
Dimensional Group Chat Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the deal a guy gets killed and reincarnated as the main protag of Akame ga Kill Tatsumi. Your usual reincarnated story with no cheats in the beginning only hard work trying to live his life the way he wants. Then one day his greeted with the fabled Dimensional Group Chat with a group of others how could this go? Probably something out of this world.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 102: Plan is Attack!

~Third POV~

Somewhere else inside the Phantom Lord guild dorms were two members that were acting as spies inside Phantom Lord but are members of Grimoire hearts.

Zancrow has long and spiky blond hair that reaches down to his lower back. He is usually depicted with a psychotic grin on his face as he shows his teeth. His red pupils consist of several concentric circles, which further enhances his crazed appearance. He wears a yellow and dark blue skirt-like armor with a red waist ribbon that exposes the right side of his chest as well as his right shoulder, where his guild mark tattoo is located.

Azuma is a tall, massive, and highly muscular man with tanned skin and thick brown hair that looks like long, dark, leathery strips of confetti jutting out in all directions. He has brown eyes and long sideburns, joining his hair to his prominent goatee, which takes the form of several triangles pointing downwards and extending upwards on his chin. He also has a straight dark streak running over his left eye, which extends up to the top of his forehead and down to his mid cheek. Each of his ears is adorned by a large earring shaped like a round crescent moon pointing down.

Azuma wears an outfit decorated with tribal-like motifs, complete with what looks like leather armor covering his upper body. The chest piece is simple, with the central section highlighting his prominent abdominals and pectorals underneath it being light green, separated by the dark green parts on his sides by a pair of thin white lines framing it on both edges. The V-shaped part around the neck is instead black. With the chest piece comes a pair of large, dark-colored shoulder pads, complete with lighter-colored edges and massive straps hanging from them, each decorated by similarly large hollow studs. The left shoulder pad bears Grimoire Heart's symbol.

However, their true guild marks are hidden as Azuma begins to operate his magic Lacrima communication device as he speaks to master Hades.



Just like that a few beeping and flashing notices came from the Lacrima to reveal Hades in his old beardy glory as he sees Azuma as he begins to speak to them, "Azuma I see you made contact with me. How's the research going on finding a way to collect the Lacrima hidden inside underneath Fairy Tail?"

Azuma shook his head to say no to his guild master as he begins to explain to Master Hades in a serious tone to him, "Sorry sir but no. Even with my <Great Tree Arc>, I can't do much about entering underground like the one who placed magic enchantments made sure those that use magic were detected immediately. If I did that it would alert the magic council and mages of Fairy Tail."

Hades strokes his beard at this as he casually sees the problem that they are facing and thinks critically of the situation to them, "Hmm… I see that Makarov managed to place some traps for other magic users to go after the dark secret of Fairy Tail. I guess that is to be expected but what are your plans on getting the Fairy Heart."

Azuma made a conflicted expression on his face at the idea but then explains to Hades the plan with Zancrow listening in to their conversation bored, "Well… our 'guild master' Josè Porla wants to kidnap this girl named Lucy and return to her father for a great sum of reward from Fairy Tail – "


Hearing this a laugh escape Hades as he already realized what they should do during this time for them to get the Fairy Heart as he explains to them what to do in a serious voice, "Ohohoho! Now, this is a real stroke of luck for us. Those mages of Fairy Tail will never let their members get taken from them. If that were to happen, they will immediately retaliate with a furry. When they attack you can use that time to get the Fairy Heart when their guard is down."

At this Zancrow begins to grin sadistically at the idea their master is giving out as he requests permission from Hades to join the attack against Fairy Tail pleading with him, "Yes!!! Master Hades will you allow me to participate in the fight against Fairy Tail when they attack! Please it's been aged to burn people alive with my <Fire God Slayer Magic>!!"

Before Azuma could dismiss Zancrow's idea he was quickly beaten to the punch by his master Hades he responded with a nod to Zancrow as he spoke, "Hmm… very well then Zancrow. We do need to erase any evidence of Grimoire Hearts involvement. You have my full permission to get rid of any fools getting in your way burn them all to ashes if you must."

Zancrow just smiled happily at the idea of getting to burn people alive as true to his crazy personality.

Zancrow is very psychotic and is, more often than not, seen laughing psychotically. He has a violent and sadistic nature, getting excited over the idea of burning people to ashes and feeling no remorse for bringing them pain.

Though he appears to be kind towards his fellow Kin, such as when he comforts Meredy after Ultear's scolding, he seems to hold no genuine concern for anyone, gleefully expelling Meredy from the guild after discovering her and Ultear's betrayal, and even going as far as to reveal that Ultear, who Meredy loves as a mother, was the one who destroyed her hometown.

He truly has no remorse for his actions except great respect towards Master Hades.

Azuma on the other hand is a stoic, self-assured man who shows little emotion towards anything that happens around him. He shows contempt for opponents that he considers weak, noting their characteristics such as being a woman, child, or a cat as a factor to their weakness and scoffing at their attempts to hurt him.

When Azuma has the opportunity to battle strong opponents, he will do anything, including resorting to underhanded tactics to face them, despite disliking them. He derives great pleasure from his fights with worthy opponents, as even when he was being barraged with powerful attacks he was grinning maniacally at the exhilaration of the fight.

Hades nods in understanding at them as he began to leave out with the both of them their new orders to do as they nodded their heads, "Now then just follow the plan and Azuma make sure to take the Fairy Heart. I know your personality well Azuma don't risk it all for a fight you got it?"

Azuma nods his head as Zacrow laughs at him for being warned.

However, unaware of the two one of Hinata clones keeping a close eye on them using her <Transformation Jutsu> thought to herself seriously, 'Oh no this would be very troubling… better to warn Tatsumi and the others of this development. We don't have any more time to spare.'


Quietly poofing out of existence as to inform her allies of what's to come…

At this Azuma noticed that outside their guild dorms as he looks outside the night…


Before suddenly Phantom Lord guild was all transported away… all by the response from Hinata clone gave to Tatsumi as they have enough time to deal with Phantom Lord for good transporting them away using <Shambhala>.

Catching him and Zancrow off guard everyone from the Phantom Lords Guild was caught off guard as they all felt a sudden change of magic power being dragged into a different separate space.

As the members of Phantom Lord began to come out they all looked worried as they began to speak out in concern even Jose looked confused as he made notice of what was going on, "What! Wait for a second this is a form of space magic being used here why are we –"


That was when a bone-chilling roar was heard throughout the whole separate space that looks like a piece of land of open fields as Gajeel looked very shocked seeing the creature in question in the sky, "No fucking way… that… that's…. A DRAGON!!!"


Landing down on the ground the corpse of the Atlas Flame dragon landed as its roar caught everyone from Phantom Lord to be shocked. So did the spies of Grimoire Heart Azuma and Zancrow were quite shocked to see the development.

However, they managed to see a group of people two of them are identified as Mavis as Jose will never forget her. And the rest of the members looked shocked Juvia betray them as they fly on top of the dragon made of fire.

More so Azuma narrowed his eyes seeing Tatsumi and Hinata wearing their clothing at the ready as he felt the difference in power between the two. Even though Azuma doesn't like to fight with women as they are weak in his opinion but…

If one of them was in control of the dragon he could tell that one of them seems to be very well suited to fight against him. Even he couldn't help but smirk at the scene seeing them come to fight using an actual extinct creature known to be fearful to all a Dragon to face a group of wizards.

Azuma couldn't help but feel excited about this as Zancrow angry looks annoyed at this Tatsumi looks at them all as he smirked tapping his dragon an order, "Well then Atlas Flame show me how good you are exactly? Just make sure to not kill but mane is enough."



With that Atlas, Flame began to use its dragon breath to attack the wizards much to their horror facing off against them as Jose uses his magic to defend as he roars at Mavis with hate, "MAVIS VERMILLION!!!!"


A/N: Alright here's the next chapter and finally getting down to the meat of the quest hope your ready people!

A/N Extra: Also made new fanfic with an evil villain main character called the Villan Across Worlds starting as being reincarnated in RWBY hope you like it and check it out.