
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

The Devils PT 1

-Kuoh Academy-

The place where teenage boys dream on attending, the home of many beautiful girls and of course the student council room


The place where Victor is currently being yelled at by Sona Shitori or what's she's mostly called in the supernatural world Sona Sitri.

"Honestly I don't even see the problem.."

"YOU DON'T SEE IT!?!" It's safe to say she was pissed not just because of Victor's latest actions but with his very existence, she did some digging on his background only getting his name and where he lives from the owner of his old apartment. But that's not what pissed her off it was the fact that he was the one leaving corpses of stray's exiled priest and rouge fallen everywhere, but not only that she had to pay for all the property damage he's done from broken walls and roads to damaged cars and buildings.

"Even so I expect my pay for that fallen-"


This made Sona throw her chair at him since he had the balls to ask her for the pay after finding out he was the cause of all the property damage, though said chair missed him due to the fact Victor dodged as soon as he saw Sona grabbing it.

"Alright! Jeez you don't have to pay me for that.." Sona of course began calming down quite a bit bot enough to remove the angered expression on her face, magically her chair was replaced with another similar looking chair

"But you gotta pay for the stray I killed recently"

"What stray?"

-Kuoh Academy, Backyard-

"You're really getting on my nerves and this is the second time we've met..."

"So do I get paid-" but before he could say anything he was shut up by Sona handing him a check which of course wasn't a normal check as it had a magic circle on it to teleport the person cashing the check in the bank at the underworld

"Forty Thousand and before you say anything the amount of damage you've caused everytime you kill a stray is One Million Yen and that's only counting property damage this month." This was of course shocking towards Victor as he's been in this world for around 5 Months and all that time was spent on hunting strays, now normally someone would be paid One Hundred thousand Yen if they we're to hunt the stray in Japan and that's only for Low-Class strays and for rouge members of a certain faction would normally have a bounty so even if he killed those priest and captured mittelt arrive he was definitely still in debt.

"That's totally unfair-"

"I don't wanna hear that from you, do you know how long me and my peerage we're paying for the damage erasing people's memories and much more? As I've said I've only met you for the second time and I can already guess your personality..." This of course made Victor angry since he wasn't the one to take an insult so easily

"Then whats my personality you Loli" Teasing ehr was obviously a bad idea since not only was she paying him for the stray Devils corpses but now she was definitely not gonna hold back.

"Your lazy definitely idiotic you dress like you're about to go to a rock convention for people in the 80's, your hair style is outdated and speaking of hair what's up with it?. Did you dye your natural hair color which I could assume was white and presumably you did it to gain less attention but that definitely did not work due to the fact you dyed it very badly that I can still see traces of white" Sona's harsh words pierced Victor like an arrow everytime she made a point

"And why do you even dye your hair to not gain attention when you've carried a literal sword with a motorcycle engine in every report I've gotten about you?"

"Stop! Jesus christ you didn't have to roast me that hard woman..."

"Serves you right and would it kill you to clean your van? It's dirty and musky I could only imagine the things you've done inside of that now if you'll excuse me I'll have to definitely clean your traces once again since you definitely left more damage around the battle with this stray. You can go cash that check of yours yourself" and with a huff Sona walked away leaving a stunned and slightly pissed Victor not knowing that a certain redhead was watching their interaction from the window.

"Can you come with me now?"


=Devils May Die=

Nico's van(The one Victor got) had more then demonic parts and metal from the world of Devil May Cry, it also contained some devil breakers which Victor tried using but alas kept blowing them up which resulted in him not only losing 6 Devil Breakers, but also ranking up his regeneration

=Devils May Die=

[POV Victor]

"How long are you gonna try and drag me to that run down building?" I looked at Koneko who was still trying and failing to drag me to the ORC Building I was honestly considering on bringing with me in my van, but then again I'm no pedophile so I would never do that

"Jesus girl you don't even know my name and I don't even know yours!(A total lie) just because I smell different doesn't mean you can just drag me!" She was already hanging on my arm since she was basically 4ft and I was 6'2 she was Hella small, but before I could decide on throwing her again she obviously knew my intent and aimed for my nuts with her tiny little legs.


But jokes on her she isn't even at the strength of a Middle-Class devil and me being basically at Peak Mid and expecting the attack instead of kicking my nuts and making howl in pain like a cliche anime character all she felt was her bone cracking at how hard it was, which ws also her fault since she definitely intended to hit it quite hard


I instinctively caught a sword that was sent right at me I from the blonde boy Isaiah aka Kiba, Jesus he looks serious?.... Wait a minute is this the cliche 'I saw you hurting harming my friend so  now I'll attack you without context' cliche!?!?

"I don't know what's happening here but you are clearly harming her!" Called it!

=Devils May Die=

-Kuoh Academy, ORC building front yard-

Victor threw Koneko off him by throwing her towards Kiba, as the shining white knight he is caught her and placed her down gently

"Senpai-" But before she could say anything Kiba interrupted her with a smile that would make any normie female simp for him.

"It's alright I'll take care off him Koneko-chan" The said Koneko-chan looked at him strangely but he of course ignore her and only looked at Victor with serious eyes.

"As I said I have no idea who you are but you clearly mean harm!, but I won't kill you but only subdue you and bring you to our master!" As he gave his speach Victor only looked at him dumbfounded

'Is it just me or is every male in this anime world stupid?' He was of course still not getting serious as he caught the sword Kiba threw at him it was nothing but instinct unlike the times he let himself get stabbed by light spears as menacing tactic.

"Come!" Kiba created a sword made of what appeared to be fire and dashed towards Victor who only looked at him and began yawning.


The sword embedded itself at Victor's chest while Kiba was shocked to se e that he didn't dodge and began thinking that he might have overestimated his opponent while Koneko was angry at her senpai for doing something so stupid, But before they could do anything a busty Red head came from the ORC building with a similar girl with purple and her proportions right behind her.

"Kiba what did you do!" This was Rias Gremory the heir of the devil house of Gremory and a novicr in the usage of her overly powerful yet pathetically controlled power of destruction, while the person next to her was Akeno her trusted queen and a half devil and half fallen sadist.


They all looked towards the source of the sound and saw Victor dramatically laughing while the sword was right through him, he of course copied the movements of the similar way Dante did when he got impaled by Nero. He slowly got up and removed the sword form his chest by not pulling it but going through it.

"Can I keep this?"

=Devils May Die=

Despite Victors stunt of trying to look cool and menacing by copying Dante he was slightly light headed as he lost around a gallon of blood, if he were a normal human or devil he would be dead since no being without the ability to regenerate would survive with the lost of that much blood

=Devils May Die=

[POV Koneko]


That's what I would describe this guy infront of me, ever since he stepped at school grounds I could smell how different he was. He had the scent of something similar but more potent of a devil and weirdly a the scent of the ocean. If anyone without the ability to smell his scent or feel his presence precisely they would mistake him for a human.

But he was anything but human he may have the blood of one inside him but it was overshadowed by his other scent, not to mention that he ahd true regeneration normally if someone we're to regenerate their heartbeat would increase or if they we're a phoenix they would lit up in flames. But no his heart didn't sped up and there was no indication of regeneration by magic or any supernatural means. It was as if he just returning to his previous state.

I looked at him as he was fixing himself and straighting his posture as he grabbed a sword from hthe guitar case he was carrying and twisted the handle making a loud roaring sound of an engine and just smiled at us

"So are you still thinking of fighting me after seeing that?"
