
Dimensional Monarch.

Luck. Some are blessed by lady luck and others are favoured by misfortune, Leon Rodrig. An exceptional young man who always worked hard despite his fortunate background of a cultivation family, the normal citizens believe he's blessed by Luck, but is he really? So when a mysterious power decides his fate is to stand above all others, will he attribute it to luck and walk along the road crafted for him? Or will he walk his own path, leading him to an even stronger realm or possibly astray. The Tale of Leon Rodrig in a world of Cultivation has begun.

Runscape_Guides · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Matchless Bloodline!

While Leo informed Leon about the path forward, he walked away from the crime scene; ignoring the many people muttering under their breath, as well as the loser in the ditch.


"It seems like that talentless result was a facade, he's just like his Father, a threat." A black robed man, stationed on a roof top nearby said.


Leon quickly reached the Heaven Palace, wanting to go into his room he was quickly stopped by Agnes, who told him that his Father wanted to see him.


Walking through a large closed off hallway, Leon reached a stellar door that had a dragon painted over it, pushing the glamorous door open he walked in to see his Father, clad in a green robe looking out onto the city.


"I heard you got into a tussle with Lu Xi's disciple?" The handsome man asked curiously.


"Well I wouldn't call it a tussle, we simply punched at one another and he flew out, seems more like a a beating" Leon said, once again subconsciously showing his arrogant nature.


*Leon is awakening, this will be much easier than expected.* Leo thought to himself, as for what the so-called awakening entailed, that would be revealed later on!


"Ha! You're getting more arrogant, though you do have the right. Already reached the 6th state of the Meridian Realm? Actually no, should be the 3rd state? How thick are your meridians?" Rodrig disregarded the matter of dealing with Lu Xi, the Supreme Elder of the Flaming Sword Sect's, disciple. Quickly moving onto his son's improvement, the sect Master wouldn't wage war against him anyways.


Leon remained calm facing the burly man who he called Father, and his personal questions. "Naturally with talent comes prowess, I've only reached the 2nd State Meridian Realm, though I have power equivalent to a 6th State Meridian Realm." His unusual arrogance kept building, Leon himself not realizing his change!


'Only? It's been a day and he's already broken through twice. It took me 3 days back then...' Rodrig was flabbergasted by his son's arrogance, what others took months or days to do, he did in hours; comparisons could make one despair.


However, wanting to keep his indomitable appareance he spoke non chalanty "Alright then, good. Then here's a new goal for you mister genius, 8th State of the Meridian Realm. Or you aren't getting my help, nor the tournament reward." Rodrig said, wanting to tone down Leon's arrogance slightly. After all one had to take a fall to learn to get back up didn't they?


A sharp look flashed in Leon's eyes, following a set of words that left Rodrig and Leo completely speechless.


"Hmm, that seems too easy. How about this? I'll break through to the Foundation Realm. In return, I want access to the Crystal Pool" Leon said with a smirk.


**Crazy. You're crazy.** After a few seconds of dead silence, Leo was the first to speak in Leon's mind.


Hearing this Leon simply acknowledged him, without replying. Then finally Rodrig spoke up


"You'll die in the Crystal Pool, it's meant for Core Realm Cultivators." A simple sentence, no objection, just seeming like a concerned Father. Only Leon knew he was being tested.


"Like I said, talent is prowess. Those rules are meant for the weak, I can bear it. I will bear it." Leon's arrogant tone seemed genuine, but when one looked into his eyes they would see a mocking look!


A look of utter disregard for danger, a look belonging to a being who knew no fear. So once again one wondered, why had Leon suddenly gone through this transformation? With no obvious cause, why had he become so different.


Leon himself questioned it ever so slightly, and so he did what he believed to be logical.






**Name: Leon Rodrig

**Age: 16

**Qi till breakthrough: 1330

Bloodline: Primordial Linege

**Cultivation: Second level of Meridian Realm (4 meridian opened)

**Cultivation Technique: Great Void Technique (5 Star Potential)

**Talent: Saint-Tier

**Skills: Absorber



'Leo, what's up with this bloodline? I thought only beasts have them." Leon thought.


**Impossible...Are you really human?" Leo said, carrying an expression of absolute submission, which baffled Leon even more. 'The hell is going on??'


**Um. I'll use the systems authority to generate an explaination of it for you.** Leo said, feeling uneasy.



A shocking Linege, created by a secret power far surpassing any other.

Only one other being has ever possessed this bloodline, the host being the current second.


Indomitable Entity- Changing one's persona into that of an unstoppable one! The bloodline holder may not bow to another, lose to another, fear another or be trampled on by another; no matter how powerful.

Monarch of Source- All Sources the holder gathers, are multiplied by 3! No matter how divine the Primordial Bloodline refuses to lose in grandness.

Solitude- Peace of Mind, the holder will gain the ability to remain calm under any situation, except those which result the soul.


Note: Effects will improve as the Bloodline density increases.


'Huh? Bloodline Density?' Leon thought, focusing back in on his Status he realized he had missed something next to the bloodline in his excitement.


** Bloodline: Primordial Lineage (0.1%) **


"0.1%?! The effects are already so spectacular and they're worth 1/1000 of the bloodline? Who made this, what level had that person reached?


He left the trance in his mind when he heard a voice call out to him.


"Alright, deal. There'll be a more severe punishment if you don't meet the goal now." Rodrig said, seemingly not being aware of the prompts Leon had seen in the span of a few milliseconds.


"You may leave now" with that Leon was kicked out and went back to his room, getting ready to enter the forest. He felt like fighting for some reason.


In his alone office, Rodrig thought to himself 'Something's changed in him, a change this sudden. A talent this great. He's going to cause an uproar in this Galaxy isn't he.' Rodrig smiled, imagining the scene of his greatest foes immediately retreating upon the arrival of his son!