
Dimensional Chat Group: The Ordinary in Extraordinary

I was an ordinary person with simple dreams and pleasures. [You are being invited to a Dimensional Chat Group!] [Accept invitation: Y/N?] But one invitation, one completely out of this world, had opened mine and introduced me to the world of extraordinary people. My dreams began to get bigger, goals becoming far from ordinary, and me? No matter what, I won't ever regret my decision. ----- Involved Dimensional Chat Group Characters are from: -Nier: Automata -RWBY -Kim Possible -Tokyo Ghoul ---- Disclaimer: The cover image isn't mine, same as with the animes, video games, and T.V. Series.

JazmineShyly · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Useless, Masochistic, and Explosive

<|Jasmine's POV|>

As much as I wanted to flaunt the markings on my neck, two parts of my mind fought. One fought for showing off, while the other one was the more meek side of me not wanting to let my friends now that I actually got laid. Despite being straightforward about my possible nights of passions, after finally being in one, I was somewhat embarrassed and I didn't want to make it awkward with my friends. Eventually, the more meek side of my mind won, prompting me to buy some make-up from the Shop to hide the markings. I mean, I could have easily bought something to heal it, or even use my aura to heal it, but I kind of liked the tiny twinge of pain it brought.

So here I am, with ny friends, explaining how I once again chickened out from another woman's offer and had been too embarrassed to go back so I had gone to clean my mind in the nearby forest, unexpectedly falling asleep there. It seems my friends brought it, causing them to tease me for it.

During our quest, all has been normal. The goblins were all individually weak, but these little monsters can reproduce faster than rabbits do! Still, all we really needed was a couple of molotovs and our quest ends there. However, taking advantage of this, we simply roamed around the forest, collecting fantastical plants and generally having fun!

The weird thing that happened here was that Touka had been unusually clingy. Despite being friends for months, Touka would rather stray away from as much physical contact as much as possible, mostly due to it being part of her personality rather than secretly hating us. But once again, it was weird how Touka has been rather clingy with me, and I wasn't the only one who noticed the shortest woman amongst our group doing as such.

2B and Penny, the most observant when it came to human interactions, were the first ones to point it out, with Touka simply stating that she was helping me out because of how "pitiful" I was. It was a confusing reason, but we just accepted it and moved on.

However, when we arrived back at the guild after hours of exploration, Touka's efforts suddenly doubled! So much so that she wouldn't let go of my arm!

For some reason, Luna and Touka were having this stare-down when we reached the receptionist area. Aa if they were- ooohhh....

'I'm a fucking retard, ain't I?' If both my hands weren't occupied, with one being held tightly by Touka and the other one being held by Luna after giving her our Adventurer cards, I would have smacked myself from acting like what I despised the most. Dense harem protagonists.

However, before I could cringe some more about my previous actions, I was pulled away from my thoughts just as Luna pulled her hand away from mine. Looking at her curiously, I caught her wink at me, causing me to blush and realizing that there was another piece of paper added to our cards.

Opening it absent-mindedly, I realized that it was another "booty call", causing me to blush profusely and be immediately aroused!

Touka, somehow, noticed this and began growling lowly at the older woman, who seemed completely unfazed by the shorter woman's threat. The two surely would have stayed like that if Kim had not pulled us away for dinner.

"Be honest with me, did you two fuck?" The blunt question from Touka caused me to choke on air, fortunately, and not on the food I was about to consume. This, of course, immediately caught the attention of our friends.

"Ooh~! Have you?! I am very interested with how sexual intercourse between women are achieved!" Penny, I love you. But now is not the time!

"Me as well." 2B, if you just asked, I would gladly strip for you, no questions asked. But still, now's not the time!

"Penny. 2B. Now is not the time to be asking about that." Thank you, Kimmie. "What we °should° be asking, was if it actually °did° happen." Betrayal!

Now with their attention all on me, I broke under the pressure and answered, "Ye-yeah...."

I was immediately pulled into a congratulating hug by Kim and was promptly passed around, with Touka reluctantly doing so. Was it weird that my friends are celebrating my entrance to adulthood like this? It is, right? Still, as embarrassing and humiliating as it is, I won't have it any other way.

<|Aqua's POV|>

'Damn that Trash-uma! Why does he keep on scolding me!? I, being the benevolent goddess that I am, actually lowered myself once to his trashy level to help him out, and he repays me by throwing away my booze!? Damn it, damn it, damn it!!!' Earlier today, I thought about how great everything was going. We still have our mansion, we didn't get eaten by frogs, I currently don't have any dept, so I decided to do something good for that damned NEET for once!

I did my best on that soup, you know? And he just says it's "water"? How dare that imbecile get mad at a being as perfect as I? It wasn't my fault I keep on purifying the soup on accident!

"Stupid Scum-zuma..." To make myself feel better, I decided to get drunk! I had enough money scraped away from Trash-uma's "excess" cash, so I wouldn't end up in dept tonight! Right?

Entering the guild, I was about to make a beeline for my own table, but I was stopped when I noticed something oddly...familiar. Looking around the place, I soon found out what was making me feel such things!

There, in the bar, were five women wearing strange uniforms who were faintly glowing. Taking a closer step towards them, I started to realize that they weren't actually glowing, but it was simply because I could see their °souls°! As a Goddess that guides souls to the afterlife, I am definitely familiar with souls. However, strangely enough, this was a situation I had yet to see before!

I could see these women's souls so easily as if they were dead, but they were still obviously alive. And not due to something like magic or something anchoring them to their bodies, but alive-alive.

"Strange..." I muttered out as I discreetly observed them, forgetting my original purpose here altogether.

Watching them, laughing, smiling, they didn't look any different from everyone else here, other than being beautiful while surrounded by hearty barbarians.

'Weird...' Is all I can think of as I continue to watch them interact with one another.

Getting closer, I began listening into their conversation, cringing soon after when I realized that they were celebrating about the pink-haired girl's cherry finally getting popped, by one of the receptionists no less! That was definitely shocking, and something I'll definitely rub in Trashuma's face! There he goes, ranting about being surrounded by submissive, kind girls that would do his every bidding, delusional, really.

Still, despite disagreeing with that big-boobed bimbo #1 many times, I've got to admit, preferences aside, she picked a good one!

However, before I noticed it, I was too close to the group and one of them noticed me!

"Do you...need something?" The redhead asked, surprising me.

My mind went a mile a minute looking for an excuse, not wanting to embarrass myself, but the pink-haired girl earlier suddenly cut in.

"Hi! Can we do something for you?" Now with all their attention on me, I began to panic!

In the end, I simply blabbed out, "You're all glowing!"

It was at that moment that I felt my soul leave my body. I have never felt embarrassment before [A/N: Bet!], but I just felt like burying myself in a hole and die! How can I, the most beautiful goddess, be flustered by mere mortals who are admittedly as gorgeous as my underlings?!

Unexpectedly however, the awkward silence was broken by the pink-haired one.

"Oh~. Thanks! You're glowing too!" The smile she gave me was so innocent that I can't help but think of Eris, just without the annoyance. Suddenly, I was sitting with them, having pulled along by the pink-haired angel.

"So! What's your name?" The woman asked, pointing a beaming smile at me.

On instinct, I answered, "A-Aqua!"

Then, without warning, the woman suddenly placed an arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards her and causing me to let out an "Eeep!".

"Hi Aqua! My name's Jasmine! That pretty redhead eating pasta is Kim, the other redhead is Penny, our leader, the sexy white-haired one is 2B, and the one glaring at you is Touka!" The woman, Jasmine, began introducing me to her party, who looked as equally as confused as I was, except for the one glaring at me.

It was then did I notice that Jasmine's breath strangely smelled of booze mixed with berries, and looking at her now, I noticed that she was °drunk°! I didn't know what to do, if I were to just leave or do something else, but once Jasmine offered me booze, who was this benevolent goddess to deny an offering?

<|Timeskip|Jasmine's POV|>

Waking up in Luna's bed was a surreal experience, what happened the night before was even moreso.

The meeting with Aqua was a surprise, but not an unexpected one. It's just too bad she got caught in my sceme. Not wanting to be teased anymore and needing to be somewhere else, I decided to act drunk. After a while, Kim and Touka had gotten drunk as well, with our new friend Aqua having already been drunk before them. Being androids, 2B and Penny couldn't get drunk through booze, so after Kim and Touka fell asleep in the guild, I threw away the guise of being drunk myself and had my two friends carry the other two back, promising the two juicy details of my encounter.

And now, after a whole night of intense passion, strap-ons, and a bit of rough sex, I was aching all over, but it was definitely all worth it.

<|Lalatina's POV|>

I was worried about Aqua. Kazuma may not care, but Aqua hadn't come back yesterday. Even if she's as drunk as a barbarian after a gangbang, she still should have able to come back home.

Enlisting Megumin's help, we began our search at the guild.

"Um... Luna-san, have you seen Aqua around?" I asked my fellow blonde, idly noticing the hickey poking out of her collar.

'Ugh! I want a hickey like that!' I truly wish someone would ravish me on the spot, but it is unfortunate that no one here in Axel is as barbaric and perverted as our party leader.

"Oh? Aqua? She drank with some new friends yesterday! After getting blackout drunk they were kind enough to bring them to their inn for her to sleep." The receptionist explained, and I immediately started fantasizing about Aqua's position.

'Drunk...taken against her will...violated without her consent....' "Hehehe..."

<|Megumin's POV|>

Seeing Darkness fall into one of her depraved fantasies once again, I scoffed before continuing where she left off.

"You know where they are?" I asked, ignoring Darkness who was panting like a dog at this point.

"Oh. You don't have to worry about that." Luna-san states as she points behind us. Turning around, I saw Aqua entering with four women dressed in super cool uniforms! I also off-handedly noticed that Darkness's fantasizing was broken at this point, seeing as the ones who took her were women and well.

However, we were surprised when the short one, the one nearly as short as me, suddenly made a beeline towards us!

"You! You dumbed blonde bimbo!" Darkness moaned at the insult, but as the purple-haired woman passed us, it seems that insult wasn't meant for my friend, causing her to fall on the ground.

"Where's Jasmine, you damned bitch!" The woman aggressively growled at Luna-san, and being the only sensible one here, I began pulling Darkness away from the incoming cat fight.

Luna-san, for her part, only stared calmly at the shorter woman, infuriating her more. However, before the short woman can begin to do anything else, the guild door's were opened once again, and here entered a woman wearing the same cool outfit as the short, angry one.

<|Jasmine's POV|>

Thankfully, I had a spare uniform with me, provided by 2B of course, because I sure am not going to wear something that was covered in my own and Luna's own cum. Who knew clothed sex was as hot as it was?

Anyway, after taking a bath, I messaged my chat that I would be in the guild in a minute, since the inn was adjacent to the guild. However, when Penny replied that Touka was causing a scene, I could just imagine what for, so I hurried my steps.