
Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Terrorized by the Seed Crystal Virus outbreak, the dimension where Stein was created had its civilization destroyed. Once a world developed with technology as its core, now it was just a wilderness with remnants of tech that's inedible. Unknown if it was a call of good or bad luck, Zhang Qin Feng was chosen as the one to bring life back to this lawless, desolated place. What can he do? How can it be done? For what purposes? Is it worth risking his life for? There's no one to answer Zhang Qin Feng, as he was the only one with such a privilege. But he knew... That everything came with a price. "STEIN, Inventory!" Zhang Qin Feng grabbed the Phalanx X-02 that took four inventory spaces from his Dimensional Storage. Holding the pistol with both of his hands, he fired a shot accurately at one of the incoming zombie's head.

yanglin · Action
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421 Chs

Time To Clear A Loose End (3)

"What is happening upstairs?" asked the terrorist leader responsible for the base defenses. He noticed that some of their communication equipment had turned static without notice.

Luckily, all the communication channels for their central server were based on an in-house network, which is less unreliable than the wireless version.

"We have no idea, sir. The server reset earlier, and we're still waiting for the contact and images to come back into our display." an operator in the base responded to the defense leader's question.

"How long has it been?" the leader continued. There's a hint of uneasiness growing in him, and to a veteran fighter like him, he had a hunch something must have happened on the surface. But without images or contact, it was hard for him to deploy the people to check it out.

His order from Howard Saachez Evergreen was precise and straightforward.