
Dimensional Driver

Johnny had won the most recent championship and was thinking of calling it quits after the current season. That all changed when he was given an opportunity to use his skills. Testing a new prototype vehicle for a virtual test realm for Banzai Bangers. Unfortunately, things wouldn’t go to plan. Johnny ends up trapped in another world. With no way to get home. He is at the mercy of this new world. That is until he is saved by the mysterious Radiant Alliance. With their help and his AI assistant. Johnny will face a new threat at every literal turn. Whether it be portals, rift eaters, or old rivals. He will need help anywhere he can get it. If he hopes to succeed in defeating the ultimate evil of the Loathing One. Follow Johnny as he fights, races, and destroys his way across the universe. As he attempts to thwart the plans of the Loathing One from getting more powerful. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I AM DONE WITH BOOK 1. I AM CURRENTLY, JUST TWEAKING THE STORY. I AM GETTING FEEDBACK FROM SOME DISCORD USERS. I AM POSTING HERE TO GET MORE FOLLOWERS FOR THE STORY. I KNOW SOME OF THE GRAMMAR IS BAD. ENGLISH IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE BUT I STUGGLE WITH IT. MOSTLY POSTING FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY A STORY. PLEASE DON'T ADD REVIEWS UNTIL I AM DONE TWEAKING THE FIRST BOOK, P.S. THERE ARE GENRES THAT I COULDN'T ADD TO THE LISTING. I WANTED TO ADD ELDRITCH HORROR, RACING, DEMOLITION DERBY, SCI-FI, EVIL DEITY, CYBORGS, MULTIPLE WORLDS, ETC...

J_D_ELDRAIS · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs



How could this have happened. Johnny thought as he looked on. Johnny dreamt he was in endless pain. He had found himself back at Banker Blitz Speedway. Except everything was on fire or destroyed. The sky had turned a hazy blur of white light. On the far edge of the track. Johnny saw five humanoid figures leaving the track as they killed any and everyone in there path. The figures were horribly twisted in their appearances. They had glowing white crystals sticking out of their bodies. He then saw the face of one of them. It was Julia…. He just starred in horror.

Soon his dream was interrupted by an ancient raspy voice. It had power flowing in the tone as it spoke. I KNOW YOU WANT POWER JOHNNY. IF YOU CONTINUE TO FOLLOW HER YOU WILL BECOME WHAT YOU JUST SAW. FOLLOW ME AND I CAN SAVE THEM FROM THEIR FATE. The voice said. Johnny was so shaken at the vision he couldn't tell what to believe in anymore. Johnny just shook his head. The voice then sighed then spoke again. I CAN MAKE YOU THE MOST POWERFUL RACER THEIR EVER WAS. I CAN MAKE YOU IMMORTAL. The voice decided to add to its offer. Again, Johnny shook his head speaking to himself. "No this isn't right. I can't turn against Jula and the other for my own ambitions."

The voice let out an angry gruff. Then spoke again with an eerier tone. WELL SINCE YOU HAVE DECLINED MY OFFER. MAYBE YOUR BROTHER JAMIE WOULD LIKE TO BE ONE OF MY NEW CHOSEN. After hearing this Johnny spoke in an angry tone. "if you even think of harming Jamie." He was cut off from his speech. As he was blasted with a powerful aura. It soon dissipated with a soothing white light as Johnny heard a familiar voice. All he could hear was distortion. As the vision went black.

Johnny woke up feeling he had been at a Banzai Bangers endurance event. He moaned as he slowly opened his eyes to hear a few people sigh with relief. For some reason he couldn't open his right eye. "What happened. "He mumbled as he made a dry cough.

Julia was standing beside him back in the throne room. She was assisted by Qin, Margaret, and Albert. Lisa and Cloe were standing in the far corner. Minding their own business.

Julia spoke up as she was trying not to cry. "You had been infected with rift essence. I was able to save your lower body from the infection. Unfortunately, it claimed your right eye. Johnny winced at the news as he tried to touch his right eye. Julia and the others had to restrain him from touching the eye patch over his eye.

She then sighed and swallowed as she brought up more news.

"Margaret had to replace it with a cybernetic one. I'm sorry we couldn't save your eye. Albert was nice enough to help with the transformation. It would have taken much longer if it weren't for him." Julia grimaced.

Johnny just looked at her and began to laugh hysterically as he spoke. "Are you kidding, I'm part cyborg now. This is so cool." Julia just looked at him in confusion. Johnny spoke up again. "Well if I'm part cyborg then I can do stuff with the help of Albert and the prototype."

Julia stood there for a moment before coming to terms with it as she nodded. As they were finishing their conversation. The group heard footsteps heading their way. The group took up battle formation as they expected a fight. Only to find Orion followed by members of the Radiant Alliance.

When they saw Orion, Julia and the others bowed. Johhny stood there looking around with his new eye. He was so focused looking at everything that he didn't see them kneeling. Orion just chuckled at the site.

"Ah, yes everyone gets excited about cybernetics. Don't they." He replied as he raised his brow to Johnny. Johnny then noticed and said sorry. Orion just shrugged as he gave news to Julia and her group.

"With the defeat of the chosen on this world the loathing one's influence has vanished. Although we won. The casualties for the alliance were very high. We lost around fifty members. Most ended up turning into rift eaters in the city battle." Replied Orion with the grim news

On the positive side. We no longer need to worry about the influence here. I am having everyone get ready to go back to HQ for the next assignment. Although I am leaving behind a few advisors to help with restoring stability to the world. The campsite has already been packed up. All he needs to do is get that contraption into the portal." Orion stated as he pointed at Johnny. He then opened a portal for everyone to go to the main campsite where the prototype was sitting parked. Johnny sighed as they all followed into the portal.

Everyone arrived back at the campsite to find it totally destroyed. Orion explained what had happened when he was going to come as back up. "We need to do better about infiltraters." He sighed.

"I am glad this assignment is finally over. I think you would really like alliance HQ." Julia said to Johnny with a smile.

The area cleared up within a few hours. Orion had everyone go through the portal. Julia told Orion before she would go through the portal she wanted to talk to Johnny in private. Orion let her talk to him. She had a concerned tone when she spoke to Johnny.

 "When someone does get infected with rift eater essence, and it isn't treated in time. There is a rare chance the loathing one can enter their mind. He tries to manipulate then into joining him. If the induvial refuses he normally kills them or finds a way to get their influence. Sometimes he can wipe the memory if the connection is too strong. Unfortunately, we can't tell if someone has had there mind wiped of the event or never had it." She told Johnny then asked him if he recalled anything of the sort. Johhny just shook his head like he was forgetting something. "Oh well, at least you didn't have to suffer that temptation. I heard it can be a painful experience." She shook her head relieved.

After their talk Julia followed Johnny into the prototype. Johnny drove the prototype into the portal left behind for them. He looked in the review mirror to only see Orion and his advisors he picked to help with the world. They were now on their way for the Radiant Alliance main HQ.