
Dimensional chat group:The tale of a wannabe general in the Multiverse

This is the Tale of Kana Endo, a man who was obsessed with everything Military He dreams to be a "Neutral" and "Strong" conqueror general emperor in the Multiverse! He will do whatever he wants in the Multiverse Watch as this wannabe General conquers everything he wanted! P.s I do not own anything except my OC

Imagination_GodR18 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

A new quest~?! & Killing BETA's

Author's note: Happy New year everyone!!


After the rating game, Kana was just chilling, expanding his military force, training, and just overall hardcore sex

It was a casual day for Kana as he sips his morning coffee



Kana did a spittake when he was startled by a familiar noise

Kana immediately opened the chat group interface

[A new quest has arrived!

Mission name: BETA Hive extermination

World: Muv-Luv alternative, Earth

Info: This world has been invaded by the monsters called; BETA's, all they seek is the destruction of the human race! They have arrived by launching their Hives into Earth!


-1. Kill 0/10,000 BETA's

-2. Protect Sado island HQ

-3. Destroy a Hive and reclaim a country

Side mission/s:

-1. Create a counter-attacking force

-2. Show off to the world's alliances

Only needee members: 0/1]

[Kana: Have you all seen the new quest?

Mieruko: Yeah! And can we see the world first before anyone accepts?

King: I agree with Mieruko

Myuutaro: I'm sorry I can't I still have something to take care of

Kana has sent a memory fragment containing the world <Muv-Luv alternative>!!]

It took only a few minutes for the members to watch it and then commented

[Mieruko: Nope! Nope! I can handle a flesh-eating zombie, but this? Hell no!

Kajika: It's too scary!

King: I'm sorry, but no

Myuutaro: You already know my answer..

Kana: So it's just me huh....]

"Haaah!... stressful..wait!" Kana thought something, something that the mission gave to him

"If I save Earth, and ruled it with military domination, I can conquer it without anyone disaggreeing because I saved them!" Kana had thought of a great idea

"Since I can dominate them with superior technological advancements with entertainment and military, I would conquer that world! And as a precaution, I would hypnotize every world leader to obey me" Kana schemed and then accepted the mission

"Kana~chan~!" Kana heard the voice of Kiyomi

Hm? What is it Kiyomi-chan?" Kana asked Kiyomi

"Hummm.. I want to be the one to guid you on that other world mission" Kiyomi said to Kana

"Is that it? All right!" Kana easily agreed

"Really? Yatta!" Kana heard Kiyomi cheering

Kana got ready and wore his military uniform

"Since these BETA's are quite weak..I'll use my Scarlet letter sniper rifle then" Kana decided as he holstered his Nekros and then pulled Scarlet letter out of his spatial ring

Kana examined the sniper rifle

"A very good weapon if I do say so myself" Kana pulled the weapon chamber down


The Scarlet letter activated and Kana heard a low humming sound coming from it

Kana filled it with mana steadily and the humming sound grew a little bit louder

"Okay, I'm ready to go!" Kana pressed the [Transfer] button from the mission interface

[You will be transferred to the attack of Sado island in....







As expected a white light engulfed him and he disappeared, time stopped for the DxD universe

--<Muv-Luv alternative universe, Sado island>--

Kana appeared inside the forest of Sado island, he walked towards the shoreline

Once Kana reached the shoreline, Kana used his [Mana sense] using his mana to detect BETA's

Diring! Diring!

It worked like a radar, it detected a million BETAs heading to Sado island

"Heh, perfect for an objective clear" Kana said as he propped himself up using a tree

Kana used his scope to scan with his own eyes, the scope has a magic circle just like the interface from Tanya the saga of evil

[Warning! Warning!

The BETA wave is beginning!]

"It's starting!" Kana was very excited, but also trigger-happy

Kana saw the soldier-class BETA coming in droves

"It's hunting time!!" Kana shouted and the fired simultaneously

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Kana started to fire exlposive fire mana bullets, resulting in an explosion-like effect to happen

[100/10,000 BETAs killed]

"Tch" Kana retreated back a to the wall, allowing the Fort-class BETAs to emerge

--<Meanwhile in the strategic HQ>--

Inside the tense HQ in the Sado island, an intelligence staff reported to his commander

"S-sir reporting! Something bizzare has happened in the frontline!" The soldier reported to his commander

"What is it soldier?" The commander calmly shouted to the soldier

"A-a man has been spotted killing the BETAs with an unknown futuristic weapon, and he displays a superhuman strength!" The soldier reported to his commander while showing him the pictures of a man with a flapping military uniform, wielding a sniper-like weapon that looks something out of a sci-fi movie

"What?! And what is he doing now?!" The commander asked the soldier immediately

"H-he is killing BETAs leisurely! Sir!" The soldier responded while checking his tablet

--<On Kana's side>--

"I need more fire power!" Kana shouted as he pumped the Scarlet letter with more mana

Kana's focus began to waver and decided to chant a chant he heard from an anime long ago

"You** who desecrate this Land of the Rising Sun*! With my advent, I, [Kana Endo], lay waste with my [Scarlet Letter] and expel thy vast defilement! --- I sentence thee with [Death]! ----[Sunfire Burst]!!" Kana chanted as he prepared a large-scale explosion burst from his Scarlet letter


A large beam that spanned several kilometers englufed the area, it was a heat beam of annihalation as it melted the ocean on it's way.

It melted every BETA that was in it's way, even their disgusting blue blood

--<Sando island, Strategic HQ>--

"W-what the hell.." the commander dumbly muttered as they looked at the destruction the man caused

"Sir, we have checked every birth registration data and we haven't found him! His name, birthplace, everything! It's like.....he just appeared out of nowhere" the soldier told his report to the commander

--<On the side of Kana>--

"Phew! That took a lotta outta me!" Kana said as he wiped an imaginary sweat and then checked the chat group interface to see his progress


"Hell yeah! Objective clear!" Kana shouted in victory

"Yeah you did it dear~!" Kiyomi also shouted in victory alongside him


Author's note: Once again happy new year!

It's currently 11:22 in where I am so...yeah!

Word count: 1040