
The Crack

All was the same as it had every been. go to school, then work, then home, watch some clickclock and go to bed. however something changed tonight, something that will forever change Marqs life.

in a ordinary house laid a boy who looked no older than 17. he was browsing his favorite addicting app clickclock while he waited for sleep to overtake him.

after around 20 minutes he yawned before putting his phone down and going to bed, he prayed for the first time in a while.

"Oh higher powers, if there exist any, please let tomorrow be different. anything at all, a new job opportunity, maybe a girlfriend, anything I'm begging you!" but of course no answer, not even a sign. so he turned over and went to sleep.

but shortly after he went to bed a crackling sound can be heard and a white crack burst in the middle of his room and it starts sucking things in, like a hole in a spacestation sucking out air, and being the heavy sleeper that marqs is, he slept through the whole thing even while being sucked in himself!

the crack closes after a few more second and the room returns to silence, as thought it never happened in the first place, even though a few items, and someone, are missing from it.

no one opend the door to his room, no one had even heard what happened because marqs lived alone. The people that did hear it, only heard a faint crash and decided that it was none of their business and continued on with their lives unaware that someone was just basically kidnapped to another dimension.

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