
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change.

EggZy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

[96] On Whether There Are Gods in the World

Chapter 96: On Whether There Are Gods in the World

In the following days, as the filming of the Three Kings' meeting progressed from start to finish, the filming of the first chapter of "Fate Zero" was also nearing its end.

Due to Durin's decision to compress the plot and omit an entire episode featuring Rin Tohsaka's debut, many aspects of the production were completed at a rapid pace. The reason for this was simple: as the end of May approached, so did the enrollment day for new students at the Mage Tower, just half a month away. Summer admissions were officially commencing.

As a result, Durin had to work overtime to expedite the filming of the plot. Many unnecessary scenes were swiftly transitioned through, ultimately successfully concluding the Three Kings' meeting.

Of course, the final scene depicting Rider unleashing his Noble Phantasm during the Three Kings' meeting was still pending. Durin planned to request assistance from General Wilhelm afterward and use a temporarily idle army to shoot the scene beyond the western borders in the vast desert.

Overall, as filming progressed, the last scene of the entire movie, depicting Caster's retaliation, finally began. It depicted Caster and Ryuunosuke returning from hunting humans only to discover their lair devastated by the King Of Conquerors and Waver.

"Good Lord... This is outrageous...!!"

"We poured countless efforts into creating our masterpiece... This is beyond outrageous! Those who would commit such atrocities are not human!!!"

"Are you suggesting that as long as something is destroyed, it can be recreated?"


"Exactly! Ryuunosuke, your acute understanding is truly your greatest asset!"


"Once, I committed perhaps the most heinous and severe blasphemy imaginable in this world! Ryuunosuke, your acts of evil pale in comparison to mine! But no matter how much blood I shed or how much sacrilege I committed, I faced no punishment from any god—by the time I realized it, I had been walking the path of evil for eight years! The cries and screams of countless children disappeared into the void of darkness!"

"In the end, I was not destroyed by a god, but by humans with endless desires like me. The Church and the kings deemed me guilty and executed me, not out of righteousness, but out of greed for my wealth and territory... Their actions were not to punish my evil but to plunder openly!"


"So, Ryuunosuke, do you think that gods love humanity?"


"Of course, it must be a genuine love! A god who tirelessly writes the script of this world for thousands and millions of years must deeply love humanity! Yes, I believe the gods must be working hard to write, and at the same time, they are immersed in the joy of creating their own works, moved by the love and courage in their creations."

"While gods enjoy the hymns of courage and hope, they also enjoy the splatter of blood and the cries of despair. Otherwise... the song of life would not have such vibrant colors. So, master, this world must be full of the love of gods."


"Blasphemy or praise! In your eyes, they are all the same worship of the gods, right? Ah, Ryuunosuke! You truly have profound philosophical thoughts. Gods who manipulate countless humans as if they were toys, themselves merely amusing characters... I see! So, even such morbid tastes can be understood!"

"Very well, then let's paint the Court of the Gods with even more vivid colors of despair and wailing. I want the actors up in the heavens to know that they're not the only ones who understand true entertainment."


"Do you have any brilliant ideas, Master?"

"Now that it's decided, let's hold a celebration. Ryuunosuke, today's banquet will be special, kicking off with your new faith!"

"Got it, I'll do my best to make it as COOL as possible!"

As the final scene freezes on the children thrown into the shadows by Ryuunosuke and Caster, the two kindred spirits revel in their newfound faith, ruthlessly offering these children's souls to the Death God, singing the hymn of burial!


"Excellent, after this segment, only the final plot remains!"

Durin said, putting away his magic recording device. On the other side, the other onlookers, including the actors and crew, were deeply impressed by the performances of the two Casters and Ryuunosuke.

Even Durin, despite being accustomed to the filming style at an astonishing pace, couldn't help but be amazed by the Snowflake Troupe's prowess. The level of performance they achieved seemed effortless, as if they were truly immersed in the demonic joy. This to some extent was also due to Chase's management, which quickly adapted to the film's shooting style and spurred the improvement of the actors within the troupe.

Seemingly noticing the strange looks around them, the two actors immediately toned down their performances and began joking with those nearby.

In response, Durin took the opportunity to remind them, "Be careful after the movie is released, don't just wander around the streets casually, or else I won't take responsibility if someone beats you up."

The actors didn't quite grasp the meaning behind his words, but Chase stepped in to give them some guidance on the slight issues in their performances, his professionalism making Durin almost want to hand over the directorship directly to him and just be a figurehead, waiting for the movie to be released...

While the atmosphere was lively here, Laetitia, who had witnessed the performance from afar, stood still, lost in thought. When Durin noticed her, the lich suddenly said:

"Do you believe there are gods in this world?"

To Laetitia's sudden artistic question, Durin replied calmly, "Perhaps yes, perhaps no."

"What kind of answer is that? I detest ambiguous replies."

"But isn't that the most accurate answer? After all, gods are just a reference to something unknown and incomprehensible. It could be some kind of being, or a law, or even a concept beyond understanding, beyond dimensions. When we ask whether there are gods in this world, you have to ask yourself first, do you believe there are gods in this world? If you believe, then they exist; if not, then they don't."

Durin's words were quite rational. As a staunch materialist and atheist, he naturally didn't believe, but the world was too peculiar. Even if he didn't believe, there could still exist some unknowable beings referred to as 'gods.'

Despite this, he still held onto his atheistic beliefs, otherwise, he wouldn't be following the principles of materialism.

"I don't mind that perspective..."

Laetitia's thoughts were elsewhere at this moment, lost in profound memories triggered by the scenes she had just witnessed.


If you want to read 10 advance chapters ahead.

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