
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

04. Memories(1)

(Alex POV)

" Wa wa wa..."

'Aaah.. I suddenly fainted. I am hearing a crying voice. Who is crying?'

" Woo... Woo.."

'Looks like the boy is forcefully stopping his crying noise. But why I am filling so hot.'

Then I saw houses on fire. Humans were slaying bat winged people. Then once again I heard the voice of the boy.

"Woo.. woo.."

'Where the hell he is crying? Wait isn't it me? Why the hell I am crying?'

Then I found that I am inside the boy's body. But why the hell I can't control it? The boy have exactly same features as me except my white hair he has black hair. And he also had bat wings on back.

Then I heard some voices coming towards the boy. The boy panicked then ran inside the house that have been burned in order to live.

Somehow I can read his thoughts. But looks like I can't say or control anything.

The boy in order escape the suspicion goes inside the house that have been turned charcoal.

' Boy is pretty smart. But it looks like its gonna hurt like hell.'

Then as he hides in and the burning ash touches his skin.

' aaah!! This hotness!! The heat is melting the boy's skin. Why the hell I am also feeling this pain.'

During this time, I heard the voices of humans from the outside. It looks like they are exorcists. And they are hunting devil race. And I am one of the devil.

" Kill all them!!!"

" Don't leave anybody alive!!"

" In the the name of God!!"

The exorcists kept slaughtering in name of religion without any pity. And the boy was getting angry. I can feel hatred of the boy. His family was slaughtered just because he is from devil race.

"Is born as a devil is wrong?"

This type of questions began to arise in boy's mind. The way boy felt helplessness reminded me of that day.

The time I first felt fear in the demon forest. I was so weak, I couldn't do anything. Abandoned in woods, who would give pity on me ? I keep hiding until sun rose. The feel of helplessness was erupted from this boy's body. But the determination to become strong was also rising.

After two hours none of the sounds were coming and the boy who is hiding comes out cautiously. All the tears on his face have been turn to vapour due to intesity of heat. Some parts of his arm have turned into black. The pain he felt was something he for first he experienced. And in his blue eyes there was determination to become strong to take revenge.

" I will kill all of them. The reason I weeped and couldn't do anything was because I was weak. Now I will become strongest. Strongest enough to take my revenge. And I will slaughtered anybody who stands in front me - let it be God or Satans."

Though I couldn't see his face, I could feel his hatred and but slowly somehow i can my feel my consciousness disappearing....


Slowly, Alex soul merged with the boy whose name was none other then Alex. The boy Alex started in his journey.

One year passed. During this year, he lived inside a forest, eats insects and monster and he hunts monsters to sharpen his skills and Instinct.

Second year passed. He started to feel mana and slowly he learned magic and started learning his devil bloodline which is to turning feelings into power. The more he feels an emotion, the more power he gains.

Like that five years passed. He mastered his Instinct and magic and battle prowess.

He wandered all over the underworld and if anybody stronger than him, then he challenged them to fight. If he won then he improves and if he loses, then he works more hard to overcome.

More years passed. Alex's soul was completely merged with the boy and he thinks him to be this boy.

Slowly he learned senjutsu and taijutsu. He also learned kouki.

Using his revenge as a source of his emotion, he trained. Trained harder than anybody. He used any path that was left for him to get stronger.

In order to increase his immunity towards the weakness of devil race, he started moving in sun to be adapted to sun.

He stole a holy item from a random exorcist and always used on his body. He used holy water to bathe. All type of holy items that were present, he used all of them on his body. If some other devil see him then they world see him and would see him in disgust. Devils were very much proud creatures. They think talent is everything. But boy Alex had no other option working hard. The pain was so much that dying was better option. But he persisted.

More five years passed. Slowly he stopped feeling pain. No matter what you do he doesn't feel pain anymore. Holy items, sunlight or anything doesn't hurt him. His pain receptors closed off.

Slowly his shiny blue eyes were becoming dull. The world was losing colour. Everything seemed dull. If he saw any colour then it would be of blood's colour.

Slowly he was becoming psycho. He killed any priest or exorcist he came across. He destroyed countless number of churches.

Many exorcists and angels came after him. He slaughtered them all mercilessly. Even the Devils were slaughtered by him.

If anybody see him, then they would say that he is a perfect weapon for war. No feelings, no emotions, only born to kill. But one emotion still remained in Alex, though it was slowly fading away. And that was the anger of his family being slaughtered.

He searched for next two years. And in Greece he found the church, he was looking for. All his remaining emotions burst out, enhancing his power and he slaughtered everybody.

Really mercilessly. All the church was painted red. The statue of God was painted with red. Anybody who see the sight would feel fear.

And just like that he fulfilled his hunger of revenge. But he felt empty. As he lost something important due to his hunger of revenge.

Now he wanted to find it. The thing he lost. The living beings are so laughable. In order to gain something they lose something. But when know they lost something, they try to get it. But atleast they know what they lost. But Alex forgot the thing he lost. The thing which he lost, in order to find it, once again he starts his journey.

But during his time of change, the time wasn't easy. Due to his atrocities, there was a bounty on him. All races searched for him. During this change of him he searched for peace, but due to bounty it was impossible. In order to live, he forgot he reason and continued killing. While killing countless people, he became more dull. In his eyes everything was dull. Nothing excited him. Only blood's colour was only thing he could see.

And once an angel who was severely injured while fighting asked him, " Why do you kill? They are innocents!!!"

Then he remembered his childhood memories. And he remembered a phrase. He replied without emotion, " For the sake of God ."

Angel thinking that he heard wrong asks one again," For what?"

Alex replied," I kill in the name of God."

Angel with angry voice started rambling but not hearing his excuses, Alex killed him swiftly.

And on such hectic day, during his travels, in night he reaches a temple. A place of full of holy energy. Though he is getting injured but the pain receptors of his are not working. And he decided to sit a bit. And a old man full of holy energy comes near him. The holy energy was very pure. Though he getting hurt just being near him, he doesn't show any discomfort.

Seeing him the old man was a bit surprised but when old man saw his face he understands something. The old man thinks of chatting with him.

(???? POV)

As usual I was strolling with sealing of my holy power. Then in front of my temple I saw a devil. He was sitting as nothing was bothering him. I released my holy energy a bit but he doesn't show a reaction. I got intrigued. What kind of devil have resistance against holy energy. And then I saw his face. What a face? A face beautiful but those eyes of him are so dull. So dull if he doesn't have anything. A beautiful but emotionless face. I thought of talking to him. I approached him and asked," What's the problem, boy?"

He saw me and replied," I lost something and searched everywhere but I can't seem to find it."

I continued asking," What did you lost?"

He says," I don't know."

I got a bit mad. I even gave him a bit of my time but he doesn't know what he lost.

Then I asked," where did you lost it?"

Then once again he replied," I don't know."

A vein popped on my head and I asked loudly," Then tell me your full story so I can figure out where and what did you lost."

The boy without any emotion starts narrating his story," In underworld, in my clan's territory..."

After one hour he completes his story. I was shocked. This boy what kind of life he had lived!! Even if I was devil I wouldn't go for such lengths for revenge.

A story of a devil who lost everything decides to avenge his family. He goes through hardships more than anybody but in the end he loses everything. Really this boy... I can't seem to say anything. But I really pity this boy. And I figured out what he lost.


He lost his emotions. Now nothing seem to make him drive anymore. Only thing left was revenge but that also ended. But it looks he haven't experienced one type emotion and that is Love.

Thought I am angry at him for killing angels, I will help him out of pity.

I said," I seem to found what you lost."

He eyes shine a bit when I said but they once turned into dullness quickly.

I said," If you want what you lost, then you have start your journey once again from the start. Go to your starting place and take the route you have taken. But this time without any bloodshed. And you will regain your colour."


The old man said this Alex. In otherwords he told Alex to try to see everything with different view point. Though Alex couldn't understand old man's words but following it wouldn't hurt. So he goes back to his clan's territory where everything was burned.

He puts a blindfold because for him seeing and not seeing is same. A dull world is better of not viewing. He puts up a white blindfold and once starts his journey.

Once again he travels the places he visited during his revenge. Though he never gave any attention to any place, he feels something growing inside him. The noises of Devils living happily makes him feel something.

Then he reaches the forest he used to train. After staying inside forest for a month somehow he feels calmness and tranquility. As if he became one with nature.

His agitated mind was calming day by day. But still he couldn't find the main thing he was searching for.

And finally fated day arrived.

Alex was sitting without doing anything. But suddenly he heard a voice.

" Aaaaa!!!!"

For some reason his body moved and he saw from his sixth sense that somebody is falling. He ran and caught the person. Due to his haste his blindfold became loose. As he caught the person his blindfold fell on the person.

Then he saw that he caught a girl. A girl looks like 20 years with shiny silver hair and was probably practicing ice magic. Her face was really beautiful but there no expression. If you want to describe then stoic face is proper word.

She then turned her head towards Alex and saw his face. Then she blushed a bit but she regained her composure quickly. She stood up and as a courtesy said," Thank you!!"

And then she smiled.


And suddenly Alex eyes started to glow. The world was somehow feeling colourful. Flowers bloomed. For some reason a warm and happy feeling was filling up inside Alex.

Her existence somehow was fully angelic. She shone in his eyes.

And Alex instinctively knew that he found the thing he was looking for - Love.