
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Alternative Route.

"Come on, pull harder!"

At the beach of Granz Channel, Hyme was pulling a large piece of wood from the wreckage of a ship that washed ashore bringing it to Fern who would use magic to levitate it to a cart that he would also need to pull at the end of the day and bring it to the lumberyard.

This was the job they had taken from the town, they would receive exactly 5 Strahll Gold coins which could feed them for six months. Which was quite the amount for cleaning the whole beach of the wreckage of ships.(I couldn't find that much about the currency of this world except for the fact that 10 of these gold coins can feed a family for a year, other than that we'll do the classic gold silver and copper Isekai world money system)

Nonetheless they accepted it as they needed the money, thus Frieren and Griffon suggested that Hyme and Fern take this as a chance to get stronger. Of course Fern would be training in magic while Hyme would focus on his physical body as despite being human his body was a human from a world where humans can get strong enough to compete with some demons, and with enough training he could hopefully gain other abilities.

"C-Cant you at least give me something other than this shabby old rope!?"

"Less complaining more pulling!"

It would be a lie if Griffon were to say that he wasn't enjoying tormenting who he believed to be Nero, but as Hyme pulled on the piece of wreckage with the rope he couldn't help but clench it hard thinking of it as something other than a piece of rope that was once used as a leash for a pig.

Suddenly he felt the grip of the rope change it wasn't rough but instead smooth and easy to grip, he believed that it was just getting easier to handle while everyone else who we're watching couldn't help but have their eyes widen especially Frieren who was still groggy and sleepy but noticed one detail.

"It doesn't have any signs of Mana on it."

"Well I'll be damned kid, looks like you aren't hopeless with magic after all!"

Confused by their words Hyme turned towards the piece of wreckage he was pulling and saw something he believed would never happen, multiple orange glowing wires were wrapped around the wreckage like a spider web and the source was his hands that were still clenching the piece of rope he was pulling.

Now Hyme may just be a simple human but his body was the human part of Victor, it would make sense for him to have Victor's more human like abilities. Of course no one present even knew who Victor was but for Griffon he was guessing this was something that came from Nero's human half instead.

"So instead of having your memories you got your abilities?, honestly I don't know what you were thinking of splitting yourself into two but it seems like you had a plan!"

Griffon perched on top of the wreckage Hyme was pulling and observed the Wires, it felt warm he pecked it with his beak only to recoil back as it was scorched by the wire.

Seeing this Frieren walked closer to the wire before pressing her finger on it, now Frieren was an amazing mage and she wasn't defenseless against warriors so she had passive magic covering her skin to protect her from weapons. But said magic was bypassed by the wire burning her finger tip.


Almost like a cat she leaped back sucking on her burnt finger, the Ghostwire wouldn't hurt or burn anything inanimate but if it has any form of contact with a living or spiritual being it would burn them as it could easily bypass anything as long as the user was strong enough. Of course no one present knew about this.

"Hmmmm....." Still sucking on her finger she looked at the wire that was still wrapped all over the wreckage like spider web, she fascinated with it. It didn't just bypass her protection but a single touch burnt and slit half of her finger tip.

"This is amazing!"

Hyme was excitedly looking at the wire like a child, he started making patterns with the ones in his hands from a tower to a house but this was short lived as after a few seconds the wires disappeared with a spark and retracted into his hands.

"That's great and all but you gotta get back to work!"

[Dimensions May Die]

For those who are wondering Hyme is Victor's human half if you're not familiar with DMC, he cannot produce demonic energy and has no form of energy in him.

Of course that's how normal humans are canonically supposed to be in DMC, but Hyme is different being the Human half of Victor means he not only has the body made by the system but he has all the abilities that don't require demonic energy to use.

He just has to awaken them, and no it won't be instantaneous.

[Dimensions May Die]

The following month was the same, the four of them would go down to the beach and clean it of course this actually gave Hyme a good physique as he was doing manual labor but he was also training his new found ability which they just decided to call 'Wire'.

He could only make a limited amount of wires that being 10 as each wire would come from his finger tips, but it was enough to help him with pulling wreckage. And everyday he was getting stronger to the point he could lift two barrels of water easily but of course he still couldn't punch a boulder and make it crack.

Which he tried but that only caused him to break the bones on his hand, thankfully Fern had healed him but as she was still a novice in healing magic she accidentally healed his fingers backwards which meant that he had to break his fingers again for her to heal them properly.

Frieren noticing how they didn't need her help with the labor decided to do her own form of hibernation by sleeping for a whole week, of course this would've lasted longer if it weren't for the fact Fern was annoyed with her and decided to use magic to bring her bed to the beach which in turn gave Frieren Hypothermia as it was winter and she wasn't that great with the cold.

Nonetheless everyone had a great time doing their little routines, Fern and Hyme got better at their respective abilities while Griffon would randomly leave for a few days while returning with news of the Qliphot. Which thankfully was only growing slowly as the nearby kingdoms decided to make the forest it was in a forbidden class forest.

Which was a class reserved for places with demonic activity to the point that no one could do anything about it, of course adventures would still go into the area of the Qliphot and die while those who survived would bring back branches and logs of the tree and sell them for a high price due to the fact that the wood from the Qliphot tree was stronger than most metals yet still flexible as everyday wood.

"So you got this from the Qliphot!?"

"Yup, with me being a demon the other mindless freaks didn't attack me. But I did get some strange looks when I was pecking a piece off one of the roots..."

Looking at the gray ashy piece of wood on the ground Frieren couldn't help but be curious and inspect it, as she did so she was able to identify two major properties of the piece of wood.

One was that despite it being looking like a rotting piece of drift wood, Frieren could sense how it was draining Mana from the environment and strengthening it bit by bit.

And second was for some reason Frieren felt that if she were to touch it, it wouldn't end well. Of course being a mage and a self named best elf researcher she immediately grabbed it, and the result was the wood morphing to spikes to pierce her skin cussing her hand to bleed.


'Just ouch???'

"Ah I forgot to mention the wood is hostile to anything that doesn't contain Demonic Energy from our world."

"If you weren't helpful I would be roasting you over the fire to see what Demon Chicken from another world would taste like..."

Despite Frieren's harsh words she stayed focus on the branch on the ground while healing her wounded hand, it was strange as normally pieces of magical plants would die as soon as they lost contact with the main plant but this one still remained active.

"So how is this gonna help exactly...."

"You remember how I said that I can't physically kill anything and just bring them to the brink of death?"

"So I'm guessing I'll be landing the final blow with this?" Looking at the piece of wood that layed on the ground he couldn't help wonder how this could be a useful weapon.

"Yup, your pops used the same method with a cane. Which you'll probably need soon..." Griffon said muttering the last part

"Huh what did you say?"

"Nothing, the point is were making this a cane!"

Griffon picked up the piece of wood before dropping it on Hyme's hands and as expected it didn't react violently due to his remaining demonic energy.

"But first we gotta suck this thing dry of Demonic Energy before a decent wood worker could even handle it!"

"How am I gonna do that exactly...." Hyme who lived as a teacher for a small village didn't exactly know how to use or manipulate any form of magical energy so he doub his abilities.

"I have no idea!"

Immediately without missing a beat Griffon responded proudly causing all of Hyme's hope to learn how to manipulate his limited Demonic Energy to shatter.


"That's why miss elf over here is gonna teach you how to do so!"

"She is?"

"I am?"

It was safe to say it was a weird and exciting couple of months for the group.