
Dinocrab: blood trail

An alien egg was gliding through space as it landed on the planet full of knights and wizards where it would become the most powerful being of them all. The all mighty beast that would send chills down peoples spines armor tougher than a mountain would rain as a Supreme beast for eons

Dr_Mochi · Urban
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1 Chs

Planet and it who is many.

Woooooooh~~~~ BOOOM- the sound echoes for miles as something crashes into a beach on the planet revealing bones of prehistoric animals. As a pulse of green can be seen coming from the middle as a carb froze up as it started twitching on the ground as the bones that was inside the ground melted and combined with the crab.

All of a sudden everything around was also being sucked into the green void along with bits in pieces of other sea life and sand as it was slowly being mixed together in a floating blob as it hardened it a large bumpy egg shape as it then fell into the ground and slid halfway into the water..

It pulsed green three times and a ripple went through the sand and water as if the egg was scanning the environment to produce a creature suited for the place perfectly.. it pulsed many more times before stoping.

The egg shakes as a voice can be heard.

/-/—/ 50% sand 20% water 20% darkness combining all resources and living materials together for proper entity_-:-////-

The egg began to role and shake before a crack wrapped around the whole egg.

The egg snapped in half as the two ends slowly spread away a green glowing eye could be seen as multiple mandibles clicked together as a 5 fingered iron claw came out and shattered the wall of the egg as a insect looking foot came out and slammed down in the water as it tilted its narrow head up at the sky and looked at the trees on the other side of the beach and then it narrowed its vision to a dessert 700 feet away.

He came all the way out the egg as it stood upright but not completely up right like a human. Sense it tail was so long. It was covered completely in hard armor like shell like an insect. It had the color of a mud crab but it's long tail ended in a pincer.

The pincer clicked multiple times before his tail flickered and lashed at the water.

He slowly walked out the water as he then got on all fours and crept onto the beach before slowly lifting his body up slowly and shakily.

It stoped like a statue as it reached the tree line as his head locked in onto something infront of it it's vision fixed and it's eyes shrunk as if it was fixing its vision to see something far away from it.

The crab had seen three people walking towards the beach. About 400 feet away from him

It got low to the ground again as it slinked and slid across the sand in a zigzag motion away from the direction they where coming from before it started to scratch and dig at the ground before throwing up piles of sand and jumping into a hole and sliding the sand back over him.

"Wow I can't believe you knew about such a great spot out here" the girl said as she looked at a slim tall male with purple hair.

"Eh he isn't anything" the shorter man said as he had an irritated expression on his face

The other two started laughing at him but little did they know that as soon as they stepped foot on the beach, they where being tracked by the creature under the sand.

They all went out into the water as the creature slowly followed underneath as it started to hollow out the sand under them while at the same time hardening it with water so it wouldn't fall down easily from nothing being under it. He slid through and slid from out of the sand into the water as he stayed under the water.

He crept close to the tall man under the water. But then he looked down at the water and seen the creature but the was grabbed and dragged under the water but a gargle and a splash was heard as a fountain of blood shot out of the water from the impact of his body being slammed onto a rock underneath the water.

The girl and the shorter guy seen the blood as they then tried to run but as soon as they got close to the end of the beach the sand under them crumbled and they fell into a put of water.

The man climbed out and attempted to grab the girl but across the beach the creature can be seen on all fours as it galloped towards them as the guy got the girl up to the top she was hanging on to the edge of the pit.

The man put out his hand and screamed"MAGIC MISSILE! DIE YOU MONSTER!" The beam shot like lightning across the beach as the creature dodged it as if it was natural and slinked under it before jumping and slashing the girls back and putting his claws in her back before pulling her into the pit with himself.

Creature made a clicking noise as a thud could be heard as it semi struggled to upright himself before getting hit with a foot to the face sending it back to the ground.

The creature spun before its tail lashed at the walls and made the sand slide down and cover half the girl up as she screamed before the creature grabbed her by the head and slammed it backwards into the ground as a loud snap could be heard.

The man looked in horror into the pit before he took off running into the forest. As the creature jumped up and clawed up the sand before making it slid again making it fall back into the pit before it torpedo backwards into the sand and started digging upwards.

When it got out it seem that the man was no where in sight and started to walk across the beach a bit before it slowly walked into the water.