
Dimensional Store in Glory City

A mysterious and flashy shop is located in a part of Glory City, what will happen when Nie Li reincarnates and sees the change in his City? "Professor Shen Xiu, are you Legend rank?" "Dad, are you by any chance understanding the Law of Fire?" "Sister, where did you get that sword from?" "Hey wait, because I'm Black Gold rank" "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" . . . . This is my Patreon, you can follow me to read more advanced Chapters patreon.com/Madarasama222 . . ( I'm really bad at english so i'm using google translate hope it won't be any inconvenience for you)

UchihaMadara_sama · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 35: Commotion

Cao County

Cao Yunlan and her mother were strolling through the village, smiling all the while as they looked at the happy faces of the villagers. From time to time, you could see tractors and other agricultural machinery in operation. Thanks to Cao Fenguan, who approved a branch here in the village, everyone can enjoy this benefit. The small shop is where they got the resources for the county's renovation. Of course, the fuel for the tractors and machinery was no exception. No one in the village was without anything to do, even the poor who had nowhere to live received jobs.

Suddenly, two 5-star Silver-ranked guards approached and knelt before Cao Yunlan. "Matriarch, the county wall is already in operation, that alchemical product called cement is amazing, and those stones to fill it, even more so," one of the guards said in a surprised voice.

"What about the school?"

Unlike the wall, Cao Yunlan's mother, Cao Fei, was more interested in the school. Her daughter told her about the Elementary, Middle, and High Schools, and asked her to be the supervisor of the entire project. As an Education Secretary in the county. The school year would be about twelve years. Five years of elementary (1st-5th) and seven more of middle school (6th-12th). Then high school and then university.

Cao Yunlan was quite dazzled by the knowledge that Cao Fenguan possessed. Thanks to his financing, the children of the county will be able to have an education. It wouldn't be free, but it had its benefits. For example, families with low incomes can apply for a loan to be paid in a certain time, and parents, who will not be unemployed, will be obliged to pay for their child's education when the determined time ends.

For orphaned children or those living on the streets, if they were part of the Cao family, they could enjoy the family's sponsorship, if they refuse, they would pay the cost and when they are old enough to work, they would have to pay back the money invested in them.

You should know that in this world, with the help of spiritual power, you are fit for any job, take the example of a 10-year-old in the Silver rank. They are much stronger than an average man on Earth. So, minors would have no problem paying back the money the school provided for their studies.

In addition, with the construction projects that Cao Yunlan has in mind, even the more than 200,000 people currently living in Cao County are not enough to satisfy the demand for workers. In addition to having to still draw a good portion of the population for the military project she heard from Cao Fenguan's mouth. The Navy. A force that is responsible for protecting the county from threats from outside and inside.

But that was not a problem at all. Cao Fenguan told her that when the word of the improved life in Cao County spread, many people and even spiritualists would come to Cao County seeking refuge.

"It's also in operation." The man kneeling before Cao Yunlan respectfully replied. She nodded satisfactorily upon hearing the report.

"I feel like a golden age is coming, not just for our county, but for all of Glory City." Cao Yunlan's mother looked up at the sky and sighed.


Outside the county, a group of 10 men was gathered, talking about something.

Everyone was dressed in a full purple hood.

"The operation will be quick. This time, I came personally to capture that brat. It's an order from our lord. I'll stay outside to prevent him from escaping by chance. Also, burn down the whole village if he does escape."

A white-haired man was giving orders with a serious face.

It's Gui Sha, the elder in charge of enforcing the law of order in the Dark Guild, a power in the Black Gold 5-star range.

Cao Fenguan was so important to the Dark Guild that a high command was deployed under the direct command of the Demon Lord.

"Yes," the ten figures responded in unison and walked towards the entrance of the village.


"What are they doing?" One of them asked, seeing many people building a wall.

"They're probably defending against Demon Beasts. Don't worry about it," another said.

Unbeknownst to them, they crossed an invisible barrier. Their power level dropped to Bronze 1-star level, but since they were in their base state and didn't intend to cause trouble yet, they didn't notice this detail.

Until they overheard a conversation in the distance.

"Look, they say these posters were put up by Lord Fenguan. It's the Dark Guild, an organization trying to take over Glory City," a burly man sitting at an outdoor table said while drinking a jug of beer.

"Yeah, they even have bounties on their members. For every member you kill, you can receive a reward of 500,000 demonic spiritual coins. And if you kill a high-ranking member, you can receive up to 100 million demonic spiritual coins," another man next to him continued.

"It's easy to recognize them by their clothing..." The man was about to continue when he suddenly looked to the side, seeing the ten Dark Guild members standing not far away.

Both sides stared at each other for a while, without either reacting.

"You bastards, it's them, the Dark Guild," the man forgot his drunken state, stood up, and pointed towards the group.

"Curse it, cancel the plan, kill as many people as you can. I want to see if that guy won't show his face," the leader of the group clicked his tongue with annoyance.

All of them are powerful elites of the Black Gold 4-star range, with him being in the 5th star. If he completes this mission, he can receive a valuable reward that can help him cross the threshold to the Black Gold level.

But suddenly, everyone's faces turned white.

"Hahaha, don't be afraid. It was announced yesterday that the village is surrounded by a matrix. These trash are now only at the Bronze 1-star level," the burly man laughed macabrely and threw his spirit-powered weapon towards one of the members.

The member, who didn't have the reaction or speed of a Gold-level fighter, was crushed by the weapon.

"Hahaha, it's true. They're just trash at the Bronze level now," he confirmed the validity of the news and showed a bloody smile.

He deeply hates organizations that seek hegemony over the world.

The remaining nine members regrouped strategically as they looked for an opportunity to escape.

Right now, they are like a herd of sheep among wolves. They are only minor demon spiritists with little experience in combat and elemental mastery. They only control their spiritual power in a basic way.

Meanwhile, their opponents are already fused with their Demon Spirits.

If they do the same, their spiritual power will drain until they are dry because they don't have enough spiritual power to supply their demon spirit.

In the blink of an eye, two more fell to the ghostly claws of a Silver-level spiritist.

"Hahaha, I can't believe I just made 1 million spiritual coins in a moment," the elder laughed loudly as he saw two Dark Guild members fall under the claws of his Demon Spirit.

"Damn it, retreat. Notify Lord Gui Sha that there is a matrix set in this village," the leader, whose face was quite pale, roared and was the first to escape towards an alley.

"Coward," boisterous laughter sounded from behind.

More and more people joined the fray, after all, 500,000 coins were a very tempting sum.





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