
Director's Discovery

In a society, where humans can develop manifestations (powers), a 22-year-old businesswoman finds out about a guy who has a manifestation that is unknown to the public. Seeking him out, her world turns upside down causing her to question the society she lives in and make rash decisions, trying to better society.

Kyra_Karma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

The Court Part 2: Director’s Derailment

 I giggled as I put my hand on a bible and swore to tell the truth.

"Director it's nice to see you on the witness side," the judge said looking at me. "Giggling as always I see,"

"Not going to lie, I do in fact miss my defence seat," I said smiling.

"Lady Director," Katsuo started.

"Director is fine," I said to Katsuo.

"Alright, then Dircetor-"

"I have a question," I said interrupting him again, "Ms. Prosector, I would like to know how this woman died,"

"Huh?" she said startled, "Oh yeah, three of the women were burned to death. Their bodies were left in the alleyway,"

"Hm I see, carry on Mr. Defence lawyer," I said as Katsuo sighed.

"Director I'm aware that you've tested Mayumi's powers, care to tell the court what you found out?"

"I found out that Mayumi can only take memories from people and once taken she can hold onto them. The victim however experiences amnesia while the brain tries to fill in the gaps. After a while the memories will return to their host," I explained to the court.

"I see where did you happen to find Mayumi and become her guardian?"

"I found Mayumi on a street corner and I became her guardian by simply bringing her back to work with me. Although I'm not her guardian legally yet, she's decided to accept me as such,"

"So Mayumi willingly accompanied you back to work?"


"Would you say that Mayumi is happier living with you?"

"I would like to think so, she seems to enjoy being around me and a few others now, she has also been taking private lessons until I find a suitable school for her,"

"That's all from me," Katsuo said taking a seat. The prosecutor got up and approached me at the stand I sat there looking bored.


"Please call me Lady Director," I said rolling my eyes.

"Right...Lady Director, is there any possible way the Mayumi would have the power to control and manipulate her victims?"

"No," I said plainly and uninterested. 

"Are you sure?"

"I made sure to test every possible instance but nothing came up. There's no way Mayumi could have manipulated them,"

"I heard that Cher Blossoms was the only person Mayumi had contact with that didn't go missing, is that true?"

"It is Cher was lying on the ground when we first encountered her and all other victims would be the same,"

"Who do you mean by we?"

"Me and the defence,"

"I see, so what happened next?"

"I woke her up and she started going on about some useless nonsense, then we realized she could only remember up to the first day of senior year,"

"So what did you do next? Demon Director?"

"Depends what you're implying with that name, but I sense some ill intent by it, since you think I in any way hurt her you're mistaken. All I did was send her home and have 2 people watch over her,"

"But didn't she then go missing after that?"

"Actually no, I talked to her and she went to her parent's house,"

"I see, what were you doing around that time?"

"I'd tell you if I could remember,"

"Are you sure you're not hiding anything?"

"What could I have to hide?" I said raising an eyebrow at the prosecutor, "Wait a minute," I smirked. "Have we ever met before?"

"What? No, stop dodging my question,"

"I'm not dodging your question you just look very familiar, like I've seen you somewhere before," I said then I looked to Kastuo, who looked confused. "If I may ask what's your name?"

"Aiyamo," the prosecutor said.

"Is that your first or last name,"

"Enough Director," the judge said, I giggled.

"Sorry sorry, it's a habit of mine I tend to get…carried away at times,"

"A-anyway back to my question,"

"Which was?"

"Are you hiding anything?"

"No, I have nothing to hide,"

"Are you sure about that? You're addressed by an alias, and have a mysterious background that no one can uncover. You are definitely hiding something,"

"Director is an alias I was given you know, and my past is on most media websites well post-adoption is. Anything before that didn't really matter, did it? I mean my parents weren't the best but I made the best of it,"

"Then what about your present? You've earned yourself the title of a demon,"

"Do you actually know what I did to gain that title?" I asked the prosecutor and she shook her head. "Then I'll tell you, the name Director came from a caregiver I once had so it stuck throughout the years,"

"What is the name of this caregiver?"

"Deceased, back to my explanation. Demon Director hails from…"

"Relevance," Katsuo called out.

"Why do I never get to finish what I start?" I sighed. "Let's take a recess," I said getting up from the stand and walking out.

"Director!" the judge yelled as I left the room, "Fine, 15-minute recess," the judge said as Luciel, Katsuo, and Mayumi followed me out of the courtroom.

"Where are you going and what we're you talking about?"

"I'm going to get Mayumi and when?"

"Get Mayumi?" Katsuo and Luciel said in unison looking down at Mayumi.

"Please that girl couldn't stay quiet for that long, she would've exploded and said something to incriminate her further," I said walking outside the courthouse to see Mayumi sitting on the ground with her head in her knees. Luciel and Katsuo looked even more shocked than before, looking from Mayumi to Mayumi.

"Allow me to explain," Mayumi, the girl sitting on the ground, said.