
Dimensional overlord

the fourth dimension collapsed and began to merge with the third and with it, mana, monsters, aliens and all kinds of weird creatures came our hero, the leader of a solar system who has the power to control space and time travels in the third dimension to build a base for his people he will experience multiple adventures through which he will conquer other universes

Ramling · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Military base (3)

Carter and Liam grew more and more agitated as the veins in their bodies grew darker

If it continues like this, the chair won't hold, what are we going to do? Thought morgan 

Rosa was petrified, she had raised Carter for the last 3 years on her own and didn't even know if there was a way for him to be cured

the two individuals were in the corner of the room and our group was in the middle pointing their weapons in two different directions

other infected soldiers, hearing the screams of Carter and Liam, started banging on the door, it was a simple wooden door so it would not be able to resist the repeated assault of the soldiers for long

Morgan knew he had to act quickly but what could he do? kill his own son?

The team tried to gag the two individuals but they continued to scream and struggle.

the situation was tense and the door began to give way, while all hope seemed lost, a man's voice was heard

sorry, my trip took longer than expected, I see that everyone is safe and well in some ways

Michael was finally back

michael what is this? Is this part of the disaster? We tried to wear gas masks but it didn't protect us

yes and no, it's part of the catastrophe but it has demonic origins, more precisely, it comes from our dear vampires of the 4th dimension , half of it is caused by the mana in the air and the other half by the blood sucker

Michael suddenly pulled out a big knife out of nowhere and walked towards Carter and Liam

what are you planning to do with this knife asked morgan who had his fingers on the trigger of his assault rifle, it was clear that he was going to defend his son until the end

relax, I will save them, I have already dealt with these vampires in the past and therefore I am immune to this kind of infection

Michael made a small incision on the palm of his hand and made Carter and Liam drink a few drops of his own blood.

After 10 seconds, their blue veins disappeared and they were back to normal

everyone breathed a sigh of relief

the fear of being infected had disappeared from everyone's minds, this also gave even more weight to the fact that Michael knew what was happening and that he was not a crazy person who came out of nowhere

michael continued to talk : we will have to thank our dear vampires for their actions if we ever meet them 

you can count on me, replied morgan coldly, they had attacked his son, he was going to make them pay the price for it

I regained some of my powers because the mana in the air is more concentrated, so I went to look for some military equipment in the small bases of the country, this equipment will not be missed by anyone anyway

Michael then distributed a large backpack and military uniforms to everyone.

We will need to be dressed comfortably for what will follow, you have 15 minutes to prepare.

infecting the inhabitants of a planet in this way is typical of the vampire faction and country A will probably have to face them head on 

only country A asked morgan?

Yes, there are several races in the fourth dimension, golems, insects, demon , vampires and all kinds of life forms, this is just the beginning

given that these ghouls are developed from a biological weapon, they will not fight each other and they will also fight in groups

therefore we cannot let their numbers increase too much, we will have to attack them

this virus has a high percentage of successful contamination, more than 90 % , so most of the human population will perish from the first attack 

our group was astounded, it was only one faction and already most of the population of ambrasia was dead

For the moment, none of the vampires from the fourth dimension can pass into the third dimension , neither them nor their minions, you must take advantage of this time to become stronger and if you don't want to survive, you can still put yourself into a fetal position and wait for your death if you wish, said michael, a smirk appearing on his lips

overall, you don't have much to fear because I will do my best to protect you but you must listen to what I tell you and not rebel

the military base was made up of different sectors following the letters of the alphabet, from A to j, each sector had its use, there was even a small prison of 15 cells in the base

we will attack in 10 minutes, we will leave liam and carter here and will attack all the monsters in sector A

everyone tensed up , the catastrophe was no longer hypothetical but real, what's more they were going to fight with carnivorous monsters, they certainly had assault rifles but if one of the infected jumped on them, could they react in time? the situation was only getting worse

the only good news in all of this said michael is that thanks to the mana in the air , your reflexes, strength and muscle tone as well as your speed of reasoning increased, in short, you are a better versions of yourself and gradually as the mana enters the 3rd dimension, you will gain more strength

Michael ordered Morgan to be the captain of the team as he had the most experience in the art of combat, Morgan explained some basics, such as walking in a single line, paying attention to his left and to his right or how to hold a weapon

the people in front of him were after all civilians a few hours before the disaster began

everyone listened attentively and after 10 minutes, the door to the room our group was in all opened slowly.

more gunshots were then heard and 3 infected fell to the ground lifeless