
Dimensional Sleep

"Mom! I'm going to bed okay!" "Okay baby! have a nice dream!" *sigh* Here we go again

InsaneIksane · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Runaway Pt.1

{Gran Ross's POV}


Where am I? What? Where in the world am I right now?! Wowowowowow calm down and take a deep breath. Yeah just like that, now just where the hell am I? Let's think back to all the things that happened earlier, yeah. I was having dinner with mom and then I went to sleep, nothing out of the usual.

So how the hell did I get here?!!!!

Wait… Am I dreaming right now? Yes! That must be the answer because what else can this situation be described as. Okay now Gran, wake up wake up wake up wake up right now wake up wake up...

Shit…. I can't wake up. Firstly, is this really a dream? Did someone abduct me? Okay then, I heard if someone feels pain then they are not dreaming. Then-


It hurts. Damn this is not a dream. Let's just look around first and-


Ahh my head hurts! What is happening!?

A few minutes have passed after I let out a wail in agony. Yet now, I am still standing still, completely stunned as I read the message in my head. Yes, in my head.

"What the hell is this…"

[Criminal's Escape]

[You are currently in the body of a runaway criminal called Shu Hei. You are detained for an attempted murderer. But, you are aware that someone is framing you since you are innocent! But no one is kind enough to believe in your words. You are tired of the constant trials you have been going through and decided that enough is enough!]

[Goal: Escape from the country]

[Failure: Pain of 1 death]

Where in the world did I memorize this!? Is this really a dream?! I have to escape from the country!? And what is wrong with this failure penalty??! The pain of 1 death?? That's too outrageous! In the first place, why am I here!? Do you expect me to just do this without any explanations!?

Calm down, take a deep breath, just like that. If we use logic here, then this is complete nonsense. Yet, the current situation I'm in right now is even more nonsense than the words I somehow memorized.

Deep down I want to just do nothing and sleep, yet I know that it will not help me at all. And this Failure Penalty is just too scary! Okay then, let's just do what this thing wants me to do.

As I walked around, I can see that I am currently in prison. But why is this prison so large! My cell is even larger than my house's living room. Is this some kind of a prison for the rich peoples?! Even when I peeked outside the windows, I can only see the green color of the forest and the bright color of the sun. No, it's even brighter than the sun! it looks like there are lightbulbs just shining everywhere.

Also, the facilities of this cell are outrageous. A comfortable and bouncy bed, a working shower, and even a goddamn TV. Which, of course, I turned on immediately. I quickly concluded that this world if very advanced that this kind of cell is very low-tech. But still, this way of living is not too bad either. There are foods on the fridges and even a laptop to play games with.

Wait… If this world is this advanced, then how am I supposed to get out!?

I quickly panicked as I remembered the Failure penalty and couldn't help myself from being scared. Because death is goddamn painful you know!? Even if I have never experienced death, even I know that it's painful.

Suddenly, before I can stop myself from panicking. A loud sound of alarm rang in my cell

"To all prisoners, it's lunchtime. Please gather to the cafeteria as soon as possible."

What? But there are foods on the fridge. Why would there also be a lunchtime!? Whatever, I should be able to find out after I get there. Such a bother. I bet that we are going to be served cold bread and hard meat.

I took back everything that I said. The cafeteria is so large and fancy that I couldn't help to cry for a while. This was how the prisoners were treated… such a kind and forgiving world. I also drooled when I saw the food. It's some kind of steak but it has a large portion and a lot of side dishes.


So delicious… this is even more delicious than the best restaurant in the city.

"What's wrong mate? It seemed like it's the first time you've had food."


Who the hell is this dude? He looked a bit scary with that bald head and tattoo on his face.

"Ah, I've forgotten to introduce myself. My name is Alex, I'm detained for robbery."

"Robbery, what did you stole?"

Of course, the first thing that I treasure is my own safety. If this dude stole something outrageous then I'll distance myself immediately.

"Eh, not something big. Only 10 bars of gold. Bah! They are too harsh, that is barely enough 3 days of living."


I screamed that and reflexively stood from my seat. Which, of course, pulled all the attention on me. If they were close enough to me. I'm sure that they could see a shade of red on my face. I quickly sat down as he laughed at me.

"Buhahahaah! What's with that reaction?"

"B-but you've stolen 10 gold bars!?"

Anyone sane would obviously be shocked. But his face didn't even shift expression when he said that he stolen 10 gold bars. 10 gold bars would be enough to score a fortune in your whole life! But, thinking back for a bit. I realized that he said if 10 gold bars were enough to make a living for 3 days. Do they treat gold like plastic bags here!?

"Insane right? Regular robbers might've stolen a couple hundred thousand but i only stole 10 gold bars."

A COUPLE HUNDRED THOUSANDS!!?? THAT'S ENOUGH TO LIVE FREELY FOREVER!! Calm down, calm down. The currency in this world must've been different from my world. Yes, that makes sense.

"To prisoner Shu Hei, a guest has visited. Please make your way to the office."
