
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

06. Memories(3)

The Great War. The war between all three factions. And the reason for war was world domination.

But while all three factions were in high alert, Alex was unaware of all this commotion. Because every faction knew Alex's character. He don't want meaningless bloodshed. Though Alex is strong, if he can't kill then he is useless.

All Four Satans knew this and that's why they ordered everybody to keep information from Alex.

All clans were loyal to Lucifer specially the Lucifuge clan.

But somehow he will catch the rumors. The Four Satans decided to seal him without knowing in the hands of Grayfia because he trusts her more than himself.

" We have to seal him. And that's your work Grayfia." Lucifer said.

" But if we talk to Alex, he will understand. Let's give him a chance." Grayfia pleaded.

" No. I know his character very well. I have fought him before. He is too strong. And can keep God at bay by himself. But he can't kill. And if he can't kill then he is useless." Lucifer replied.


"No. You have follow this order. I am ordering you as Lucifer." Lucifer roared.

Grayfia with no option left obeyed the order. That night she calls Alex and takes him the forest where she met him. Alex noticed that something is weird. He stops and then turned towards Grayfia.

"What's the matter, Fia?" Alex asked.

"Nothing..." Grayfia replied.

" Don't try to hide it. I know you more than you know yourself. Tell me what happened." Alex asked in a soft voice.

Grayfia suddenly teared up and told him everything.

" Lord Lucifer asked me to seal you." Grayfia said.

Alex knew that if he won't be sealed then Lucifuge clan would be in danger because they disobeyed Lucifer. And this is something he can't let happen.

So he finally with a happy smile says," So, what are you waiting for? Seal me."

Seeing his smile Grayfia cries more loudly.

"Sorry. Sorry. Alex. I can't disobey Lord Lucifer." Grayfia replied while crying.

"Don't think too much. I told you to seal me. Don't worry too much." Alex said while patting her head.

Grayfia heart aches at his gestures. She goes near him and kissed him. Alex was somehow surprised but was also happy at her intimate action.

" I love you Alex."

" I know."

As they separate, she started sealing him. Alex agreed but still she was hesitating. Sealing the one you love is very hard for her.

Alex notices her hesitation but couldn't say anything. He knows that if he interfere now then Grayfia will stop.

The seal was completed. Slowly Alex consciousness was going blank.

" I love you more than anything Grayfia. Don't be sad. It aches my heart more than anything." Alex says while slowly closing his eyes.

And at last he sees the angelic smile on Grayfia's face with some happy tears.That smile which pulled him out from dull world. The smile which gave him a reason to live.

' This way of sealed off is not bad at all.' That's all Alex could think.

And Alex's consciousness disappeared.


The war started. All factions were in battlefield. Devils led by Four Satans, Fallen Angels led by Governor Azazel, and Angels led by Angel Michael.

Everywhere bloodshed was happening. Dragons were also in war. In every second somebody was dying.

But at this time God's attention was on something else. Something more important then the war.

Trihexa also known as beast of apocalypse was going to come out. If he comes out then the whole world will be destroyed. It still had some years but after that everything will be destroyed. With no other choice, he decided to complete everything related to future, because while stopping Trihexa he might die. And he knew that he don't have power to stop the beast. So, the other choice had to be Alex. With Alex they might be able to kill the beast. With that in mind God just believes that they will stop Trihexa at any cost.


War continued. Countless years have passed. But war was going on. But fallen angels retreated from the war in orders of Azazel.

The fallen angels have lowest population because they are angels that fell from god's grace. They are not many pure fallen angels.

And in order to protect his race, Azazel fall out from war.

After fall out of fallen angels, war intensified. One faction gave up and the winner can be either Devils or Angels.


Many uncountable years have passed. War is still going on.

On a certain battlefield, a gray haired maiden is slaughtering the enemies. But the number of enemies is too much.

Slowly her stamina weeped away and she got injured. The angel with no mercy continued attacking mercilessly. With no option the maiden retreats and hides in a secret cave with severe injuries. Her injuries were so severe that within ten hours, she will die.

But suddenly a man with black hair and bright beautiful blue eyes appeared in front of her.

"You came, Alex?" Grayfia asked while panting.

"Yeh. I came." Alex replied.

Then Grayfia with a relieved smile closed her eyes.


(One hour before)

In the forest near Lucifuge clan. The seal cracked. A man with black hair and blue eyes appeared. Yes, he is nobody other than Alex.

"I am finally back. But where is Grayfia? I thought she would come to welcome me."

' But if I think closely then before I was sealed war was going to start. But seal weakened just now. Don't tell me Grayfia is in danger? Shit! I have find her quickly.'

Alex quickly flew away to find Grayfia. With using skills, across the battlefield he tried to find her.

The battlefield was full of corpses of Angels and Devils. Even dragon corpses are between them.

Finally searching for half an hour he found a similar mana signature to Grayfia.

( Mana signature is a pattern everybody have within their soul. It's type of fingerprint. It can't be changed even if somebody changes their body. Because mana signature is bound with soul.)

He quickly speed up and found a cave. This cave was a secret place of Lucifuge clan. In some years he used to come here with Grayfia.

He entered and found Grayfia lying on ground panting heavily due to serious injuries.

Alex hurried up and lifted her a bit. She slowly opened her eyes a bit.

" You came, Alex?" She asked.

"Yeah. I came." Alex replied. And she with a relieved smile closed her eyes to rest.


Meanwhile to cure Grayfia, Alex uses every type of items he could remember so he could cure her. But for some reason any medicines don't work. Even Phenex tears don't work. It cured her wounds but still she is dying.

At that time, somebody came in cave. Alerted by sound, Alex quickly dashed towards the sound and attacked.

But it was blocked. Then Alex in order to find enemy's identity he takes a good look on enemy's face.

It was the leader of Angel faction The Biblical God.

Though he was still tense, he believed this old man to be a good man.

" What are you doing here, old man?" Alex asked in agitated voice.

"Don't be so tense. I came to find you. I found that you broke the seal. I have something urgent to talk." God replied with a serious face.

Seeing his serious face, Alex knew it was something important bur he can't go because he has to cure Grayfia.

" Sorry but I have to cure Grayfia. I can't go now." Alex replied with a worried voice.

"What happened? Are medicines are not working." God replied.

"No, her wounds are closed but for some reason she is still dying as time is passes on." Alex said.

"Let me check what is going with her body." God suggested.

Alex was a bit reluctant but agreed. God checks her body and found the problem. Her most life force or vitality have been expired. As time passes she will surely die.


(Grayfia POV)

I opened my eyes and saw Alex and certain old man talking. My body wounds are healed but for some reason I can feel my body is weakening as time passes. Then I heard the old man and Alex talking.

"She will surely die." Old man said.

" What do you mean old man? Aren't you God? Why can't you heal her?" Alex replied while holding old man's shirt color.

Then I found that the old man is God.

" Her life force is exhausted. It means her time to die have arrived." God replied.

" But you know a way to let her live right?" Alex asked with a worried voice.

" Yes I know a way. But..."

" No buts! Tell me the method. I will do it." Alex says hurriedly.

" The method is to transfer life force from another body." God said with a worried voice.

( Life force is an energy which gives life. If it is decreased or increased than it may prolong or degrade someone's life expectancy. And nobody would be idiot to give their life to others.)

But then I saw Alex's face there was relieved face.

" What! So easy! Then take my life force to fill hers." Alex said with a relieved smile.

" What do you know what are you doing? Your life will decreased." God said in dramatic manner.

" It doesn't matter. For her if I die it doesn't mean much to me. I love her after all." Alex said while caressing my cheek. Small tears started falling from eyes. I tried to open my mouth to say something but due to exhaustion I couldn't say anything. God gave up due to Alex's stubborn nature and started transfer his life force to me.

Almost after an hour he stopped. My body was brimmed with life energy.

The. I saw God talking some serious with Alex.

" So you want my help in killing Trihexa?" Alex said.

" Yes. If Trihexa comes to this world then it will be destroyed. War is a small matter. I have prepared for this day. And I want your help Alex." God said in worried tone.

" Okay. I will help you. You helped me in curing Grayfia. Let's go quickly." Alex said.

And Alex got and started leaving. For some reason seeing his back while leaving gave me a terrible premonition.

I forcefully opened my mouth and said," Don't go."

Because of my body only a small voice came out. Alex heard it and replied in a cheeky voice," Don't worry. I will quickly defeat it and will come back to you. You better take rest because I will not let you rest tonight."

And he left.

And my terrible premonition came true.


Grayfia woke up after one week. Her body was fully healed. She quickly came out of the cave and found that the war has ended.

' How did the war ended?' She thought and goes to Gremory house.

There she found Sirzechs with Ajuka, Serafall and Falbius.

She hurried and asked in worried tone," how did the war ended?"

" The Four Satans have died with God. But the fact God have died.js been kept in secret. If it is known to others then it will create chaos. All races have great losses and due to this war and due to that war have been declared over for now." Sirzechs replied.

Then Grayfia replied," Where is Alex?"

" Alex? Haven't you sealed him?" Ajuka said.

" No, he break the seal a week ago and came me when I was injured. Then he and God leaved for killing something I don't remember." Grayfia replied in a worried tone.

Sirzechs and others also got worried. Then Ajuka remembered and spoke," I had secretly putted a recording device in the bracelet you made to give Alex. Let's check it out."

Grayfia also agreed and all five of them decided to check it. Then Ajuka played the recording..


" So you are ready, Alex?" God says in a worried tone.

" Yeah. But the energy coming from the void is no joke. This monster might really destroy the world. It is fives times stronger than Great Red." Alex said in a tense voice.

" It is coming." God said.

Whoosh!! A sound of portal opening was coming through the player.

Then a voice indicating series of attack was heard. All series of attacks was clearly heard from player. From the player it can be concluded that Alex's and God's cooperating to defeat this enemy.

For an hour it continued. Then Alex's panting and God's panting voice was coming.

" It looks like Trihexa is more stronger. In my current strength defeating it impossible." Alex said.

" If you haven't sacrificed your 3/4th of life force to cure that silver haired lady then you would be able to kill it." God replied.

" Shut up old man. You are God but still can't defeat it." Alex said in joking voice.

Old man didn't replied. And a period of silence came.

Then in a serious voice," Old man we can't defeat it. After some time it will over power us."

" Yeah. You are correct." Old man replied.

" Then we have to seal it. There is no other way. If Trihexa goes in our world then it is really going to be destroyed. And I can't allow that." Alex said in a serious tone.

" But how? Even keeping him busy is a heavy task for us." God said in a baffled tone.

" I will keep it busy using my every ounce of power. You will seal it with me." Alex said.

" Are you crazy? You will die." God said in a worried tone.

" There is no other way. If you die here then the war will never end. It needs your presence. So it is the only way." Alex said.

" Then what about your lover? Won't she will be worried?" God asked.

Alex couldn't say anything.

" Hey I am asking you brat?" God says in an angry tone.

" I also want to live in peace will Grayfia. But how can I leave Trihexa here with you? If you don't return then war will continue. And Grayfia and Sirzechs and other will participate in it. If she gets hurt again I won't be able face myself? I promised her to keep her safe in every time. How can I let her in danger again?" Alex said in loud voice while crying.

God couldn't think anything to reply.

" This is the only way to solve everything. Old man there is no other way." Alex said.

God with no other options left started chanting the seal.

"Eeee.. old man's holy energy really hurts like hell. I wish I could see Grayfia for last time." Alex said in a sad voice.

And suddenly a large sound came indicating that sealing of Trihexa and Alex have started.

" Hmm.. what is this? A bracelet. Looks like something his lover have given him. I better give it to him." God said.

Then he throws the bracelet inside the seal and turns back to return.

" It's time to fulfill my promise to brat." God said.


No more sound came.


In Gremory house..

" No. No. It can't happen. How could he die? I don't believe it!!" Grayfia cried.

Others were also shocked after hearing the recording. But nothing could be done about it. But at this time a determination to make peace arised in the eyes of three friends. And in their heart they swore to make peace no matter what occurs.

[ Ding! Soul memories have returned. ]

[ 3rd shard of title The forgotten one have used. ]

[ The Forgotten one ( 30% completion) : memories of soul??? ]

"Ha!! Ha! Where I am? Where is Grayfia?"

Alex a bit confused looks around and found himself on floor. Then slowly he remembered everything.

" Looks like this is the memory of my past life. Now I remembered everything. My life in the world of dxd. But I can say all this was real." Alex said.

And after a longing face he thought,' I hope Grayfia is doing well. I really want meet her. Now my heart aches.'

[ Ding! Secret Quest created! Quest details;

[ Quest : Love that transcends Distance and Time ]

[ Difficulty : None ]

[ Requirement : Meet Grayfia Lucifuge who is still waiting for you for almost 1000 years. ]

[ Rewards : Cupid's Blessing x1, lovers ring x10, 2500 xp, 15000pts ]

" A quest ! And really a quest meant for me. But I can't go to dxd world because it hasn't been recorded in my dimension travel option. So waiting is the only option." Alex said.

[ Item has been delivered ! Want to see description ? Yes/No ]

" Item? But I never ordered anything. Let's check it."

[ Grayfia's handmade bracelet - Accessory :

A bracelet made by Grayfia and Ajuka. Made with full of love and care for Alex Lockheart. Increase luck by 20%. Item is bound to Alex Lockheart. ]

" My bracelet!! Finally I have a sign of Grayfia. I will never lose it again."

[ Ding! Original lineage discovered. Trying to replace...

Error... Trying to merge it...]

" Aaahh!! Aaahh!!! I am dying!! What is this pain? Just my lineage mixing shouldn't create this unbearable pain. Aahhh!!"

[ Lineage has opposite polar properties. Merging is impossible. For safety destroying both lineages.... ]

" What? No. If my lineage got destroyed then it won't be able to become strong. Wait! Haven't I have an item named lineage Mixer? Let's use it."

[ Lineage Mixer has been used. Devil and demigod lineage is being mixed....]

[ Ding! Congratulations! New lineage have been created! ]

[ Demigod→ Devil - God ]

[ Level Cap increased ! ]

[ Stats Cap increased ! ]

[ New title achieved ! ]

" Haha!! Haha!! Looks like I got too much much benefits. Even now notifications are coming. But I am very much tired to see them. I will see it tomorrow. Now it time to sleep."

And Alex dozed off in his fluffy bed.