
Dimensional Store in Glory City

A mysterious and flashy shop is located in a part of Glory City, what will happen when Nie Li reincarnates and sees the change in his City? "Professor Shen Xiu, are you Legend rank?" "Dad, are you by any chance understanding the Law of Fire?" "Sister, where did you get that sword from?" "Hey wait, because I'm Black Gold rank" "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" . . . . This is my Patreon, you can follow me to read more advanced Chapters patreon.com/Madarasama222 . . ( I'm really bad at english so i'm using google translate hope it won't be any inconvenience for you)

UchihaMadara_sama · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 19: Home Service

Yang Xin smiled satisfactorily. She had just arrived and heard the idea from Cao Fenguan's mouth, which she found very brilliant. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to implement it in her Alchemist Association, so she joked about it. To her surprise, the young man didn't refuse.

"My name is Yang Xin, Vice President of the Alchemist Association of Glory City." Yang Xin stretched out her white, bony hand towards Cao Fenguan.

"A pleasure to meet you, Cao Fenguan, a simple shop owner." He was quite humble.

"Nonsense, if your shop is simple, then my Alchemist Association is trash," she mocked in her mind.

"Okay, leaving that aside, I came here to talk to little brother about medicinal elixirs." Yang Xin said.

"About Coca-Cola, what does Sister Yang Xin want to know?" Cao Fenguan replied.

"A simple water cannot have such medicinal effect, you can deceive people, but you cannot deceive an alchemist. If little brother is willing to share the formula of this pill or elixir, we can come to an agreement on monetization." Yang Xin didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point.

Cao Fenguan had a headache trying to think of how to explain to this stubborn woman that this was not any kind of pill, much less an elixir.

It was just a simple water with chemical properties and a medicinal effect for those who drink it.

"Would you believe me if I told you it's just a simple drink?" he said.

"How could it be, there must be a secret hidden in this." Yang Xin laughed sweetly.

Ye Xiu, on the side, looked at Cao Fenguan's helpless expression and coughed to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"Vice President, look at the young man's face, you're putting him in a tight spot."

Yang Xin felt bitter for not being able to achieve her goal.

"Okay, I won't pressure you anymore, for now I just want to see if the rumored effect is true." She said with a hint of feigned sadness.

She was the sub-director of the Alchemist Association, and although she was only 25 years old, she had achieved success at an early age. She was a 5-star Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist, and although she couldn't be considered exceptional, her achievements already surpassed those of the older elders in the Alchemist Association.

As she was a beautiful woman, when she was just starting as the sub-director of the Alchemist Association, the people in the Alchemist Association thought that she used her beauty to reach such a position, but as Yang Xin slowly revealed her talents, those who whispered about her quickly fell silent.

Just now, he saw a great business opportunity before his eyes, but he never thought that his reputation didn't matter at all to this handsome young man.

With 90% of the ancient books being lost, although an alchemist is very important, due to the limited effects of elixirs, being an alchemist has become a shameful occupation in Glory City.

And so, little by little, the shine of his Alchemist Association was fading.

"You're free to do your shopping, Sister Yang Xin." Cao Fenguan didn't call her "elder sister" even once, making her a little unhappy and dissatisfied.

At the moment, she was powerless, only hoping that in the future she could sell alchemical formulas and recipes. There are countless pills and elixirs that her store can sell, to momentarily increase strength, speed, compression, to heal, to strengthen the body, among many others. But he doesn't want to take away the business from the Alchemist Association, which can't fall any lower in Glory City.

So by selling them the recipes and materials to make them should be enough for the other party.

In addition, this enterprising woman has always been very likable to him, and he wouldn't be stingy to make Glory City grow.


"Mrs. Yang Xin, incredible, I advanced one and a half stars, now I'm at the Bronze 4-star rank!" A newly hired alchemist by the Association exclaimed.

"Hahahaha, I was able to advance to the Silver rank." Another one laughed maniacally.

Two more joined him.

Cao Fenguan and Ye Xiu were already used to these reactions, so they just gave him a blank look.

Yang Xin remained thoughtful for a while until she decided to take two bottles of Coca-Cola to show them to the President.

Before saying goodbye, she didn't forget to thank Cao Fenguan.

"Little brother, thank you very much." She said and lightly kissed Cao Fenguan's cheek, leaving him a little bewildered.

He wondered what he did to make this fierce woman thank him when he flatly refused to cooperate with the Alchemist Association.


A few hours later, Cao Fenguan was finally able to finish the Home Delivery service sign.

Now that Coca-Cola had officially run out, he had the opportunity to work based on his idea.

12,000 Coca-Cola a day is still not enough for a city with more than 10 million spiritualists, and of those 10 million, more than half were under the Silver rank or were common people without talent for cultivation.

[ Home Delivery Service ]

[ Description: Avoid queuing up and save the long way, apply for a V.I.P card so that the item you want to buy arrives where you are, at the time you request. You can also apply for a Premium card, where your order will be given complete priority. ]

[ V.I.P Card: 300,000 demonic spiritual coins ]

[ PREMIUM Card: 1,000,000 demonic spiritual coins ]

[ Each card expires at the end of the month, so on the first day of the following month, you have to renew it. ]

Cao Fenguan sighed with satisfaction as he saw the sign created by him.

He knew that only those from rich families could afford this luxury, but a business is a business, he was already being condescending by not being able to raise the price of Coca-Cola.

Even a beggar can buy it at the price of 1000 demonic spiritual coins.

Ye Xiu, on the side, twisted his lips at the price of the supposed card. He knew that Cao Fenguan wanted to bite the noble families.

"Tomorrow, I'll send personnel so that you can implement your idea, since you agreed to pay them, you can make an arrangement with them determining the amount you're going to pay them." The old man said.

Cao Fenguan nodded.

He knew that the spiritualists who served families were poorly paid, that's because the family they serve provides them with shelter and food, so they won't be as generous as to pay them an abundant amount of money.

But the most fun part is that most workers in this city are paid annually.

What is this concept?

If Cao Fenguan implemented this vicious method on Earth, he would undoubtedly be sued by all the lawyers in the world.

Where are human rights?

Although the place where I work provides me with food and shelter, I can't allow my payment to be annual, and that I have to buy for myself or my family during that time.

"Don't worry, I'll offer them a deal they can't refuse." He shamelessly mentioned a cliché line.

"Boss, good afternoon." A noisy voice echoed in the store, which was already calmer than in the morning.

Cao Fenguan silently nodded towards this little noise.

It was Lu Piao, Nie Li and their little group of friends.

Behind them, Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun also greeted.

"Uncle Ye Xiu, you're here." Ye Ziyun greeted her uncle very excitedly. She didn't expect to find him here.

"Well, well, the owner's vision is very good, if it weren't for him, you brats would have been left with nothing." Ye Xiu dramatically praised Cao Fenguan.

Understanding better the idea of the Home Delivery Service.

Since these kids are still in the academy, they can't afford to miss their classes to buy Coca-Cola, so to compensate for this, there's the Home Delivery Service. Although it's expensive for commoners, you'll have access to everything you want to buy firsthand for a whole month.

For him, who also bathes in money literally, this price is still a steal.

The kids didn't understand what the elder meant until he pointed to the sign on the side.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun's eyes shone intensely as they read the content.

Only the boys were a little bitter.

Obviously, they didn't have the money to afford this luxury.





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it's quite interesting