
Dimensional Driver

Johnny had won the most recent championship and was thinking of calling it quits after the current season. That all changed when he was given an opportunity to use his skills. Testing a new prototype vehicle for a virtual test realm for Banzai Bangers. Unfortunately, things wouldn’t go to plan. Johnny ends up trapped in another world. With no way to get home. He is at the mercy of this new world. That is until he is saved by the mysterious Radiant Alliance. With their help and his AI assistant. Johnny will face a new threat at every literal turn. Whether it be portals, rift eaters, or old rivals. He will need help anywhere he can get it. If he hopes to succeed in defeating the ultimate evil of the Loathing One. Follow Johnny as he fights, races, and destroys his way across the universe. As he attempts to thwart the plans of the Loathing One from getting more powerful. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I AM DONE WITH BOOK 1. I AM CURRENTLY, JUST TWEAKING THE STORY. I AM GETTING FEEDBACK FROM SOME DISCORD USERS. I AM POSTING HERE TO GET MORE FOLLOWERS FOR THE STORY. I KNOW SOME OF THE GRAMMAR IS BAD. ENGLISH IS MY NATIVE LANGUAGE BUT I STUGGLE WITH IT. MOSTLY POSTING FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY A STORY. PLEASE DON'T ADD REVIEWS UNTIL I AM DONE TWEAKING THE FIRST BOOK, P.S. THERE ARE GENRES THAT I COULDN'T ADD TO THE LISTING. I WANTED TO ADD ELDRITCH HORROR, RACING, DEMOLITION DERBY, SCI-FI, EVIL DEITY, CYBORGS, MULTIPLE WORLDS, ETC...

J_D_ELDRAIS · Fantasy
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26 Chs



     The three of them left the tent as they headed for the prototype. Johnny stumbled a few times from trying to walk. Qin decided she had enough, sighing with annoyance. Picked up Johnny and carried him over the prototype. Julia was caught by surprise by the act. She tried to fuss at the dragoniod to put Johnny down.

     "We are just wasting time if he keeps falling over. Besides I know he is more interested in knowing what went on as well as we do." Qin set Johnny in the driver's seat. 

He thanked her which she returned with a nod. 

Albert manifested right beside Johnny as he was put into the prototype. He went to work by turning on the terminal. He went searching in the prototype's history log. He narrowed log history to the last two days. The information he got back was surprising and baffling.

     As Johnny reviewed the logs. He was getting more questions than answers. Qin and Julia were just as stunned with blank expressions on their faces as Johnny poured through the data. 

The first thing Johnny pulled up was video from Alberts perspective of the fight in the logs. It showed them all piled in the prototype as random beams of light could be seen flying by. Along with explosions from the blasts near and far, making the ground shake. Johnny saw the sheer desperation in Lisa, Cleo, Margaret, and Julia as Qin was blasting everything around them. They all winced every time she fired. 

"So that is what I look like when I go berserk." Quoted Qin with awe in her voice.

 "You were a bit scary when you were firing at everything." Replied Julia as she shivered. "Although, it was bad ass, watching you obliterate every rift eater in site. Still, we can't really do much when you hit that level of fatigue." Said Julia with a grin.

They then watched Qin use her ultimate spell. Judgement Day. "I still can't figure out how to cast that. I can only cast that when going berserk, which rarely happens. That only happens when my energy is all but almost used up." She sighed. 

"I'll see if I can find out anyway for you to gain that spell. I promise." Julia replied with a sincere tone.

The video then switched to Julia ordering them out of the prototype as it was still moving to save Qin. They all watched one by one as they were overtaken by rift eaters. Not before the core of the prototype exploded in a bright white light. Leaving no signal after that on the video. 

"So much for seeing what happened after that." Sighed Johnny.

Johnny next pulled up a chart that showed the core's power level from the fight where Qin started to go berserk. As Qin was blasting rift eaters the cores started collecting into the prototype. The core level went from 90% at the start of her going berserk to 100% in a few seconds. Then it went to 110,120,130, soon a warning message was displayed. By this point Qin was almost halfway from being spent in berserk. By this point the attacks had become more violent and lethal. The core shot up to 200, 300. 400, ….1000, 2000, 3000… When she had cast Judgement Day the core hit 99,999% The core was at a critical overload. When the others defeated the final 100 rift eaters. The core hit 100,000%. The log showed core critical releasing excess energy... after that the core showed signs of a fracturing but repaired itself it said in the logs.

Johnny hadn't even thought to check what the core was currently in power. The current power level was at 1000%. Johnny was shocked to see the core that high in energy. He asked Albert if that was dangerous. Albert replied to him that the core could handle more than 100%. In early testing with Banzai Bangers Albert explained they managed to the core to hold over 5000%. 100% they thought was the number for a warning. After the test a failsafe was put in place to release excess energy. The excess energy would be stored in a hidden smaller second core 

Johnny didn't knew about. This second core ate away the excess energy. Apparently someone had forgotten to mention that to him. He decided later he would see if he could somehow harness that energy for the core fragment embedded in his head.

Albert loomed into the prototype's data history. It was added in a rush and forgotten to be added in the manual.

"One thing I don't get is how the core could handle 100,000% with no one to control it." Johnny spoke to the others as he touched the terminal. Just then the prototype rumbled with a noise that made them all jump. On the prototype's terminal was the mystic rift eater that had fused with the core. The terminal started spelling out words as the beast tried to communicate…

I ca… te…. …ou wh…t ha...…d. As the beast tried to communicate more the words became more legible. The beast told him the core had released the essence at hitting 100,000%. It had to override the fail safe because to much engery was being built up. It unleased a supernova of radiant light completely decimating the void realm. 

"Well, at least we know what happened. I need to figure out what other features the prototype has so I can prepare more. After learning their is a second core hidden on the prototype." Johnny said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Speaking of training. You need to practice improving your swordsmanship with Qin. Since you are fully healed up, I will have you working now." Julia interrupted Johnny as she looked at him and Qin. "In the meantime, I am going to check on Lisa and Cleo. I plan to leave them written orders if they aren't awake. I am going to be busy doing more paperwork." Julia sighed as she got up to leave, but a message on the terminal caught all of the attention before leaving.

It read I am Julia's brother Kurt. When I put on that ring I lost all control of my sentience. I was a puppet for loathing one's goals. Thanks to you Johnny I am free to help get revenge on the loathing one. I will do my best to help you with this prototype and the Radiant Alliance. 

Everyone stood there in shock. Julia looked at the others and said. "Do not tell no one this just happened." Julia was lost in thought as she was bewildered as she walked away.

Johnny just starred at Qin as she asked. "So shall we have at it." Qin said as she flashed Johnny a smirk. Johnny just sighed as he got out of the prototype. He followed Qin for sword practice.