
Dimensional Immortal

The job went bad, but that was expected in his line of work. Reincarnated in the DC universe with gifts from a system the MC will work his best to spread as much chaos as possible in his quest for power. Semi Gamer fic First world DC universe Second world Vampire Diaries This will become an extremely Dark/Evil SI fic that will not be for the faint of heart so read at your own risk.

Stevemeh · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


Chapter 10

Sitting in a comfortable chair I stare at the man behind the large desk, his gray slicked back hair and a large white Santa beard the only thing visible as he ideally writes. This is Nolan, one of the best smugglers and identity reformers in all of the states. It was easy getting out of the hospital with all the fuss of trying to revive Zena and after getting out it was a short walk to get here. 

"Is everything prepared?" I ask watching as he continues to ideally write the smell of ginger slowly seeping in my nose.

"Yes, the helicopter will take you to your destination in an hour. I hope your bags are ready because once that helicopter leaves it will not be coming back here." He says without looking up. "I don't know what you're doing going to some desolate island Theo. I already offered you a job here that would pay more in a month than you would on that island in a decade." Nolan says while looking up revealing his face filled with scars and a black eye patch on his left eye.

"I already told you Nolan it's not about working on an island it's about what's on the island that I want. Did you get everything else?" I question with narrowed eyes.

"Yes I got you your creepy book and dagger. What are you even going to do with this stuff?" Nolan asks while pulling out an old black book with old faded Egyptian writing on the top as well as an old dagger with a snake carved into its golden handle.

"Nolan… you ask too many questions." I mutter while leaving the room going up to the roof to wait for the helicopter to come.


The wind beating down on me from the helicopter I hoist the large backpack on my shoulder feeling a firm hand on my shoulder as I turn and look at Nolan.

"Theo I've kept up my end of the deal, your last request is getting retrieved but I need insurance to know that you will hold up your end of the deal." Nolan's voice is firm as he stares into my eyes. Shrugging off his hand from my shoulder I shoot him a glare. Nolan knows what I am, when I first offered him the deal of letting him live he shot me as I was walking away. I was furious when I woke up in a dumpster but I respect it. I would've done the same thing but when I came back we made a suitable deal. He gives me whatever I want to keep me satisfied and I won't kill him and his family. Over the months that I've known Nolan he has become a respectable ally so I agreed to do him a favor for his hard work. 

"Who is it that you want me to kill Nolan?" I question as Nolan pulls out a picture of a one eyed man with a glowing red eye patch.

"His name is Floyd Lawton but most know him by his work name Deadshot because he doesn't miss. Lawton killed my brother and I want you to make sure that he gets what's due to him." He says through gritted teeth the rage in Nolan's eye making me smile as I take a closer look at the picture.

"I'll get it done Nolan, you don't have to worry. Once I finish my business with the pirates I can guarantee he will be as good as dead." Floyd's face is not what I remember how it used to be in the show or the movie if anything he looks more like his comic book character.

Giving a nod to Nolan I walk to the all black landed helicopter tossing my bag on board taking a deep breath before climbing on board. This is it, this is yet another potential large increase of power and I won't let this opportunity go to wait as I did the last one. I will not fail!


As the small rickety plane flys over the ocean I look out of the small window staring at the creepy island in the distance. This is the island of Lian Yu. For two days I've been traveling, taking small planes down the coast trying to hide from anyone who may be looking for me only to end up here my final destination.

"You know what you have to do?" I ask, grasping the pilot's shoulder as the older man looks behind me with a sad smile.

"Yes I do, half the money has already been transferred into my family's account. I'm sure the rest of it will be transferred once the deed is done. What about you lad why are you on this plane you're still so young I'm sure you have something to live for." He says as I feel the wing of the plane begin to tip. 

The pilot has cancer and Nolan offered him the honorable job of crashing the plane in the sea giving false directions of where we are so no one will find us. The pilot is just looking out for his family making sure they are taken care of once he's gone. It's respectable and he gets to go out with one final bang.  

"You don't have to worry about me gramps. I'll be fine." I say while patting his shoulder. As he nods his head looking back forward I feel the plane jerk as it begins to nosedive towards the water my heart beat beginning to boom. Sitting back in the ripped leather seat of the eight person plane I make sure my bag is strapped secured to my back giving one last look at the island covered in fog, a dim light lit barely visible on the beach. 

Oliver Queen, Slade Wilson, and Shado should all be here but I didn't come here to make friends. I came here for two reasons and two reasons only the main one being the Mirakuru virus. I can't say I remember the exact location but I know that it's on a submarine so it shouldn't be too hard to find… hopefully. 

From the fast descent I feel my ears pop and as I look back out the window it's only a matter of seconds until the plane crashes. Quickly opening the door I feel my body launch forward as the plane crashes into the water a loud crash making my ears ring my face smashing into the pilot seat as my world goes black.

Opening my eyes with a gasp I inhale a mouthful of water staring at the raging ocean spilling through the door, my ears still ringing. Shakily standing I stare in fascination as the water begins to fill the sinking plane.

Taking one final gasp of air before the whole plane is submerged I push off the wall swimming out the plane watching it sink to the bottom of the ocean. Ideally floating I stare off at the emptiness of the ocean before beginning my long swim to the island.


Stepping onto the sand I collapse to my knees gasping for breath in exhaustion. I've never been the best swimmer which is why I wasn't surprised when I drowned but I've finally made it. Looking up, I gaze into the dense forest, my body shaking from the cold, the sun slowly setting behind me the black smoke rising from a fire on a far away cliff.

Flinging my bag around me I open it all of my items drenching wet except for the bagged book. Shakily standing I stumble into the dense forest.

Originally I was going to bring items to try and survive this Purgatory but that would look suspicious to the trio and if I do want to find the virus being on good terms with them could help speed up the process. 

Taking a deep breath getting solid footing on the sand I walk into the dark forest the screeching birds welcoming me.


Staring off at the dark leafless trees, the screeching birds singing all around me, I continue to walk aimlessly into the forest, the dead leaves crunching beneath my feet. 

Taking another step forward I hear a whistling sound come behind me as a thud hits a tree next to me with an arrow sticking out of it. Whipping my body around I watch as a dark figure leaps from a tree behind me. 

SATs is over time to get back on the writing grind.

Hope you guys enjoy I'm going to try and finish up DC in the coming chapters. I really enjoy DC but for Theo to face off agaisnt Superman, the Flash, Wonderwoman etc he would need a massive powerboost. I still want to write him in other worlds and I feel he would be too op I he was able to do that.

Lmk what you guys think in the comments sry for the short chapter.

Stevemehcreators' thoughts