
Dimensional Group Chat Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the deal a guy gets killed and reincarnated as the main protag of Akame ga Kill Tatsumi. Your usual reincarnated story with no cheats in the beginning only hard work trying to live his life the way he wants. Then one day his greeted with the fabled Dimensional Group Chat with a group of others how could this go? Probably something out of this world.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 54: Hero vs. Hidden Leaf Shinobi

~Third POV~


Moving away from the incoming feather blades with her speed and thanks to her [Byakuan] Hinata managed to move away from them by running and avoiding them. However, even she knew she couldn't do this forever.

Using her [Byakuan] she noticed how fast Hawks was going after her but to her, it was below her speed. She was trained since birth to a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village and was fiercely trained to run at fast speeds.

To her Hawks seemed somewhat slow as she was used to fighting in fast encounters and literal ninjas have very great agility.

Even though she admits that she's fast she will admit that others above her can dodge literal lighting attacks and very fast reaction speeds than hers, but she was no slouch either.

Just as the feathers were coming towards her she stopped right then to use her newest Taijutsu or martial arts she got from her reward the [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist].

[Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist] users of this martial art can repel the attacks of their opponents, nullify them, or redirect them with twice the power. The style enables the user to redirect attacks that are significantly more powerful than the user's strength.

The martial art is capable of deflecting small dust particles, rapid blade attacks, and even attacks of pure energy.

However, martial art has a limit for redirecting force, the user cannot deflect attacks that are way too powerful compared to the strength of the user.

But to Hinata on the other hand it was easier for her to learn because of her family style of [Gentle Fist] and her created technique of the [Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms] both of those techniques made it possible for Hinata to grasp the power of the [Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist].

When the feathers entered her personal space inside the vision she began to change stances as Hawks saw this with his vision as he glares at what's to come, 'What the hell is she doing? Does she expect to deflect those feathers from all directions?'

Hawks then saw the impossible as two energy-like waves are flowing to her hand just like gentle water as the feathers that soon came in range…



She easily deflected and reflect them out from her range as Hawks was in disbelief of what he saw in front of him as he describes the scene in complete disbelief, 'What! From what she's doing to my feathers she is leading them around by the nose by moving like a calm stream, only to finish them off with a punch strong enough to smash great rocks like a raging river!'

[Water Stream Encampment] is a technique from the reward as she performed the steps correctly as the example of the skill by the skill book of Bang says. She creates an area where her fists destroy anything that enters, protecting those insides.

The feathers were destroyed as Hinata saw Hawks in the air as she then began to throw her kunai's at him as Hawks managed to get himself together and avoid them altogether as to not get damaged.


Easily maneuvering them from the air he dodged them she began to charge at him as Hawks was surprised by the speed as he thought to himself while getting ready to defend, 'What the hell and now she's fast as well? What's with Day Raid having multiple quirks on them?'

While Hawks examined the inhumane speed as he thought it was a quirk it was actually how the Shinobi's of the Hidden Leaf Village trained to avoid getting hit or outrun dangerous attacks altogether.

How could a hero in modern times know actual danger fighting ancient assassins as in the shinobi or how truly violent the Naruto world truly was.

A natural Shinobi speed took at least a few hours to reach a town outside on the ground so when a Shinobi fights against a slower opponent then the answer becomes obvious…

Before she connected any hits on Hawks she calmed herself down as she already has her [Byakuan] active as she thinks to herself seriously, 'I need to get better. I need to prove myself that I can become a better person. Ever since I discarded me like for Naruto and him rejecting me I had time to reflect on myself…'

Getting into striking position in mid-air she thinks about everything leading to this point as she finally realizes her truth to herself in the process, 'I was no am pathetic. The only reason I became better was to follow Naruto but what has that brought me? Nothing but disappointment when he rejected me, he was a shackle or chain to me. Even Saeko explained I was destined to be together with him…. Bullshit.'

Narrowing her eyes, she began to use another one of the techniques combining it with her created version as chakra was being supplied to her palms into very thin and sharp blades of the [Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms].

The [Abandonment] is another technique from the fighting style as it was engraved from the skill book that was performed by Bang the master. By training his dynamic visual acuity and anticipating the enemy's movements, he can demonstrate the terrifying power of abandonment.

But with Hinata [Byakuan] she didn't need to do the training as her clan bloodline skill did all of the work for her.



"[Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms]!"


Quickly attacking Hawks down with all the pinpoints of his body is shown to be cut down with tiny blades as it scratched his hero costume with surprise written all over his face as he screamed in pain.

All of those strikes were aimed at Hawks' weak points on the body or more especially the joints and muscle as well as the nervous system that effectively uses his quirk on command but now that it's effectively locked in place.

Just like that Hawks wings stopped working as he looked surprised as he tried to use them in the air but couldn't as fear created in his heart from the height they are at.

Hinata on the other hand wasn't that much worried but Hawks grabbed his two wings feathers to form a wing blade as he viciously attacked her as he was falling the same as her, "You damn Ninja! I don't care if my quirk is temporarily disabled but at least I'll take you down with me!"

He then made a final attempt to grab her mid-flight as Hinata just replied to him sounding no trouble at all as she talked simply as it was fact, "I would be very careful number 3. Just because you trained using your powers of quirks made you and all heroes lack or lose something in return that is very basic. Actual fighting skills to back up once your power is gone you are just like those quirkless people the ones you look down upon."

That was when Hawks tried to stab her in the stomach with his wings blades as he hugged her tightly but…


The shock on his face was revealed as Hinata he fought turned into a piece of wood as Hinata used the very basic skill in her world the [Substitution Jutsu].

With this jutsu, one replaces their own body with a block of wood or some other object, the moment an attack land. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield.

His eyes widened in shock as he was falling as he then saw the real one was right below his falling location as Hinata thought to herself proudly, 'You heroes in this MHA world are strong with your abilities that I can agree. But you all lack actual skills or strategies solely overly relying on quirks. We ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village always train with everything we have so don't we don't die on missions… and we most certainly hesitate to win given the chance.'

Getting ready to end this travesty of a fight as she gets into her family-style technique, she thinks seriously to herself, 'I won't be that pathetic girl solely chasing her loved ones as a stalker that was the most pathetic, I have done. For now, on I'll fight and improve solely on my reasons to become someone that I can be proud of not like in the past…'

Just as Hawks finally gets into her position, she began to rapidly be attacking him using her family [Gentle Fist] fighting style along with the [Water Streaming Rock Smashing Fist] to quickly give Hawks a beat down like no other.



As she continues to strike Hawks at his weakest, she thinks to herself and resolved to change who she once was in a serious tone, 'I'm Hinata Hyugya I will do what I can to improve for myself. I want to have to be brave, not shy all the time for those around me... It's time I grew up from this childish chain of Naruto and go about with who I want to be with on my terms. My sense of freedom.'


Hawks were defeated harshly as he have bruises all over him as Hinata politely bows to him in a kind manner as she spoke, "Whew… Thank you for volunteering for me Hawks-san to be my punching bag. I needed to vent out my frustrations."


[You have defeated one of the Top 10 Pro Heroes only 1 to go! (4/5)]

Hawks in return groans in pain no longer being conscious as Hinata raises her fist in the air as she was now motivated to herself as she talked to herself bravely, "Ok Princess! If I want EdeathBitch to notice me this time I want to establish an actual relationship and not stalk around this time around like with Naruto. I have to be brave and take this steadily before reaching that step! I will be better at this! Umu!"

With that Hinata has gotten over her past time she wasted with new vigor as she easily defeated the hero as all it took was one attack to win to disable him.


A/N: So how do you think about Hinata's development about finally being brave and bolder while keeping her kind nature? Also, the reason why this is short is that all it takes for Hinata one hit to beat Hawks, and with Bang fighting style with her bloodline wasn't even a fair fight against hawks plus she's fights dirty like a ninja.