
Dimensional Chat Group: The Ordinary in Extraordinary

I was an ordinary person with simple dreams and pleasures. [You are being invited to a Dimensional Chat Group!] [Accept invitation: Y/N?] But one invitation, one completely out of this world, had opened mine and introduced me to the world of extraordinary people. My dreams began to get bigger, goals becoming far from ordinary, and me? No matter what, I won't ever regret my decision. ----- Involved Dimensional Chat Group Characters are from: -Nier: Automata -RWBY -Kim Possible -Tokyo Ghoul ---- Disclaimer: The cover image isn't mine, same as with the animes, video games, and T.V. Series.

JazmineShyly · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A Break, Yuri, and a Shovel

<|3rd Person's POV|>

As Betty Director entered the room, the first thing she noticed was that Kim Possible, her favorite agent, wasn't alone. The most noticeable being Shego, but seeing as she was acting all casual while also doing her best to hide herself, she guessed she was no danger.

The others, however, were unknown. Betty was surprised by Kim's sudden change in uniform, plus she also thought it looked fashionable, but there must be something going on if four others were wearing the same uniform. There was the woman with white hair, °blindfolded° and wielding a sword. Another woman, who she believed to be the one who stood out the most, with pink hair was poking and proding a- decapitated corpse!?

Questions began to quickly filter into Betty's mind, but she shouldn't let such worries show on her face. She never had, she never will.

As the pink haired woman was poking and prodding the corpse, Betty observed the rest. The shortest woman out of all of them was the purple-haired one, standing around 1.58 meters in height and was seemingly the most wary out of all of them. Behind her was a taller woman with a lighter shade of orange than Kim's own hair, sporting a peppy smile despite the blood on her clothes.

"Agent Possible, report!" Betty was concerned, very much so, seeing how wrecked the place was and the corpse next to the group, added by how frantic and °desperate° Kim was when asking for reinforcements.

However, instead of her own agent, the pink-haired woman suddenly stopped poking the corpse and began speaking.

"Hi! Dr. Betty Director, right?" Surprised by the pink-haired woman's sudden interjection and surprisingly melodic voice, Betty, for the first time after finding out aliens existed, was caught off-guard.

"I am." Betty simply replied, deciding to humor the shorter woman instead of glaring at her like she would usually do to undisciplined people.

"Great! You see, we're from a super secret organization made by the government that deals with the supernatural, created just after the alien invasion!" This was a claim that Betty would normally have scoffed at, not at the government making such organization itself, but someone from it saying they were a part of it so casually. However, she can't help but feel that what she was saying was true, and even her gut was agreeing with her! Betty always trusted her gut, saved her life multiple times.

"Since you're the head of Global Justice, I believe it's fine to disclose this to you! When we received a sudden surge of energy here, my team and I were sent to investigate! After finding out that it was a creature of unknown origins, we had no choice but to deal with it! However, finding out that it had surprising strength, tenacity, and regeneration, we were severely underpowered! That is why miss Possible, who we temporarily enlisted to our group, had been forced to call °you°. Fortunately for us, we were able to defeat in the end!" To anyone else, this would have been complete bullshit, but Betty believed in it, especially when she can see the massive damage surrounding the place.

However, what Betty Director didn't know was that Jasmine was using her Semblance! Albiet in a lower level as she didn't have enough aura to fuel a full-blown mind control, making her words more believable than it should be.

"And what of the...corpse?" The GJ Director asked, eyeing the human-like thing, but noticing its claws and protruding bones, cementing the fact that it was a supernatural creature.

"We'll take it from here!" Jasmine responded with a chipper tone, but her friends can notice the tiredness hidden in them.

"Very well." Betty simply accepted that fact, before moving onto a different objective, that being searching this place for Dr. Drakken. With Shego's presence here, the blue-skinned mad scientist wouldn't be too far. Honestly, Betty °should° be arresting Shego as well, but this team seemed to have that handled.

<|Jasmine's POV|>

"You should rest, Jasmine." Hands came and took hold of my shoulders before pulling me in a soft embrace.

I was tired. So very tired. The adrenaline had started to fade away, and everything hurts even more than before.

Nodding my head, I let darkness take hold of me, entrusting my health to my friends.

<|Timeskip|Kim's POV|>

As we flew back to New York, we made sure that Jasmine was as comfortable as possible, having her lean against 2B as she slept.

Jasmine, out of all of us, was the weakest. Compared to two androids, a ghoul, and me whose had years of experience in this sort of field, Jasmine was the weakest. We knew this, and that's why we did our best to help her out. We trained, we sparred, and we went hard at it.

But a month of training simply won't get her to a decent level. And despite Jasmine's smiles and gleeful remarks, it was easy to see the insecurities behind her eyes. Jasmine was a frail woman, but she tries so much to be stronger, not in strength, but at heart. Only a month ago she was just a normal girl waving through the tides of life, but she's suddenly here, fighting monsters.

It was honestly amazing, seeing such a frail woman become better, doing her best to not be a burden, and I can't help but admire Jasmine for that. But it doesn't change the fact that she was °weak°. She was weak at the moment, but she'll be strong soon, and °we° will be there to watch her.

"So, gonna tell what that was all about? Pretty sure pinkie here was lying through her pretty little ass, but that damned woman just ate it up!" The woman beside me, my "arch-nemises", asked.

Why was Shego here? We simply brought her along on impulse. I have long known that despite being a criminal, Shego wasn't "evil". She was a person, a person who pushes everyone away that got to close and used snark and sarcasm to keep you away.

Feeling a bit petty, and wanting to lighten the mood, I smirked and answered "honestly", "Magic."

My answer definitely irritated her, and I have to admit, teasing her, for some reason, felt better than I usually did.

'Yeah....I really missed you.' It was words that I'll never tell her to her face, and I'll simply keep it in my heart.

<|Jasmine's POV|>

Waking up with a massive headache was not great.

Waking up and seeing Kim straddling Shego? Now I'm suddenly horny.

Upon noticing that I was awake, Kim and Shego immediately disengaged from one another, the former blushing up a storm while the latter only had a faint blush on her ivory skin. It turns out that Kim was only taking her Pandaroo back from Shego, who stole it and teased her with it.

'Just fuck already.' The sexual tension between the two was so obvious that even an emotionally ignorant 2B would have known this.

Stoking the fire, as Kim walked out, I immediately formed a circle with my thumb and index finger, before repeatedly pushing and pulling my index finger from it in front of Shego, whose eyes widened and blush darkened at the gesture.

After a moment of surprise, Shego gained a weak scowl as she flipped me off and left the room as well, causing me to begin devising a scheme in my mind.


[Midnight Fun |Rare|

>Created by a desperate tailor using mystic techniques and demonic spider silk, this evening dress as blacl as midnight can captivate any person, bringing their attention to their wearer. Not only that, while unintended, the dress, made from the strongest demon demonic spider's silk, can be used for combat as it can protect you from the sharpest of blades!]

'Honestly, this is pretty good.'

[5x Heavenly Amazing Fate-Defying Anti-Tribulation "Respect your Elder" Limit Break Potions |Rare|

>Breaking one's limit naturally is hard, created by a kind old master, this potion gives you a small nudge to the right path of "breaking your limit".]

'Ugh.' Reading the name of the potion gives me too much Manwha- Manhuwa? Manhwa? Chinese novel vibes.

[Scissor Blade (Half) |Rare|

>Created by Isshin Mato with the purpose of cutting Life Fibers, which were known to be indestructible, the Scissor Blades are one of the sharpest pair of scissors ever created, even having the ability to change size! However, the other half is lost, leaving only one half in your possession and slightly lowering its strength.]

'...Kill La Kill fandom here we go!' Looking through the information about the Scissor Blade, I can't help but give out a positive cringe! This blade was super sharp and super durable! It can even turn into scythes! It's definitely something I'll be keeping, even when I am not too keen on becoming a sword-wielder.

[Demon's Cry

>Weapons fashioned in realms unseen to resemble the unholy fangs of demons. With each hit, a demon's sorrow makes you faster, and with every kill, a demon's rage breaks those nearby.]

'What's this?.... Internet!' It was fortunate that I had bought a Universal Adaptive Phone. It was pricey, but definitely worth it to be able to use the internet even in a world still in the medieval times.

After searching for the weapon's name and finding out that it was from 2B's world, I took more time observing it. The Devil's Cry Nier Wiki didn't have much on it, so I did more searching and found out it could be obtained through a hackable chest and its specials were to increase attack speed and when you kill a mob it makes a shockwave.

'It's close to my preferred fighting style, but still not there.' Honestly, I wanted to have clawed gauntlets since grappling was something I was aiming for, but this still works.

'Yeah...yeah... I can work with this for now.' It was so °easy° to just look through the Shop for what I wanted, but despite my current Coins, I planned to have at °least° 100,000 Coins for emergencies. It's a big amount, but I will eventually get there.


[55,012 = 40,012]

[Adapt: The ability to adapt to situations is crucial! Humans have been adapting centuries ago, and they still continue to do so! They adapt, to °live°.]

'Stop fucking impulsively buying shit!'


"Ugh~...." That rather sexual moan came from Touka, who was currently eating her own nachos. After having her DNA altered to finally being able to consume normal food, her appetite had risen to the level of 2B's and Penny's!

Speaking of the two, "Hey. 2B. Penny."

Catching their attention, Penny, who was sitting beside me, and 2B, who was sitting beside her, turned towards me.

"Want to observe an example of how two human women who are both attracted to each other, but are oblivious to it, interact?" I asked this with a mischievous smile, now also catching Touka's attention.

"I do!/I'm interested." The two answered at the same time, causing me to giggle.

Gesturing at Kim and Shego, who were sitting on their own booth after a convincing talk about the amount of food we'd be ordering and how Shego would surely not appreciate watching three graceful pigs decimate their late dinner.

It took the three girls some time to process what I was meaning, but after a few moments, Touka was now coughing since she accidentally exhaled her nachos, catching the two lovebirds' attention, but I waved their worries off.

Also, why was Shego still with us? Because Kim managed to convince the older woman to stay.

"Th-those two?!" Touka whisper-shouted, discreetly pointing at our friend and her archenemy.

"Yep! Even a bumbling buffoon can understand this! And this is definitely not because my gay ass ship them." Yep. They were totes in love with each other, definitely not because of the multitude of KiGo fanfics I read. No sir-ree.

"I don't understand. Wouldn't humans attracted to one another kiss, hold hands, express their love, and show some form of intimacy in public?" 2B asked with the cutest, most curious face! She was hot with her visor on, but seeing her full expression without it was just so cute!

"True. But humans and emotions are complicated, 2B. There truly is no one consistent answer about what humans are, except human stupidity being infinite." My last comment confused both the androids, but Touka seemed to understand it, or have at least heard the quote.

"Kim and Shego are attracted to one another, that's for sure. The way they interact, despite not in the same way as normal couples, they are still quite similar. Hand holding are replaced by playful jobs, loving words are affectionate teasing, and intimacy? Their fucking foreplay is fighting." The image of Kima and Shego fight-fucking was hot. Truly, the human imagination knows no bounds.

"So you said something about those two being oblivious?" Penny asked, a pen and notepad in hand. Rolling my eyes at her antics, I answered.

"Like I said, it's pretty obvious that they like each other- look! There's a homophobe right there! You could see the disgust on her face while glaring hatefully at those two!" I pointed to a woman at the end of the fast-food restaurant. It was a simple glance, but thanks to my Observe ability I was able to get more context from just that.

"Pfft-cough! Da-cough- dammit! Stop making me laugh!" Touka, who was in the middle of drinking, did a spit take, disgusting some of the patrons.

While patting her back, I continued. "See the ways Kimmie's eyes shine whenever she looks at Shego? And how Shego keeps having that satisfied smirk whenever she makes Kimmie laugh? It's fucking °disgusting°." Touka, who had just recovered, was now trying her best to hold her laugh. Why was she laughing?

"I see. That is rather informative." 2B stated, bringing me out of my thoughts. Not wanting to see more of those lovey-dovey couple, I simply put my focus on my friends.


It was late at night, but I was still awake. Since we decided to stay in Kim's world for two more days, we had a sleepover in Kim's bedroom. Currently, everyone was asleep, with Kim and Penny sprawled on top of the former's queen sized bed while 2B and Touka were sleeping on the spare mattress on the floor.

As for why were the two androids asleep? They just decided to sleep in the spirit of a sleepover.

Me though? I was awake for a reason.

"Shego..." I called out softly to the older woman on the balcony. Ahe didn't respond, but I didn't care as I entered the balcony.

Leaning against railing, watching the New York street in wonder, I asked, "Do you love Kim?"

Shego slightly flinched at my question, tensing for a second, before relaxing.

With a soft voice, so vulnerable coming from the older, hardened woman, she answered, "I do."

The answer was all I needed. Feeling a weight leave my chest, I felt lighter and happier.

"You know what's going to happen then?" I asked with a smirk, twiddling with the Scissor Blade pendant on my neck.

Laughing softly, but with more life this time, she answered, "A shovel talk, huh..."

Emboldened by her answer, I pulled the miniature Scissor Blade from its chain, turning it into its normal size, and pointed it right onto her neck. Grinning madly, I began.

"If you ever, °ever°, break my friend's heart, you're dead." It was a simple threat, but one I would accomplish. No one, and I mean no one, will ever hurt any of my friends.

Shego chuckled, all the tension in her body leaving immediately. Holding onto the bacl of my blade, she moved it away, and I let her do so.

"I get it, I get it, pinkie. I won't break Princess's heart...." The woman trailed off, eyes gleaming with affection. "...she's too good for this world for that.... For me..."

Seeing the sincerity in her eyes, I pulled my sword away and hid it in my inventory. I planned to leave it at that, more than satisfied with what I got, but Shego simply couldn't leave it like that. No, she just can't be threatened and leave it at that.

"Hey pinkie, you like her too, huh." It was a statement, not a question.

Glancing back, I answered. "Yep."

I stayed there for a bit, waiting if Shego had anything else to say. Hearing nothing, I resumed my steps, only to be stopped once again.

"Hey, pinkie." I was getting annoyed now. Turning around, I now had an annoyed scowl, but I was surprised seeing Shego's smirk, as if she hadn't shown her moment of weakness to me earlier.

"If we ever get frisky, I'll call you, yeah?" It was an attack? A tease? An honest invitation? No matter what it was, I simply smirked back and answered,

"Definitely~." This time it was Shego who was shocked. But not wanting to be stuck in this loop of who gets the last words, I quickly left.