
Director's Discovery

In a society, where humans can develop manifestations (powers), a 22-year-old businesswoman finds out about a guy who has a manifestation that is unknown to the public. Seeking him out, her world turns upside down causing her to question the society she lives in and make rash decisions, trying to better society.

Kyra_Karma · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Gone Again?!

"Come on Mayumi, we aren't even halfway done," I said tripling the experiments with her.

"I'm gonna die, can't I have a break now?" Mayumi said as she fell to the floor, I hate to work her like this but every second counts.

"Tsk, 5 mins," I said stepping away from the control panel, so far I've figured out that Mayumi can not only extract memories from people but add different variations of that memory. Nothing that could incriminate her has shown up yet, although she can see the memories of people she's come in contact with so she'd be able to help catch the actual perpetrator if we end up finding the missing people. "Are you ready, yet?"

"It's only been a couple of seconds! I will not let you work me to death, Demon Director,"

"And those same couple of seconds could decide whether or not you could roam free, you and I both know how it is on this side of the city once we cross that border,"

"Oh please, what do you know about life on this side as a Tormentor?! You've been living the good life pretending to be a Normal while the rest of us have borne the burden of our ancestors. You've got no right to lecture me on inequality to Tormentors, not when you abandoned your ancestor not to mention the fact you were adopted into a normal family. I bet you enjoyed it, now look at you, grown-up and hunting down your own like dogs, you should be ashamed of yourself,"

"Mayumi I am not ashamed of anything I've ever done, I will never be ashamed of anything I've ever done ok? I have never abandoned my ancestor but instead, my ancestors betrayed me, I've never once hunted down any of my brethren and I've never once lived the good life whether I lived as a Normal or a Tormentor. You saw it for yourself, didn't you? You said I had no happy memories remember?" I said in a firm and cold tone. "Let's get back to work, we don't have much time left," I said giving her an icy gaze.

"Whatever," Mayumi mumbled as we got back to the experiments, for the rest of that week Mayumi didn't speak to me so I just gave her space.

"What happened?" Katsuo asked me while we were on our lunch break.

"Hm? With what?"

"Mayumi, you guys looked as though you were getting pretty close and now it seems like you guys are drifting apart,"

"We just had a little disagreement,"

"How're you feeling by the way?"

"What do you mean by that?" I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"You were pretty shaken up last week, you seemed on edge and whenever I mentioned it you either ignored me or said you were fine, which I know is a lie so start talking," Katsuo said trying to interrogate me. "I even had to yell at you to get you to snap out of your daze,"

"I just remember something I didn't want to,"

"Was it your family?"

"Yeah," I said looking down, as Cher walked in.

"Hey Cher, how have you been?" Katsuo asked.

"Could be better but I looked into the lawyers as you requested," Cher said as she sat down.

"Did you get anyone?"

"No, some said it was too soon to prepare or that they can't take on another case,"

"Oh that's alright Cher, I'll figure something out,"

"They all asked what the case was though, I might be able to help better if I knew what you needed the lawyer for," Cher said with a smile, Cher could be used as a victim during the production so I felt it was best not to tell her plus she has questionable and harsh words when it comes to Tormentors.

"Sorry I can't talk about it, but thanks again Cher," I said and Cher got up and left the room.

"You still haven't told her?"

"You know how she is, it's better to keep her in the dark rather than having her explode with her biases,"

"Still shouldn't she be aware of what's going on?"

"It's better if she isn't and you know that; if you really want to, tell her but as soon as she blows up I'll have to do something about it and I don't have the mental capacity for that right now,"

"I hope you find it soon because you'll be adopting Mayumi and once Cher lays eyes on her it's going to be a huge thing,"

"I know I know, I'll find it soon but first I need to focus on her court date and making sure she'll be alright,"

"If you ever need help, I'm here," Katsuo said about to leave the room.

"Actually, I do need help,"

"With?" Katsuo says raising an eyebrow.

"You took a few law college classes, didn't you?" I said smirking.

"I'm not a lawyer," Katsuo said.

"And neither am I but you've got more experience than I do, I also recall you acing all those classes,"

"I aced every class in high school and I cannot be expected to defend someone who could be guilty though,"

"Would you prefer if I brought in your sister for this case?"

"I'll get my notes, just give me what you have on her manifestation," Katsuo said getting up from his seat.

"Thanks, Katsuo, I'll go tell Mayumi the news," Katsuo and I left the room, I went to Mayumi's room to find out she wasn't there.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" I said and Luciel came running into the room.

"Hey, what happened? Where's Mayumi?" Luciel said looking around the room.

"Hell if I know, " I said to Luciel and left the room. Luciel quickly follows me.

"So are you going to go after her?"


"What? Why?"

"She knows she has to go to court soon plus check in with the police department so it's up to her, if she doesn't want my help then fine by me. I'm way too busy for this disappearing act, I'll be at the courthouse if she wants to appear,"

"And if she doesn't show up?"

"She'll instantly be guilty and executed," I said.

"Executed?!" Luciel shouted in a panic.

"Yeah with all the people that have gone missing and her not showing up, she'll be tried as an adult and being a Tormentor she will be seen as a national threat thus giving the judge to decide whether or not to sentence her to death,"

"And you're just going to let it happen?!"

"It's not in my hands to decide, can I count on you to be at the courthouse to await her arrival?"

"Of course, if you're just going to let her die I'll be there to save her," Luciel said angrily as he walked away from me.

"Hm, everything's coming together," I said to myself as I turned around and walked in the opposite direction.