
DCGB EP 15 - Finally meet waifu

And lastly, there's the young man who resembles Yankee, and that would be Magna Swing.


Magna is a man with a lean build and two different colored hair, a light grey hair at the top, black hair at the sides. Additionally, he also sports a black mohawk. One of his facial signatures is a straight line mark surrounded by three pairs of dots on his left forehead.


Magna sports a white shirt covered by a navy leather jacket and navy trousers. In addition, his jacket covers half of his torso. He wears black fingerless gloves, a pair of blue shades, a pair of black boots, a chain hanging from the left side of his waist connected to his trousers and a belt that he uses to support his pouch containing his grimoire. The pouch is black and has a skull and crossbones symbol at the front.


Upon seeing Finral finish his introduction, Yami turns to speak, "Actually, there are others, but some are on missions, and others are avoiding this. Anyway, we all get along well."


Got it, sir!" Asta responds loudly.


"Tsk," Magna grunts.


"You really have a high-pitched voice," Vanessa complains.


"Your height and your voice don't match at all," Yami remarks.


"Yes, sir," Asta responds.


"Shut up for a moment," Yami turns to face Asta with a stern look before continuing, "Anyway, just get some work for these guys. But don't kill each other."


"Got it. Yami-san said to find some work for your guy," Magna quickly interjects, glancing at Asta. Yūji, meanwhile, remains silent, wearing a face that suggests he's up to something.


"I don't know how you guys managed to make Yami accept you," Magna said, puzzled.


"But until you have these robes, you won't be considered members of the Black Bull," Magna said proudly, pointing to the Black Bull robes he was wearing.


As for Asta, he asked for Black Bull's robe from Magna, but Magna rejected his request outright. He then instructed Asta to undergo a test to prove his abilities. It seemed like something out of an anime, but not to him. Yuji.


"So if you don't give us one, we'll just leave," Yuji said, preparing to turn and leave.


"Wait a moment. It's a tradition for the Black Bull squad. So, you guys have to follow the rules," Magna said with a smug tone, as he never thought that the two new kids would be so cocky. He thought Asta, at least, would be better.


"Oh, Magna, you wanna get punched?" Yami exclaimed when he saw Yuji and the group leaving.


"That guy there is the one who owns the four-leaf clover grimoire, you know?" Yami added sarcastically.


What did you say, Four-Leaf Clover Grimoire!?"


Everyone was taken aback when they heard Yami's words, as they never thought that their Black Bull squad would accept someone who possessed the four-leaf clover grimoire as a new member.


"Wow, I can't believe it. Our squad is actually getting someone who possesses the four-leaf clover grimoire to join us," one exclaimed.


"Let's settle this now," another said.


"You're amazing, Yuji-kun. How about joining me for a drink tonight?"


"Just wait a moment! I'll make an exception for you," Magna hurriedly interjected, his forehead sweating from the shock. He understood well that someone who possessed the four-leaf clover grimoire had the potential to become a powerful mage and was also a rare individual. Therefore, he quickly changed his demeanor.


"Here, take this Black Bull robe," Magna said, handing the Black Bull robe to Yuji before turning to Momo. "As for you, brat, you have to undergo the test."


Um..." As Magna was about to speak, Yuji hastily interjected, "Take the Black Bull robe for her too."


"Alright," Magna agreed. Upon hearing Yuji's words, he thought that both of them must have some kind of connection. Due to Yuji being the possessor of the Four-Leaf Clover Grimoire and the intense gaze aimed at Yami, he reluctantly agreed to hand over the Black Bull robe to Momo as well.


"Thank you," Momo expressed her gratitude before putting on the Black Bull robe. She found that the fabric of the robe felt better than her own clothes, and she quite liked it.


Seeing that both of them received the Black Bull robes without having to do anything, Asta, who was observing, quickly approached to ask for one as well. But...


"No!! You have to undergo the test," Magna declared firmly. "Because from what I can see, I can't sense any magic power from you at all. If you don't have any skills, you don't deserve to be in the Black Bull squad."


With that said, they headed out to the courtyard of the Black Bull headquarters for the test. The test required Asta to destroy the fireball released by Magna. In the end, Asta managed to destroy all the fireballs using his Demon-Slayer Sword and officially became a member of the Black Bull squad.


"What about you two? What kind of magic do you possess, Yami?" Magna asked curiously, as neither of them had used any magic since their arrival. Magna wasn't the only one curious; Luck, Vanessa, Charmy, and Gray were all intrigued as well. And the person they were most interested in was Yuji, as they wanted to know what kind of magic he possessed.


"Hey, Yuji, Maomao, you two show your magic," Yami demanded, clearly displeased with the situation. He didn't like it when others got special treatment for no reason. Without further ado, Magna picked up his grimoire and used his magic.


"Plant magic : Curse Throns!"


Suddenly, vines sprouted from the ground at high speed and wrapped around Magna's body.


"My magic is Plant Magic," Momo said before turning to look at Yuji, who nodded in response.


"Got it," Yuji said before picking up his own grimoire to use his Ark magic.


"Healing Star!"


Yuji used his Ark magic to heal the injuries of both Magna and Asta, caused by the test they underwent. Soon after, their wounds vanished at a remarkable speed.


"That's amazing!" Magna exclaimed, astonished that Yuji's magic could heal injuries.


"Thanks, Yuji," Asta said with a simple thank you, as this was the second time he had been healed by Yuji.


After the treatment was completed, the Black Bulls members rushed in and surrounded Yuji, bombarding him with questions about why his grimoire looked like a Wizard King's, why his attire was so strange, and many other things. However, Yuji simply smiled and responded politely to each inquiry.


Once everyone had finished their questions, Magna, who was responsible for taking care of the new members, led all three of them to their accommodations.




The next morning, Yuji woke up early and decided to train a bit since he had gotten used to making it a routine. If he didn't train, he felt restless.


Exiting his room, Yuji patrolled around the headquarters because he wasn't very familiar with the layout yet. After about ten minutes, he finally emerged from the squads's headquarters.


Yuji, stepping out from the Black Bull headquarters, ventured into the forest to hone his magic and devices. After walking for a while, he stopped in a secluded clearing, away from the Black Bull headquarters, to begin honing his abilities one by one, starting with his Ark magic, the power of the Hana Hana no Mi, and his Blazer devices. However, he didn't practice his Spirit magic, merely summoning Slyph to observe passively.


"What's this armor and halberd, Yuji? Why do I feel like they're a part of you?" Slyph asked, eyeing Yuji's devices. As a Spirit, Slyph could sense that Yuji's devices were somehow connected to him.


"Just as you said, they're a part of me. They've been with me since birth," Yuji replied calmly, continuing to practice with his halberd. The movements he executed were ingrained from years of wielding his devices, which had become an extension of himself.


As they conversed, Yuji felt a presence behind him. He lunged towards the bushes, ready to strike, but halted when he realized there was a silver-haired woman inside.



The woman recoiled in surprise as Yuji's blade stopped just inches from her face.


Realizing his mistake, Yuji quickly sheathed halberd and attempted to apologize to the woman, but before he could...




The silver-haired woman collapsed, unconscious.


Yuji caught her just in time, laying her against a nearby tree before sitting down to wait for her to regain consciousness.


"You don't need to care about this girl at all, Yuji."


"No, you see, she's one of the members of the Black Bull. If something were to happen to her, I'd be in trouble," Yuji explained to Slyph, clarifying why he waited for her to regain consciousness, but it wasn't the main reason.


The main reason was that she was one of the main heroines of this world and a character he adored. She was Noelle Silva, a young woman with a slender build and pink eyes. She possesses long, silver-colored hair, which is usually tied in pigtails, with her center bangs over her forehead. Additionally, she wears a pair of purple stud earrings with a cross flory fitchy shape, and a silver bracelet on her left wrist.


She wears a sleeveless, backless, short purple dress covered by a silver-colored blazer. The blazer has a backless design with sleeves attached at the back that extend slightly beyond her elbows with gold-colored cuffs. The blazer also has a pair of House Silva pins attached to it around her collarbone area. Additionally, it has frilly edges and a rounded tailcoat that extends down to her knees. Furthermore, the blazer extends up to her neck where it has frilly edges and is held together by a gold locket. She wears a brown leather belt that supports her pouch, which has a similar color and gold ornaments at its corners. The pouch hands on her right side, and contains her grimoire. She also wears a pair of silver-colored leg warmers with a gold-colored cuff at both ends and a pair of sandals.


After a while, Noelle regained consciousness and, realizing what had happened before she passed out, quickly got up to assess herself for injuries. After examining herself, she took a breath out. Initially, she thought she was going to die, but clearly, she was still alive.


Then Noelle raised her head, looked around, and saw a figure covered in black armor and wielding a large Halberd beside them. Seeing this, she turned pale immediately because she remembered almost being killed by this person.


"Relax. I don't intend to do anything to you," Yuji said in a friendly tone before taking off his helmet, revealing his handsome face.


Seeing Yuji's true face, Noelle was stunned and frozen in place, her cheeks flushing red and her heart pounding rapidly. She didn't know what this feeling was, but seeing Yuji's face made her heart beat faster.


"Who are you?" Noelle asked.


"Me?" Yuji replied. "I'm Hoshino Yuji, a member of the Black Bull. And you?"And even though he knew who she was. She was the heroine in this world. How could he ever forget her?


"I'm Noelle Silva," she answered




Sorry for wait too long guy!!

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