
DIRTY SECRET AH: my bad haters

BOOK 1 BOOK 2 SECRET's out ah *side note: No it's not just smut, it has a plot. The name has another meaning. You dirty-minded people! some scenes will be dark* *ongoing editing* Meet Wu Jie Tyna; the third-born daughter of Chaos darkness. Also known as lady darkness. During the ongoing chaos war, Tyna had experienced her first death and was later reborn in her second life, due to her failure as the 100th legion General. In that life, on Gai (sometimes Gaia), known as Earth to many, Tyna had lived the first six years of her life suffering, the latter half because she had - due to the fact of releasing her inner monster after a betray- Became something that took the life force from those who, 'died for her' in order to survive. Sadly one-night drunk, Tyna fell in the wharf and was therefore eaten by... Ah... Sharks. Third life: Wu Jie Tyna, had been transmigrated as an ah... A child. In a world newly populated by humans and other fantastical creatures, the world is harsh where if one is not powerful enough or at least has a backer strong enough death will welcome them with open arms. --- Tyna somewhat both lucky and Unlucky have heeded to the words her mother had bestowed the previous body's owner; In the world, people focus on something that to us was trivial. Of course, we live in society as those below us, but our circles? Our circles were small, we lived far above them, and treated these lowly ones nothing more than cannon fodder. Your beliefs? Who cares, Your system? Freedom? It was broken long before it was even created, all of you were nothing more to us than playthings. Haha haha, how stupid it is nothing more but an illusion for those high above us out of reach to be entertained. That was before in the greed of the top families we fell, we suffered and as if nature itself found our ways disgusting our hidden island was sunk and we had to leave our safe haven, to live among those... We had looked down upon.' 'if that is so mom, then we are different' 'of course, those from the east, said they were the motherland but we knew otherwise. Those who were our slaves are now our equal' 'we may have lost our home and have become outnumbered but it is fine, each family will marry their sons to the daughters.' 'the society is patriarch' 'it will not and have not affected the families, as long as our blood is not tainted then we shall continue to prosper in this barbaric society'. --- ongoing editing Original work no translation Please rate, comment, and vote thanks all

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Meeting Her

"Hey, little one," 

The one who doesn't know anything about personal space was directly in my face again.

Geez. I pushed him away, showing annoyance.

He looked at me as if I had done something wrong; I glared at him and spoke, not caring about his feelings at all, "Hey! Can I have a little personal space? Men and women should not be so close!" I really am confused, he was clearly close to maturing, while I had several more years to go before I matured fully.

Why is it that he had to be all in my face? Like seriously; give this small one some room!

My feelings were more important. Tch.

The fool decided to speak after a long pause, sounding all righteous. "You are a child, does it matter?!" Eh?

Say what now?

I'm a what?... So, since I am a child, I am supposed to be treated like this? 

No way I can allow this to pass like that!

I snarled in his face, itching to reach forward and body slam him, face first.

The thought was there, the effort as well, but the execution?


I want my original body back!

<Dear host, you have not fully recovered. At the moment, for two days slept, your body has only recovered 40% strength>

Well, I guess staying docile is the way to go before I am crushed, sold, or tossed away like garbage.

As if my attempt to beat the much bigger male did not happen, another asked from the side, "Where are your relatives?" I was so depressed I just treated his words like air. "You do not have a wrist band so you are not registered, that means you are-" Another tried to speak but I recovered in time to shut him up. "Can we not talk about this... My mother will be collecting me soon." I sounded both convincing, mostly for myself, and depressed, you know – because of my recent failed attempt and appearing in this world and whatnot. "Your mother?" 

I felt annoyed. Are all males stupid on this planet, or just the young ones?

Did I even have to interact with these stupid young males?

My brain would suffer! I bet I would even suffer from internal injuries as well, ah!

I pinched the area between my eyes, closing them so that I could attempt to relax the oncoming frustration headache.

<*Administering calming scent* Dear host, if you suffer from internal injuries will most likely die. Please stay calm.>

Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm... Ah, I can't stay calm.

If I get too upset, I'd die... But I had just been reborn.

Why would I die like that?!

No answer.

"Little one…"

I bit my lip to stay calm; I needed to stay calm.

My heart sped up, and my vision wavered.



I felt my body shutting down. I wanted to shout in anger at how pathetically weak this body was, but I felt too tired suddenly.

<Success. 6 Host will rest for suns>


~ Krystal ~

<Host, your body has only a few years left if you take...>

"There is no need, I know what I am. If I took that step, what would become of me?" 

<Host, the spawn has died and been reborn.>

"This would have happened eventually; the universe would not allow a body like that to deteriorate and become nothing." 

<Will we retrieve the spawn?>

"Are you aware of what type of soul that is occupying the body?" 

Krystal bit her lip, a bit torn. Her daughter's soul was gone, but the connection was still there. what did that mean?

Connections are usually to the souls of the newborn, but her daughter had not survived.

Is it because of what the body meant to the universe?

<I am unaware. It is listed under 'unique' and the system that has to awaken not linked me.>

"Oh, let us head out to pick up the spawn, then. I am free today, anyway." 

Slipping on a coat and a mask on her pale face, Krystal examined the storage by pulling up a screen on her wristband, checking to see if the two-seater sleek hover vehicle was within. Krystal then stepped into the space directly in front of her daughter who presently was unconscious.

"What is wrong with her?" Krystal asked, uncaring that the two adolescent males moved as if to protect her tiny spawn.

"Who are you and how did you get past the security?" 

"I am the mother; since I'm connected to my daughter, nothing can stop me from retrieving her!" 

"Why is it that you are so different from her and we can't see your face?" 

<Host, please stay calm, we can not affect the spawn. From my scans it shows that her life force has dropped to 15%>

Krystal felt her heart skip a beat at that information.

"Wasn't she supposed to be close to 45%? What happened?"

Reaching for the nearest adolescent male, Krystal dragged him towards her and bared lengthening fangs. Even though they were pathetic compared to a full blood, she was still threatening enough to these young humans.

"What did you do to my daughter? Why are her vitals below the required percentage? Her survival is teetering in the negative! Hey! Answer me!" 

Krystal snapped, the once healthy-looking male looked somewhat blue while Krystal felt the pounding on her shield from the other three presents.

<Host, the vitals of that adolescent are falling. Please release it so we can retrieve necessary information vocally>

Oh, she thought, releasing the adolescent.

Immediately he fell, sucking in deep breaths.

A mother's strength is five times stronger than normal when her spawn is young, easily riled, close to raging, and extremely doting.

These were all things she had retrieved from her kind, however, she was still dying.

No one should be aware of the existence of her spawn even if she died.

Yet, here she lay, among those who cannot protect her, calmly looking at the pale pink high collared dress she wore and the large comfortable bed; she knew they tried.

Still, they had no right to bring her here. None!

Krystal was a mere defect and her daughter was too young. What if they appeared?

What would she do?

How could she protect her little one once again?

The last time cost her the remaining life force in order to live on for thousands of years.

Vision blurring, her tears fell. Hands outstretched, she reached for her little one and left.

So here is mother.. I'll not describe her here as yet perhaps in next chapter.

SUPER_WEIRDOcreators' thoughts