
[Bonus Chapter] Phantom Defence Artefact

What? How is this possible? My sword couldn't break through the barrier?

But it was a perfect hit. And a very close hit too.

He thought that he had been able to cut Jamol. But he didn't.

So what happened?

Charles's golden eyes stared at the artefact that was in Jamol's hand.

As he used his status skill on the item.

[Item- Phantom Defence

Type- Defence type Artefact

Rank- Rare

Current User- Jamol

Description- It's a defence-type artefact that uses magic to create and maintain the defence barrier. Made by one of the greatest wizards in the Alexia world 'Sorcerer King'

Usage- Makes a protective barrier around the user. It repels the damage done to the owner by 2 folds and reduces the damage done to the user by 50℅]

After reading the description of the artefact Charles couldn't help but get furious.

What kind of bullshit is this? A defence artefact with a barrier that can repel the damage by 2 folds? And reduces the damage by 50%?

Isn't this cheating?

In fact, Jamol had already lost. But his trump card was still left.

Well, it's not as though it can't be broken.

The problem is that the barrier can repel the damage by 2 folds.

But he couldn't make a move because he didn't know the strength of Jamol's defence artefact.

So it was clear that he had lost. At least to Jamol.

Jamol smirked as he put down his artefact.

Then he pointed his finger at Charles and spoke with a haughty voice, "Where did your heroic spirit go? Come attack me. Hahaha..."

"Is the little hero scared?" The lackey who was laying on the ground stood as he tidy up his clothes.

'Are they really that stupid?' Charles could not help but ask himself. They were trembling like shit just a moment ago and peed their pants. Where did their confidence come from?

"You will die today, brat." The skinny one added.

"Oh and what makes you say that?" Charles asked as he chuckled.

"You don't know, right? Boss has killed many like you with this artefact. Not even B-rank Adventurers were able to save themselves from the boss," He added as he saw Charles chuckling.

He just could not wait to see Charles's helpless reaction when he rapes the little girl in front of him.

"Hahaha..." Charles's laughter echoed through the air, his amusement bubbling to the surface. The lackey's words only fueled his determination, igniting a fire within him.

"Look who's talking, the one who peed his pants a moment ago," He was just trying to provoke them. So they act rationally and attack him.

Although he was laughing, he was not confident in defeating them not with the artefact they had.

He had to wait for an opportunity before attacking them.

But things didn't go his way. Although the man was provoked he didn't have the confidence to fight Charles not after seeing him go crazy.

He just turned around and went towards the MILF laying half unconscious on the bed.

He then grabbed her hair pulling her up. He looked at Charles before licking the mother's cheeks.

He was looking at Charles with a grin. "Jsk, we could not have fun with the little girl but at least we got a taste of her mother."

Charles stared at the skinny man with a stoic face. He said in a cold voice, "You are going to beg for mercy? You will?"

Although he was enraged he didn't act rationally. "You think your safe as long as your behind him. Let me shatter your delusion."


The next moment he appeared in front of him and swing his sword horizontally at the level of his neck.

But Jamol appeared and stopped the attack.


Charles's attack was reflected but he wasn't thrown back like the last time. He knew Jamol would appear. It was just an act to distract them

His real goal was fatty. As he was pushed back he crouched and turned around towards his real target and


The right hand of the fatty was cut off before he could even react. It was the hand he used to touch the little girl.

"AHHHH!!!" the fatty screamed as he felt the pain.

Charles was not going to give them a fast death. He just had the urge to torcher them.

Charles stood there, his eyes filled with cold determination as he watched the fatty scream in agony. The room was consumed by an eerie silence, broken only by the echoes of the fatty's cries.

"Now, let's see how much you enjoy pain," Charles spoke in a chilling tone, his voice devoid of any emotion.

The older girl who was standing at the door was about to throw up seeing the scene in front of her.


While the skinny guy didn't realise what situation he was in, 'That brat... How dare he humiliate me?' he looked at the older girl. 'I know how I could make him pay,'

He dashed towards the girl and grabbed her hair.

"Ahh!" The girl screamed as the man dragged her.

"Oie!! Brat,"

Charles looked at where the sound was coming from and he saw the skinny guy with the older girl.


He quickly dashed towards them but was stopped by Jomal.

"Where do you think you're going, brat? It seems your attention is divided, and I have the perfect opportunity to strike," Jomal taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic delight.

Jomal had a smile seeing Charles's worried expression.

Jomal held onto Charles tightly, preventing him from reaching the skinny guy and the older girl. He grinned maliciously, relishing in the panic he saw etched across Charles's face.

"Where do you think you're going, Charles? It seems your attention is divided, and I have the perfect opportunity to strike," Jomal taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic delight.


Both of them clashed, with each move, Charles was being pushed back. Although his swordsmanship was far better than Jamol's. He lacked experience and strength.

Every time he gave a fatal blow to Jamol. His artefact would prevent it.

And with each passing moment, giving Charles a disadvantage.

"See this brat!" the skinny man said as he tore her clothes.

"Let..me...go," the girl was doing her best to resist.


Charles gnashed his teeth and pulled his sword back. He held it with his other hand and attacked with a sideways slash.

The barrier shook with every strike of Charles's sword. The sword didn't seem to damage the barrier.

But Charles had a determined look on his face.

He decided that the best course of action was to smash the shield apart.


Charles was now exhausted by the constant tries but the artefact was as good as new. He tried all his skills except the ultimate skills but nothing happened.

Frustration boiled within Charles as he relentlessly attacked Jamol's impenetrable barrier, his mind consumed with thoughts of the helpless girl. Every strike, every effort to shatter the shield seemed futile, pushing him closer to the brink of desperation.

Jamol, witnessing Charles's futile attempts, couldn't help but mock him. "Pathetic! Your feeble attempts are meaningless. Give up, Charles. You're outmatched, and there's nothing you can do to save the girl."

Charles gritted his teeth, his hands trembling with a mix of exhaustion and frustration. Doubt crept into his mind, questioning his ability to protect the innocent. But deep within him, a flicker of determination ignited.

In that critical moment, as if fueled by an unseen force, something awakened within Charles. A surge of power coursed through his veins, and a radiant aura surrounded his body. His eyes blazed with an intensity that matched the inferno within him.

With newfound strength and unwavering focus, Charles raised his sword high above his head. In one swift and decisive motion, he brought it down with all his might, channeling the awakened aura into a single strike.


The room filled with a resounding boom as Charles's sword collided with Jamol's Phantom Defence artifact. The barrier, once thought invincible, shattered under the sheer force of the strike. Splintered fragments of the artifact scattered across the room, its protective powers rendered useless.

Jamol's eyes widened in shock as the barrier disintegrated before him. The realization of his impending defeat sent a chill down his spine. He stumbled backward, his confidence waning.

But the surge of power that had consumed Charles came at a great cost. As the aura subsided, leaving him drained and weakened, he swayed on his feet. Darkness encroached on the edges of his vision, and his body threatened to give in to the exhaustion.

Before Charles could fully comprehend what had transpired, he succumbed to unconsciousness. His body fell to the ground, the toll of the battle finally catching up with him.

In the aftermath of the clash, the room fell into an eerie silence. Jamol, though shaken by his defeat, retained a sliver of his sadistic glee. He approached Charles's unconscious form, a wicked smile tugging at his lips.

"Now, who's the helpless one?" Jamol sneered, savoring his victory. "It seems you're the one who couldn't protect the girl after all."




Howdy readers,

Let me remind you this is Charles's first life-and-death battle so he may appear a little stupid while fighting.

Next chapter