
Director's Discovery

In a society, where humans can develop manifestations (powers), a 22-year-old businesswoman finds out about a guy who has a manifestation that is unknown to the public. Seeking him out, her world turns upside down causing her to question the society she lives in and make rash decisions, trying to better society.

Kyra_Karma · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Do You Remember?

"Cher! Wake up you know I don't pay you for the hours you sleep on the job," I said shaking Cher trying to get her to wake up.

"Seriously Director? And I said don't shake her!" Katsuo said grabbing Cher from my arms.

"This isn't the first time I've caught her napping on the job you know. Plus Mayumi is gone, her job was to look after her. Every time I entrust her with a special task she goes and messes the whole thing up," I said annoyed.

"Shouldn't we look after her well-being first?"

"Oh? Do you think I do not care for her well-being? Listen Katsuo, Cher is fine but Mayumi was a key part in both my research and my biggest lead. So I apologize if I've gotten a little one-track-minded. Regardless of how we find out what happened, I WILL find out what happened,"

"I want to find out too but shaking our one lead like a muscle shaker isn't going to help,"

"Can you guys please be a little quieter? I'm trying to nap," Cher said opening her eyes to a squint.

"I should fire your ass on the spot, what do you mean trying to take a nap? What happened to Mayumi?" I said pointing a finger at her.

"What? Who's Mayumi? Wait who are you?" Cher said opening her eyes and looking at me.

"Well for starters I'm your boss an-"

"Enough Director, I'll handle it," Katsuo said stepping in, "Hey Cher, how're you feeling?" Katsuo said with a smile.

"M-My head hurts a bit but I'm alright, how about you?" Cher said turning away, blushing a bit.

"I'm fine, do you remember where we are or who I am?" Katsuo asked in a gentle tone.

"Of course, I remember you, you're Katsuo we went to school together since we were kids," Cher said with a smile.

"Do you remember how old you are?"

"Katsuo did you forget? We're both 16," Cher paused looking at Katsuo. "But you look so grown up. What happened?" Cher said confused, Katsuo looked at me.

"What's today's date?" I asked Cher.

"September 5th, 3075," Cher said looking at Katsuo.

"That was the day you introduced me to Cher," I said looking at Cher and then Katsuo.

"Yeah," he said in disbelief. 

"Her memories have been wiped clean, this is fascinating. This might be Mayumi's manifestation." I said feeling excited.

"Not now Director," Katsuo glared at me but I didn't care. "Cher, it's May 17, 3081. You're a sectary for this woman here,"

"Hi, you can call me Director, on the date you just recalled we would've met for the first time. Although since your memories have been wiped clean this is our first meeting," I said bluntly, smiling.

"What're you both talking about? 3081? Memories wiped? This all sounds ridiculous, I-I need to get to school,"

"We all graduated a year early, if you go back now it kind of defeats the purpose," I said as she tried to leave.

"Look I don't know who you are or what's going on but I don't like it. I'm leaving," Cher said about to leave but a man and a woman blocked her way. "Huh, w-what's going on?"

"Perfect timing you two, we've got a situation so I'm going to need you both to look after Miss Cher for me," I said to the two in the doorway and they nodded their heads. "Perfect, be a good girl for them, Cher,"

"You can't do this to me!" Cher yelled turning red in the face.

"Actually when I first started this department, I made every employee sign a contract that states, "In case of any emergency regarding any manifestations, any decisions made by me, Director, must be in the best interest of the employee," I said looking at Cher. "You may not remember signing this and I honestly believe that it's Mayumi's doing but regardless of that both myself and Katsuo saw you sign the contract. JJ and Piper please get her home safely, I'll compensate you both for any hard time you may have," I said to the two and they nodded back.

"Katsuo, you're going to let her do this to me?!" Cher said as the two grabbed onto her. Katsuo sighed.

"It's the best course of action in this case hopefully, this wears off soon," Katsuo said.

"I can't believe you're letting her do this! We've known each other since we were kids!" Cher said her eyes filling up with tears. "Don't you remember?"

"I do remember but in actuality, Director and I have known each other longer," Katsuo said. Cher gave me a hateful glare as the two bodyguards took her away.

"Now we should try to find Mayumi and figure out what really happened," I said folding my arms and sighing.

"Where would we look though? She could be anywhere in the city," Katsuo said.

"No I doubt she'd get far and if she there's only one place she would go," I said thinking.


"Don't worry too much about it, tell Jean to direct all my calls to my cell. I'm going out," I said about to leave the room.

"What again? I'm coming too," Katsuo said following me, I turned around.

"No you stay here with Cher, she's unable to function like an adult and with both of us gone the department won't function as well," I said trying to get him to stay. I already know if Mayumi left she wouldn't be far or if she did get far, she probably went back to her territory. I've been there without authorization so going back over there would be considered illegal.

"Stay here and watch over things for me," I said as Katsuo looked at me with a disapproving look.

"Fine, I'll stay here but you have 2 hours to bring her back or else I'm going after you," Katsuo said.

"Deal, I'll be back with time to spare," I said as I left the room but I knew there was no way I'd be back in time. "Mayumi I pray you haven't gotten far," I said running out of the building.