
Beating The Undead Monster

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

The smoke and dust blocked Fang Zheng's sight but he was sure that his opponent was still very much alive even without looking; because he still couldn't use his skills at the moment. It was quite apparent that the enemy was still jamming them. He might have sent his opponent flying just now, and the subsequent reaction was quite painful.


Fang Zheng drew a breath of cold air, having stretched his body carefully; he opened his right hand that was holding the hilt and flexed it for a while before gripping the hilt again. Only then was the faint numbness in his fingers eliminated. Actually, he wasn't using his own body in that world, so he could do all those over-the-top movements there. Fang Zheng didn't bring anything from the world of Dark Souls apart from the mastery, the weapon specialization. Even though he did remember those combat moves in his memory, it wasn't that easy to practice them with his own body. It would not have been a problem had he had his own strength, but who told the opposite SOB to jam the power of order?

Even though Fang Zheng wasn't as skinny as he was before owing to the exercise over his time in the church, it was obviously impossible for it to grant him strength comparable to a barbarian.

I guess, I can only try that trick. 

Fang Zheng, having thought of this, gripped the short sword in his hand, staring dead straight at the cloud of dust and smoke before him.


A roaring Son of Chaos leaped back out from the billowing smoke and dust, raised the giant pitch-black sword in its hand, and slashed it down hard at Fang Zheng.


Fang Zheng's eyes lit up just as the Son of Chaos raised the great sword in its hand. He rolled and closed the distance between him and the Son of Chaos before raising his left hand. The moment the great sword was swung down, it hit the part of the raised short sword held in Fang Zheng's left hand near the hilt.


Marth could not help but curse out at the sight of this scene. The scene before his eyes was truly shocking; Fang Zheng seemed like a five or six-year-old child before the giant Son of Chaos. The battle between the two looked like a battle between a physically strong fighter and a child who was only a little taller than his waist. And Fang Zheng's act of swinging his sword against his opponent's looked more like a mantis trying to block a car. Whether it was Marth or other templars, they all believed that this young man would scream in the next moment and would be sent flying at once. After all, they were far weaker than before without the blessing of the power of order. In their opinion, though the young man could move freely, his strength hadn't improved for sure.

And the Son of Chaos himself was dozens of times stronger than any ordinary person. The gap between them was akin to the difference between a tiger and a rabbit. How likely was it for Fang Zheng to come out unscathed under the opponent's full blow?

Almost zero!

Under everyone's watchful gaze, the short sword held in Fang Zheng's hand was hit by the giant sword with a thunderous crash just as everyone imagined. But the next thing that happened was rather unbelievable.

The giant sword in the Son of Chaos' hand that was about to come down flew back as if it had hit a transparent solid wall. What's more, the Son of Chaos let out a wail and knelt down in front of Fang Zheng as if it had lost its strength. And quite obviously, Fang Zheng would not let this chance go. He stepped forward and swung the Skybreaker in his right hand without a moment's hesitation, hitting right down into the gap of the Son of Chaos' armor at his neck, and then kicked his chest, kicking the behemoth back to the ground.

Immediately after, Fang Zheng raised his hand and tried to follow up with another attack. But before he could even make a move, the Son of Chaos swung the giant sword in his right hand at Fang Zheng once more, leaving Fang Zheng no choice but to roll back to dodge the oncoming attack. Right at the same time, the Son of Chaos slowly stood up and roared out some ramblings. Although no one could understand what he was saying, it was quite obvious that he was very angry.

"How can I finish this thing off?"

Fang Zheng, vigilantly staring at the enemy, asked without looking back. He could guarantee that his last attack had cut into his opponent's neck, and almost cut off its neck at that. But right now, this monster behaved as if nothing happened, and it didn't bleed to boot. There was not a trace of blood of the Skybreaker. Fang Zheng was a little frustrated by this. Apparently, the enemy wasn't that easy to finish off.

Even more terrible was the fact that the system didn't seem to recognize the Son of Chaos as an undead, so the damage dealt by Fang Zheng was reduced again.

"The Son of Chaos cannot be killed!"

Shidon shouted loudly, having recovered by now.

"He's born from chaos and it's neither alive nor dead. He will never die, no matter how much damage you deal."

"Then, what should I do?"

Fang Zheng was rendered even more speechless by Shidon's answer. He never expected this kind of thing to still exist in this world... A boss with no health bar.. isn't this dreadful? 

"Generally speaking, we can seal it after defeating it, when it's weak, but now...we don't have a priest here..."

"No, there is another way!"

Great Knight Marth pitched in just as Shidon's voice fell; he seemed to have thought of something.

"We can ask the guidance from the Goddess of the Order, expel it from this world!"

"You mean Exile!?" [TLN to ED: Exile is a technique, it needs to be in capitals.]

Shidon's face changed immediately upon hearing what Marth had said.

"Now!? In the chaos field? We have no holy relics at all!"

"No, we do have!"

While speaking, Marth looked at the stone slab not far from them, the very lid of the sarcophagus that was sealing the Son of Chaos before. Looking closely, one could see intricate patterns and holy texts carved into it.

"This used to be a sealing array used to seal the Son of Chaos with the power of the Goddess. If we can make contact with the Goddess through it..."

"I don't know what you are going to do, but I think you better hurry up!"

Fang Zheng interrupted Marth's long-winded speech before he could finish. He kept his eyes at the Son of Chaos all the while, vigilant. And watching him rushing at him again, he raised the long and short sword in his hand.

"I will hold him as long as I can but I cannot guarantee how long I could...!"

The Son of Chaos' greatsword came swinging at Fang Zheng before he could finish speaking. Fang Zheng promptly chose to do a back roll to avoid the blow. Fang Zheng had already decided to dawdle along after having come to know that this thing could not be killed. But fortunately, Fang Zheng had learned a lot of things in the world of Dark Souls. The most important of which was patience. It's just the Son of Chaos. Which boss had I not played for hours? 

The Son of Chaos brandished his sword once again. His swordsmanship had no order. To put it bluntly, he was just hacking. But Fang Zheng didn't care. He had experienced countless battles and all kinds of difficulties in the world of Dark Souls; God knows how many times he had died. His total experience was richer than that of Shidon's and Marth's combined. Even if the Son of Chaos' attacks were messy, Fang Zheng could react and dodge at first notice. And this Son of Chaos didn't seem to have enough IQ to boot. He didn't even notice what other people were doing. He had focused all his attention on Fang Zheng instead.

Fang Zheng's situation grew increasingly dire as time passed. He did have enough experience to deal with the current battle but he didn't have enough energy and physical strength. In fact, Fang Zheng felt that he was losing his strength very fast with every Son of Chaos' attack. He was beginning to feel a bit tired already. His legs were swollen and sore; he was finding it a bit difficult to move.


Another sword came cutting down on Fang Zheng with the Son of Chaos' roar. Fang Zheng, facing the lightning-fast attack of Son of Chaos, gritted his teeth and tried to avoid it. But what Fang Zheng didn't expect that just when he tried to kick the ground with his left leg, his left leg suddenly went numb as if all his leg muscles had lost their function.

Damn it! 

Fang Zheng was taken aback, having become aware of the abnormal condition of his body. But at this moment, the Son of Chaos' attack was already upon him. It was already too late for Fang Zheng to escape.

Since there is no other way, then let's fight it out! 

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng dropped the short sword in his left hand and held the Skybreaker with both hands, raising the long sword to greet the Son of Chaos' greatsword.


The greatsword slammed heavily on Skybreaker in Fang Zheng's hand, which made him tremble and squat down on the ground. The greatsword continued to slide along the Skybreaker with a powerful impact, slashing quickly towards Fang Zheng's head. Fang Zheng gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on Skybreaker before sliding it to the side. In the end, the greatsword almost brushed past Fang Zheng's head. But the heavy pressure pushed the Skybreaker down nonetheless, pressing it on Fang Zheng's shoulder.

Fang Zheng was in so much pain that he almost couldn't hold his scream. Be that as it may, he gritted his teeth and insisted on resisting the inescapable blow from the Son of Chaos. However, Fang Zheng had reached his limit at this moment.

But then, Shidon's voice came from behind Fang Zheng.

"We did it! Fang Zheng, get out of the way immediately!"

Shidon's voice was like the voice of heavens for Fang Zheng. He hurriedly rolled to one side, borrowing the Son of Chaos' power that had not been completely mitigated. Meanwhile, the Son of Chaos hadn't expected his enemy to be able to dodge at the last moment; he lost his balance for a moment.

The moment Fang Zheng moved away, a white ray passed through his original position and hit the Son of Chaos' body!