
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change.

EggZy · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

[99] Premiere of the "Fate Zero" Trailer (2)

Chapter 99: Premiere of the "Fate Zero" Trailer (2)

The trailer ended, and Durin, who was eager to go back to sleep, was immediately stopped by a few curious individuals next to him, clamoring, "Show us the script, just a quick peek!"

As a director, Durin naturally wouldn't compromise his professional integrity by divulging the script. Almost at the same time he ushered the studio members away, the audience erupted into heated discussions.

"Is that it? Wait, that was too short!"

"It's called a trailer for a reason, how much longer do you want it to be?"

"Come on, it should've been at least thirty minutes! Three minutes is not enough..."

"Oh my goodness, why do we have to wait two more days for the premiere? I can't survive without 'Fate Zero'!!!"

With the trailer of "Fate Zero" screening nationwide, viewers were plunged into a state of impatience, feeling as if time was dragging endlessly. For many bored individuals, the next two days promised to be excruciatingly long. Some even regretted coming to watch the trailer tonight, realizing that without seeing it, they would have merely had mild anticipation. But after watching, it felt like torture!

However, amidst the anguish, there were some rational viewers who, fueled by the trailer and their viewing guides, began analyzing.

"Seven mages summoning seven servants for the Holy Grail War, where the victor gets to make any wish. This sounds like it's going to be quite lengthy. Is the runtime going to be off the charts this time?"

"I'm actually quite intrigued by these heroic spirits. Although the guide says they're heroes from other world histories, some of the descriptions seem oddly familiar..."

"It must be referencing something, but anyway, how are we going to survive the next two days?! I don't want to do anything except wait at the cinema door for the tickets to go on sale!!"

"This won't do, we still have to come back to grab tickets later. Let's go back and rest up properly for now..."

"Why did you bring out the blankets if you're telling me to rest?!!!"


As the excitement stirred up in various places due to the premiere of the new movie, the trailer was not only playing in the North and South but also at the main square of the Imperial Mage Academy.

As Durin mentioned before, this version of "Fate Zero" was made to spread the knowledge of alchemy magic to a wider audience. So, without a doubt, at Durin's request, the trailer for "Fate Zero" was also screened at the Imperial Mage Academy located in the Mage Tower.

Of course, due to the lack of people at the Mage Tower these days, only a few old men who occasionally went out for a walk saw the trailer.

And their reviews of "Fate Zero"...

"Nonsense! What is this nonsense about summoning heroic spirits from history? I've never heard of such magic!!!"

"Yes, and what about the Holy Grail that can grant any wish? If such a thing exists, why bother studying magic!!"

"But it's quite interesting. Mages teaming up with summoned heroic spirits to seize the Holy Grail that can fulfill any wish. It's been a long time since I've seen a story that intrigued me like this..."

"Yeah, that cute girl named Saber reminds me of the vice-captain I knew on the battlefield when I was young. I even asked her to be my guardian knight back then. Ah, I miss being that young again..."

"Are you not afraid your wife will hear you say that...? Don't blame us for not warning you when you go back and get beaten up..."

In the square, the great mages who usually stayed in their research rooms one by one came out and started discussing the new movie premiering in two days.

For them, the allure of the movie itself was just so-so, but Durin's story this time was also attractive to these old men, prompting them to even consider giving up their research to see what kind of story the new movie would tell.

As for Dean Hohenheim, who had also watched the trailer for "Fate Zero" while standing on the high tower, he silently withdrew his recently used Hawk Eye spell and asked his companion, Scar, "Have you heard anything about the plot of the new movie from that kid Durin? I feel like this kid is declaring war on other disciplines..."

Indeed, even if other mages couldn't see through the hidden intricacies of "Fate Zero," Hohenheim, as someone quite familiar with Durin, wouldn't miss any details. He almost immediately speculated on Durin's expectations for this new movie, and couldn't help but feel a subtle anticipation for the new semester. After all, if he wasn't mistaken, this year's new semester would likely bring quite interesting scenes.

Upon hearing the dean's words, Scar couldn't help but wipe away the cold sweat. He knew exactly what Durin was up to, but he couldn't just tell the dean that someone was planning to whisk away the next batch of freshmen in one go. So, he had to half-conceal and half-reveal, saying, "I've skimmed through it a bit. While it's indeed an interesting plot, it shouldn't have any impact on the rationalist mages..."

"Heh, the way you put it, haven't you seen those old geezers down there already consumed with thoughts of the movie? What rationality? Anyway, I won't intervene in this matter. If anything happens later, you'll have to handle it yourselves."

"Yes, yes."

Naturally, Scar didn't dare to refute the dean's words. As for his appearance, Hohenheim, who had once again broken the alchemical array model in his hands, exclaimed angrily, "What's going on with this thing?! Damn it! When does the course on alchemy magic start?! I'm ready for it!!"


Seeing the dean's frustration, Scar, who had been tutoring him on the basics of alchemy magic for several days, could only explain some basic things to him with a wry smile. Then, he glanced again at the square where only two or three old mages were left standing.

Anticipating the lively scene that would unfold in two days, a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.


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