching us.

"Ara you guys are already getting to know each other that's good" a voice said startling us with Naruko screaming "DAMN IT KAKASHI HOW MANY TIMES HAVE WE TOLD YOU NOT TO SNEAK UP ON US!!" Kakashi replies "Ma ma Naruko-chan calm down, it was just a joke."

I take a moment to analyze him he had a lazy-like posture, typical jonin uniform, a black mask with his head band covering his right eye, and finally a short blade attached to his back. Kakashi then eye smiles "Now then why don't you all meet me at training grounds 7 so that I can test you alright" he said before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

I turned only to find that both Naruko and Sasuke had already disappeared. Typical I thought dashing out the window speeding towards the training grounds. After a couple of minutes, I made it seeing everyone look at me with expectation "You're late Emiya!" I mockingly bowed towards the Uchiha.

"Forgive me Uchiha-sama but not everyone has access to techniques that lets us instantly travel fast please allow this petulant servant to repent with a thousand kisses" I said making him flinch a bit.

Naruko chuckles at my remark before replying "Relax Kurai the bastard didn't mean anything bad by it" she said but I ignore her focusing on Kakashi "Well now that you're all here we will begin this test you only have to steal these two bells from me whoever steals them passes and the one who doesn't will be sent back to the academy you have an hour at most."

Naruto and Sasuke look at each other without bothering to look at me hmmph you two can team up all you like I can take a bell by myself just fine on my own.

Channeling chakra to my mind's eye, a jutsu I was lucky enough to acquire from the chunin library section without notice I began locating the real Kakashi. I already knew this one was just a shadow clone.

I quickly dashed over into the forests ignoring the other two I kept speeding my way through the forest until I came to the clearing where the real Kakashi stood reading his book. He paused looking at me before putting his book away "it's impressive that you managed to find the real me so quickly" I shrugged "It doesn't matter what matters is that I will be passing" I said making him chuckle "Say that once you have a bell Emiya-kun" he said with a tone of mocking.

"Don't underestimate me sensei!" A quick burst of chakra escaped from arms forming into a pair of twin white and black blades Kanshou and Bakuya. I charged at him supplying my feet with chakra to increase my speed "Ho? Now that is interesting" Kakashi said before taking out his short blade to block my incoming attack and almost immediately I knew everything about the blade from it's first wielder Sakumo Hatake to it's current one Kakashi Hatake.

It was a beautiful blade that was stained with a history of tragedy one that took the life of its first wielder and one that also took the life of its current wielder's best friend Nohora Rin I thought feeling great sympathy for my sensei.

I made a feint movement slashing Bakuya where the bells were, but this time Kakashi blocked, allowing me to spin around and slash him with Kanshou. A leak of blood came from Kakashi's right abdomen "Not bad you actually managed to catch me off guard with that suicidal sword style of yours" he complimented but I give no emotion of pride.

Things like pride and honor were just something I never felt or understood "Your compliments are meaningless to me sensei and with the amount of time we have left I'll have to quickly finish this before the others defeat your clone."

I leaped back closing my eyes in concentration I chanted "I am the bone of my sword" a burst of chakra came out enveloping me and in turn increasing my body's stats. Kakashi's lone eye widens for a brief moment as I clasp my hand together a body of swords appears next to me before it took my appearance.

"Distract him" I ordered the clone nods tracing a nameless blade to attack Kakashi. With my mind's eye I knew that both Sasuke and Naruko were already making their way here. I couldn't allow them to win, that's why I'll end this quickly.

Outstretching my hand, a long black bow appeared in my hand "Trace on" I chanted judging the concept of creation a blade that was made to defend and attack the wielder's village at any cost. Hypothesizing the basic structure, a normal nameless chakra tanto that was able to gain the name of rebellion through endless bloodshed thus increasing its chakra absorbing properties.

Imitating the skill of its making, forged by a blacksmith that wished to someday make his own legendary blade. Sympathizing with the experience of its growth, the blade was used endlessly during the second and third war used to kill many ninja yet the blade had also saved many people alike.

Reproducing the accumulated years, created at the start of the founding era as a gift to the Hatake clan but was never used until the second and third war the tanto was no longer just a gift it was now a weapon of great renown used by Konoha's White Fang.

Finally excelling every manufacturing process, the blade was forged in the secluded home of the blacksmith folded seven times and was implanted with a longevity seal that made it so that the blade was always sharp when it was drawn forth.

"What but how?!" Kakashi asked in shock for in my hand now laid the exact same tanto blade that he was using at this moment.

Without responding I altered the tanto into an arrow "Have a taste of your own blade Kakashi" I said, channeling an immense amount of lighting chakra to the point where the blade almost broke apart "WHITE FANGS REBELION!!" I shouted letting the makeshift sword arrow fly with the cry of a thousand birds.

"I win" I said emotionlessly as my clone quickly grabbed the bells from a distracted Kakashi. Of course, both Naruko and Sasuke chose this moment to finally make it but it was too late the bells were in my hand while the arrow had released a large lightning charged blast destroying everything within range.

I was exhausted that had taken every ounce of energy that I had damned crappy chakra reserves I thought "Yo-you bastard, what did you do to Kakashi-nii!!" Naruko exclaimed in rage interrupting my train of thought.

"Ma ma I am not quite dead yet, but I will admit that was quite a deadly more then what my own blade could do actually" said a voice that should have been quite possibly dead the bells in my hand disappeared with a poof.

I grit my teeth "How?!" I voiced out Kakashi appears in front of me "Had that hit me I would have been dead for sure but luckily, I was able to substitute my way out" he explained before I was knocked out.

-few minutes later-

I groaned waking up I saw myself leaning against a log while both Naruko and Sasuke were tied to the others "ah good you're all finally awake you don't need to worry about going back to the academy you three…FAIL AND WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE SHINOBI PROGRAM" Kakashi shouted with rage making all three of us flinch.

"Naruko Sasuke you both went ahead to fight me together but in the process of doing so you abandoned your comrade. Kurai you knew where the real me was but decided to not get the aid of your comrades" Kakashi continued with ferocity.

Naruko shouts in indignation "But Kakashi-" but was interrupted by Kakashi "BUT NOTHING I AM DISAPPOINTED IN ALL OF YOU…however I am willing to give you all one more chance oh and Kurai make sure that neither Sasuke or Naruko get lunch" he said disappearing in a puff of smoke.

I sighed while opening the bento and began eating the food. The sounds of gurgling could be heard in the background, making me release a sigh of annoyance and reluctance. I traced a kunai, surprising both Naruko and Sasuke.

"Look I am only doing this because I need you guys in order to pass so…" I trailed off slashing the binding that held them and tossed them the extra bentos "Keep up" I said finishing my previous sentence. Both Naruko and Sasuke look at me with surprise before nodding "Thanks for the food!!" they exclaimed digging into the bento however it was not to be for Kakashi had reappeared bringing a storm upon us literally "YOU ALL….pass" he said stopping the storm with an eye smile.

"EHHH?!" we all exclaimed in shock "the whole point of this test was to see if you do proper teamwork and now there's only one last thing I would like to impart to you all. You see that stone over there? That is the memorial stone for the many shinobi that have fallen in battle. The names of my closest friends are carved onto that stone" he said as the air turned solem with us bowing our heads in respect.

"Remember those who break the rules are scum…However those that abandoned their comrades are worse scum then ever…Team 7 missions will begin tomorrow" Kakashi said disappearing in poof. Leaving just the three of us I was about to leave when Sasuke stopped me "Hold up a second Emiya" he said making me stop "I want to apologize for leaving you behind I shouldn't have done that" he said with a tone of regret Naruko joins with a somber tone "Yeah we won't abandon you" she said.

After they said that I just kept walking ignoring what they had said I knew it was all just a lie "Oi say something" Naruko shouts after me and I stopped turning around with a glare "Just because we are on a team doesn't mean I am going to be a friendly and gushy with the likes of you at most we are just neutral allies don't forget that".


First off this was an idea I had way back in my senior year of Highschool as well.

Kurai Emiya is essentially the reincarnation of CG EMIYA who Alaya dismissed. His origin story is pretty much the exact same as Shirou in this new world except the fire was caused by the Nine Tails and he hates Naruko because of it but other than that it's still the same the Kiritsugu of this world still adopted him and told him about his dreams of wanting to be a hero of justice before he died of a disease instead of all the worlds evil.

Now the world itself is a Naruto AU where basically the Uchiha massacre never happened, Minato and Kushina are still alive, and Naruto is actually a girl in this world with a twin sister that was supposed to be the reincarnation of the Artoria from Archer's timeline but as you can see that's not going to happen any time soon due to this idea being discarded.

Any who you guys can do whatever you want with this.

my original intention was for this to be a

Sasuke x Fem Naruto

Kurai (Archer's Reincarnation) x Mito (Artoria's Reincarnation)