
Dimensional Merchant

Through some streak of luck, he met an avatar of the god of trade and commerce and gained the ability to travel the multiverse back and forth. However, he had to complete mission on regular basis. The main mission is ... profit! He must get material profit to a certain amount. This is the story of how he became the Dimensional Merchant. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

amethystore · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Information is Precious

Chapter 6: Information is Precious

[Quest] <Claim All Rewards>

[Trader I] - Complete 4 Transactions (1/4)

[Shopping Spree I] - Purchase 1 item in the Shop (0/1)

[Spender I] - Spends 10 Gold (4/10)

[Newbie Training] (Ends in 6 Days 23 Hours and 56 Minutes)

[Starting Point] - Conjure a Gate (Claim)

[Be a Helpful Person] - Trigger any Quest (Claim)

[A Fit Body for Peddling] - Reach Character Level 10 (2/10)

[No Longer a Noob] - Reach Merchant Rank Level 5 (1/5)

[Let's Make Some Money] - Earn a total of 1.000 G (54,75/1.000)

[Money is Only a Number] - Spend a total of 1.000 G (4,6/1.000)

'So my deal with Clara is considered a single transaction by the system huh?' Satria thought as he was walking on the cobblestone pavement in the town square.

The town square was full of peddlers and food stalls on every corner. Not only food, they're also selling some fruits, trinkets, and even veggies. It was like a small marketplace.

"How much for the fruit, miss?"

"A comb for 12 copper, sir." a simple-looking village girl who stood behind the counter answered.

"There you go, give me two."

"Certainly, please wait a moment."

The fruit looks like a banana, but with two pronged-end. It's strange, but that's just how it looks. Truly an isekai's fruit. He took a bite of the two-headed banana after peeling the skin. It tasted pretty sweet with a rich fragrant and nice fibrous texture.

"This actually tastes pretty good." he ate the branched banana while walking to another stall in the town square.

He bought two other things, a tree sapling, and pretty fish.

'I can store a living creature inside my inventory? Seems like this feature is secretly OP.'

Satria already knows that his inventory can stop the time flow, but now he just found out that it could store living creatures. This opened a new way to utilize the inventory.

'I wonder if I can store people in my inventory. Now, isn't that a kidnapping?'

He also checked the System Shop and bought the Eavesdropping Prevention Magic Tools for 82 Gold($58.860,26). Still, it was too expensive but he gritted his teeth and buy it regardless just to complete the daily mission. Anyway, he knows that he would definitely receive rewards from completing these quests.

Satria sat down in a shade of a tree and claimed all the rewards.

The daily mission gave him a total of 450 MAP. The quest Trader I, Shopping Spree I, and Spender I, grant him 50 MAP. While from the quest Spender II which he needs to spend 25 gold, and Spender III for spending 50 gold he received 100 and 200 MAP respectively.

His Activity Level was raised to 5 and he could claim the rewards.

[Potion of Healing] x 5

[Gold] x 100

[Material Chest(Common)] x 10

[Scholar's Wisdom (I)] x 5

[Crystalized Activity] x 10

[Potion of Healing]: Restore 50 points of Health

[Material Chest(Common)]: Contain a Common Ascension Material

[Scholar's Wisdom (I)]: Provides 1.000 Character Exp. when used.

[Crystalized Activity]: Can be used to exchange items in the Activity Shop.

'Wow, so I can use this item to gain a level? I thought I need to grind level or labor with quests, but this ..., where can I buy it?' the Scholar's Wisdom is an amazing item based on the effect.

He then claimed the newbie quest and the other unclaimed quest.

[Starting Point]

[Received] :

[Gold] x 50

[Merchant Exp.] x 500

[Invitation Letter(S)] x 1

[A-Summon Fragment] x 5

[Be a Helpful Person]

[Received] :

[Gold] x 65

[Merchant Exp.] x 750

[Secret Shop Pass] x 1

[Guidance Compass] x 1

[The Bloodied Knight]

[Received] :

[Gold] x 10

[Merchant Exp.] x 50

[Knight's Armor Set Chest] x 1

[Common Weapon Chest] x 1

After receiving the reward, he checked the description of each item.

[Invitation Letter(S)]: Invite an individual from another world to join your cause. If the other party accepted the invitation, then that person will be your underling which you can summon at will.

[Summoning Ticket Fragment]: A fragmented Summoning Ticket, collect 80 of this item to complete the fragment.

[Secret Shop Pass]: Tear this pass to enter the Secret Shop. Make sure to bring a lot of money before you enter.

[Guidance Compass]: Magical Tools that will help you navigate until you reached the destination.

[Knight's Armor Set Chest]: Contain a set of Knight's Armor equipment.

[Common Weapon Chest]: Contain a Common weapon, you can choose one of the available options.

Satria read through the item description and the more he know, the more excited he was.

'I can summon waifu!' it was his weeb dream to meet and interact with anime waifus.

Although he didn't seem to show it on the surface, he was secretly excited when he saw the female main character of this world. After all, even if Dahlia isn't on his top-tier waifu list, it's still on the B-tier and he quite likes her personality.

'Okay, so who should I summon?'

He thought about it for a moment. Actually, he was not that knowledgeable regarding trade and such. The only experience he had is reselling some products with an online shop. In the process, he got scammed, lose some money, and even there was a time when he had to resort to loans.

At the end of the day, he's still a newbie regarding commerce and there's so much to learn. Though, it might be better to learn it from other people and avoid some losses rather than learning directly from bitter experiences.

'Maybe I should summon her ...' he thought of a certain geo catalyst, the Liyue mogul that could shake the foundation of the business circle. 'Let's think about it carefully. After all, the Invitation Letter differs from Summoning Ticket, it could only work if the other party accepted the invitation. And I don't know for sure if Ningguang will accept it.'

Satria closed the system and continue looking for an inn. He used the Guidance Compass and it work just like Jack Sparrow's compass. He needs to think of the destination, and the needle of the compass will point at the place that he thought of.

He found the Stargate Inn after fifteen minutes of walking. He rented a room for a week. He rented it for a total of 98 silver($704), and that price included the 30% price reduction from the amulet and the masque in effect.

'I'll take a bath and then go prepare for dinner. I have a lot of questions for Dahlia.'

The sun started to set, and he took a nice bath. Surprisingly, the plumbing of this world is quite on par with modern earth.


After settling off her engagement with Tobias Orlando, Dahlia spends the rest of her day with quite a few activities in her schedule. Starting from moving things from the house that she and Tobias bought back on her green tower, went to the hairstylist for a new hairdo. Bought a new dress and makeup.

She didn't know what to feel about her canceled engagement. While it's true that she tried her best to become Tobias' 'ideal' fiancée, accepting and obeying all his demands. However, deep down she held no romantic affection toward her senior apprentice-brother. And right now, she didn't know how to feel about the engagement annulment. It was ..., just that bland. She should be feeling hurt by this, but no, the only feeling left for her ex-fiancé was only indifference.

There's only one thing on her mind right now. The person named Satria brought a product from earth. Although, he introduced himself as someone from Atlantis, and tried making his background story much more mysterious. Dahlia absolutely won't believe such bullshit add that with their secret exchange back then, she knows that Satria already knew that she was a former Japanese. If not, why in the first place did he mouth that word just to calm her down?

To see another earthling is indeed great news to her who spend twenty years in this world after reincarnating. It was like, seeing an old friend after getting separated for years. Even though she never meet him, she instinctively feel close to him.

Dahlia hired a carriage and went to the restaurant where she would have dinner with the man who introduced himself as Satria.

'Dimas Satria Purnama ..., this name, is it Indian? How did he come into this world? If he could bring things from the earth and sell it here, does that mean he can shuttle back and forth to earth and this world?' she thought randomly.

Twenty minutes later, she finally arrived at the restaurant. Where she could see the man leaning on the light pole. Wearing the same clothes as he was this noon. The man frowned as he stared at her intensely, afterward he waved his hand and called out.

"Ms. Dahlia? Wow, this is ... you, look pretty stunning. I almost can't recognize you."

Dahlia looked like a plain girl this noon. However, just like Cinderella at the prince's ball. Tonight, she's like a brand new person.

She visited her childhood friend who work as a beautician Irma to cut her hair short and remove the brown dye. Her lustrous hair returned back to the natural dark red, it was a rare hair color that she inherited from her mother. After that with Gabriella's and the boutique sales advice, she bought a chic cornflower blue sleeveless blouse, a long white skirt, and a cream poncho to keep her arm and body warm. She also can be seen wearing a new silver-rimmed glass that upped her charm. She donned this attire on this evening dinner along with makeup that only enhance her beauty.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry ..., did you wait for long?"

"We never agreed on the hour, so I came earlier afraid that you'd wait for long. Though, my worry is needless," he said shrugging his shoulder helplessly.

"..., that's my bad. I'm sorry, really sorry." Dahlia bowed her head feeling genuinely sorry for making him wait.

"Nah, it's fine I just arrived there's no need to feel bad about it ..., let's go in, shall we." Satria stretched out his hand.

It was a gesture that he never did nor have the courage to do back when he was still chasing after Tyas. However, he could do this with Dahlia without any trouble.

Dahlia without resistance took his arm, hugging it with her plentiful bosom. This reciprocation stunned him for a moment as he relish the moment and the sensation on his arm.

'This is weird. This feeling, and the warmth ..., damn, I think I'd get addicted to this.'

Dahlia was puzzled by his sudden disconnection from the world and called. "Mr. Satria?"

"Ah sorry, I space out for a moment there. Let's go in shall we?"

'Blame my virgin self, I never once this intimately close with a woman before.' Satria thought to himself while trying to keep his act cool.

After getting a seat the waitress came and gave them the menu book.

"Give me some input, it's my first time eating in this place. What dish is the specialty of this restaurant?" asked Satria.

He couldn't read the letter after all.

"Well ... the specialty is a dish called Ice Boar Menace. But you said that you don't want pork, so how about Sour and Sweet Beef Steak?"

"Very well, I'll order that."

"Okay ..., what about the drink, I'm thinking of trying the Violet Brew Wine."

"Ah, did they have something that's not alcohol?"

Dahlia lowered the menu on her hand to look at Satria, he has already put down the menu book and seemed like entrusting her to order the dishes. She then said. "..., I don't think so. There's only alcoholic beverage listed here."

"Hmmm ..., I'm fine with just steak, then."

"..., did you bring your own drink?"

"Yeah, I still got plenty of it in my stash."

"Waitress ..." Dahlia called out to the waitress and ordered two medium rare tenderloins sour and sweet steak and a bottle of Violet Brew Wine for her.

"Mr. Satria ..., now then, can I ask you some questions?"

"Fine that's why we're here anyway. Ask away!" Satria nodded casually, before continuing in low subtle voice. "But before that ...,"

He took out an Eavesdropping Prevention Magic Tool and activated it. He said. "I think I need to remind you, that no one in this world will know about the content of our conversation. Got it?"

"I promise you. In my best capacity, I will absolutely keep this conversation a secret."

"Good ..., so what do you want to ask."

"The first one is, who are you?"

"As I said, I'm Satria Purnama. A traveling merchant, well, at least I'm aspiring to be one."

'That isn't helpful at all, what I want to ask is ...' Dahlia thought was halted when Satria continued.

"Alright, that isn't helpful for you I guess. But that's my real name and occupation. I worked for some higher-level entity which allowed me to travel to another dimension. You, Miss Reincarnator ..., are the gateway for me to enter this world."

"Huh, what do you mean the gateway? And this ..., how do you know that I'm a reincarnator? Wait, so you're from earth?" Dahlia asked after thinking for a bit processing what he just said.

Satria smiled and then slowly said. "Miss Dahlia ..., didn't you already guess that this noon."

"I ..., yeah, you sell something from the earth, and you know Japanese. I guessed it at that time, just to make sure. Anyway, what do you mean by me being the gateway?"

"You know, that in every world information is precious. I can't divulge everything I know to you without getting something in return, right?"

"..., what do you want?"

"Equal Exchange ..., a question for a question."

Dahlia looked at the slight smile that rose up in his mouth. She then resigned herself to his game because he has more information than she did. After all, what does a man of his caliber want to know from a novice magical craftsman like her?

"..., alright, as you already answered one of my questions. That means you can ask me now."

"Very well. Now, here's the thing ..."

Sorry for the delay, got caught up with assignments and competition stuff so I don't have any time writing down my ideas into the story. Maybe I should really started stockpiling chapters before uploading it en mase.

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