
Director's Discovery

In a society, where humans can develop manifestations (powers), a 22-year-old businesswoman finds out about a guy who has a manifestation that is unknown to the public. Seeking him out, her world turns upside down causing her to question the society she lives in and make rash decisions, trying to better society.

Kyra_Karma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


"Ah the scene of the crime," I take a deep breath. "I'm getting chills," I said excitedly.

"Oh god she's got that look in her eyes," Katsuo said sighing.

"Cher tell me exactly what you saw, leave no details out. I wanna know what you happened with all five senses,"

"Oh, it got worse," Katsuo mumbled.

"Hush Katsuo," I said turning my attention back to Cher, with a wide-eyed expression.

"Well for starters I usually cut through this alley because it takes me right in front of my house. As I turn the corner I see a guy launching Tormentors ranking from 20-30 like they're toys. Then after he got rid of all of them I went up to him to ask him about it, I asked him if he was ok and he said he was fine those guys were just giving him trouble. That's when I saw his name, age, and no manifestation."

"What exactly did you see though?" Katsuo asked with his arms crossed.

"Name: Tamaki, Age: 25 Manifestation: none, NONE in big red caps flashing,"

"That's very suspicious, we should probably report it to the manifestation department," Katsuo said.

"Not so fast Katsuo, if the MDs get him I won't get the time to tinker with him," I said rubbing my hands together.

"Director please, he's a person so let's put his manifestation aside a moment. Based on how Cher tried to describe the scene, it seems that he can wield his power fine but it must not be his," Katsuo said thinking out loud.

"I had the same thought when Cher showed me what she had written," 

"Wait I'm lost, what are you guys talking about?" Cher asked looking confused.

"Manifestations occur within the person's body and after being fully developed they become embedded into their DNA. Your manifestation sees bits of a person's DNA which is why you can see sex and manifestation. Since the manifestation said none his manifestation isn't embedded into his DNA yet which means his body hadn't produced it," I explained to Cher; she still looked at me confused.

"The manifestation didn't happen in his body," Katsuo said.

"Ooh I get it now, you didn't need to make it so complicated Director,"

"As my secretary I expected you to know at least how these things happen," I said shaking Cher.

"She won't remember it if you shake her like that," Katsuo said with a sigh.

"Right," I said letting go of Cher, "What happened next?"

"He said he had to go and ran off that way," Cher said pointing in the opposite direction.

"Alright we'll head that way," I said walking off in the direction Cher pointed in.

"And what about work?" Katsuo asked.

"This is our work for today, the SIU specializes in the assistance of manifestations if there is a manifestation we cannot assist then we have no right to exist. Remember why we started this department Katsu. Remember we were kids and-"

"I remember you don't need to bring it up again," Katsuo said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Wait I'd like to hear the story of your childhood," Cher said.

"It's a really boring story, Cher, you'd hate it," Katsuo said, "Anyway let's just find this guy and get back to work, if you know who sees all 3 of us are MIA he'll eventually catch on,"

"Exactly right let's waste no time, the faster we catch him the quicker I can figure him out," 

"Yeah yeah let's go you glutton," Katsuo said waking off.

"Hey, I'm no gl-" I started and turned around thinking someone was watching me.

"Didn't you say we should hurry Director?" Cher yelled from a distance.

"Yeah go on ahead, I'll catch up," I said yelling back as the two went on ahead. "Now who's there? Don't worry I don't bite, I might experiment on you but I won't bite."

"Director, don't you think you charge headfirst into danger too often?" a voice said.

"Ah, so it's you, no I'm not charging headfirst into danger. I know what I'm doing and how to handle myself," I said. 

"I'm only looking out for you Director," the voice explained.

"I know and I'm grateful for it but you don't need to cry wolf every time, it makes you less credible," I said.

"I'm just doing my job,"

"Hm alright, what did you hear?"

"Just that the 3 of you will be following someone,"

"You're dismissed then,"


"Dismissed," I say as I run off to meet Katsuo and Cher.