
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

02. Reborn(2)

"Yes!!! Finally completed !!"

Alex roared while sitting on the corpse of the fire dragon which is regarded as SSS class monster.

It has been 7 years since Alex arrival. And now he is of 16 years old. He became more handsome and now can seduce anybody if he wants. And right now he slayed a fire dragon because of Guild's quest.

[ Dragon Slayer Title acquired ! ]

[ Quest completed ! Quest details;

[ Quest : Unlock The Main Quest ]

[ Difficulty : Insane ]

[ Requirement : Complete all sub quests ✓ ]

[ Rewards : Access to Main quests, Dimension Travel, Random Legendary Pack x1, Exp 100000, Pt 100000 ]

[ Rewards will be given in 2 hours. ]

[ Congratulations !! You have reached Level 100 !!! ]

[ You are strongest in this World of Edea. For making an impossible achievement you have given rewards. ]

[ Rewards : Fountain of Youth(diluted)x1, Title - The chosen one, 3rd shard of the Title - Forgotten one. ]

[ Wish to accept rewards? Yes/No ]

" Finally completed the quest ! And also reached Level 100. It was so difficult but somehow I pulled it off. No! Saying that I pulled it off would be easy. To fight every day with dragons just to raise exp... Days were really harsh than the spending time in hell. Let's check on rewards. And I also have to keep the dragon corpse in storage. And also have to report it to Guild."

Alex opens system panel to check the new


[ Dragon Slayer - Title ]

[ Description : This title is given to the one who have slayed more than 20 dragons. It improves offense by 50% against dragon kin. ]

[ Fountain of Youth ( Diluted ) - Consumable ]

[ Description : Fountain of Youth is an elixir guarded by King of fairies in fairies forest in the world of the anime named 'The Seven Deadly Sins'. Anybody who drinks this would be immortal and would never die. This diluted form wouldn't make anybody immortal, but the one who drinks will never age after their prime and wouldn't die unless someone deals a vital injury. Also gives hyper regeneration. ]

[ The Chosen One - Title]

[ Description : This title is given the one who challenge against the odds and become victorious. It gives complete affinity towards the items that require conditions to use. It means there is nothing that you can't use. ]

[ 3rd Shard of The Forgotten One - Title ]

[ Description : A part of the title The Forgotten One. ]

"Hmm.. fountain of youth!! This is jackpot !! The title are also good. But this shard of the title doesn't give much details. I have to do more research. The rest of the rewards from the quest are also good. But I will accept it later in my mansion. First, I have to report that I have slayed the red dragon to the guild. "

In the capital of the Laventine country, Alex goes to huge building. This building is the Main Guild of the Country. When, Alex was of 12 years, an adventurer named Glisda bought him from forest and helped him to register in the Guild. From then it have been 4 years. Now Alex is of 16 years. And as usual he goes to counter to submit the completion papers.

" Lina, I have returned. This quest is completed."

Lina, an attendant of the guild heard Alex. She replies," Mr. Alex, when you came?"

Alex in a happy voice replies," Just now. Anyway check this. I have slayed the Red Dragon."

Alex gives the horn of the dragon. Luna as shocked as ever replies," You always surprise me Mr. Alex."

Lina appraise the item to confirm it. Then she replied, "Yes, I have confirmed your quest. But now in 16 years of age, you have reached the level of Ex class adventurer. Really the first Ex adventurer with nickname 'White Slayer'. But now also you wear a black blindfold in your face. Nobody knows your upper face. It is now one of the mystery of the country."

Alex laughingly replies," You don't have to be say this with an exaggerated tone."

" But it is the truth !! But with that blindfold also your face is very beautiful. It adds a charm to your beautiful face."

Alex with a smile replies," Thank you for the praise. By the way, I have to talk with the Guild master. Can you tell him to free some of his time ?"

Seeing his smile, it looks like flowers have bloomed every where. Luna with a blushed face replies," Okay. I will talk to him."

She hastily goes to Guild master or else she might lose control in front of beautiful face of Alex.

Meanwhile, the rest of the adventurers were whispering among themselves.

"Look it's White Slayer!!"

" Kyaa!! He is so handsome!! What is behind his blindfold? It has become of the mysteries."

" The first Ex Class adventurer!!"

While in this period of time, Lina arrives and says," I have informed Guild Master. He agreed to meet him."

Alex replies," Thank you."

Lina quickly speaks with flushed face," No, you don't have to say thank me. This my duty."

Alex just smiles and goes toward the the office of Guild Master. He taps the door three times.

A voice replies from the office, "Come in."

Alex enter and sees an 40 aged man sitting and signing some documents. The man sees Alex and put down his pen.

He comes near him and pats him on his head and says," How are you Alex? You were so small when you came and now you have became first Ex class adventurer. Good job, my boy!"

Alex embarassed a bit due to compliments but replies," Don't pat my head ! I have become an adult."

The man replies," Shut up you brat! No matter how big you have become you will be a kid to me."

Hearing his response Alex snorted a bit but didn't say anything. Out of many people in his life Guild master was one of the people he owed more than anything else. Alex respects Guild master very much.

Seeing this Guild master smiles and sits on a sofa and told Alex to sit in front of him. Then he asked," So what's the matter?"

Alex hesitate a bit but then replied," I want to retire. I have become strongest and I have no reason to work as an adventurer."

Guild master looks a bit to him in an intimidate gaze which makes Alex flinch a bit. But without any hesitation he continued to stare in Guild Master eyes.

The man sighed and then replied," I have predicted that this would be the matter."

"Wait, how?"

Alex asked in a surprised voice. The man replies, " Me and Glisda have known you from the time she found you. Do you think we wouldn't know your thoughts? I have known that after becoming strongest you would retire."

Alex become a bit surprised but then asks in sad voice," Where the old hag is?"

"Don't know. But she sends her letter from time to time."

Alex doesn't say anything. After a minute the man said," If you want to retire then no problem. I will settle the problem. But if something out of control problem occurs then I will ask for your help."

Alex nods at his suggestion. Then with thanking Guild master, he stands up to depart but suddenly guild master says, " Wait! take this with you. Glisda told me give it to you."

Guild master hands over a letter to him. Alex takes it and departs from guild. And goes to mansion the King gifted him due to his efforts. The mansion pretty big but still he still don't even have a maid in the mansion. Somehow using magic, he take care of it. He goes to near sofa and after making himself comfortable, he opens the envelope.

" What is this?"

He reads it for a bit.

" Isn't this an admission letter for Slayers Academy??"