
Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!

Author: Frost_Bite8
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  • 288 Chs
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What is Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!

Read ‘Dimension Weaver: My Wife Is The Dragon Empress!’ Online for Free, written by the author Frost_Bite8, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: After living peacefully for eons and eons on Earth, humans have achieved many great things and become the strongest race...


After living peacefully for eons and eons on Earth, humans have achieved many great things and become the strongest race in the world by far. Nothing could rival them and no one can take that position from them. That was until one day, out of nowhere, a gigantic entity appeared in space right above Earth and from that point on, everything changed. Terrifying creatures of all kinds and shapes suddenly appeared in every corner of the world, armed with strength that far exceeded anything humans had ever seen. The world was thrown into chaos and surviving became the most important aspect humans could think of. *** Talon Everhart, a half-korean university student was living his life normally before everything happened. However, when things happened, Talon found himself facing the great threat that is this new world filled with crazy and nightmarish abominations, greedy humans that seek survival even if it is at the cost of other's lives, and a mysterious woman that appeared in front of him unconscious. His journey in this world and whatever lies beyond it begins! [Ding!] [Dimension Link has been created with Earth. You can now feel the link between you and the Core Dimension.]

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Is it cliche to say 'Shameless review by the author'? Yes.Am I still going to do it? Also yes.Welcome to my small review of this masterpi- Ehem, of this humble book from yours truly.This is my first time trying to write a book of this genre but I had this idea for a while and was waiting for the right moment to execute it. It might not be perfect (By every means its not) I'm still going to enjoy writing this book and posting the best chapters my fingers can type. I can promise you an amazing story, amazing characters that you will love and a vast beautiful world.The update schedule is also going to be 2 chapters a day or more depending on the weekly goals I will be adding ;)Don't forget to support the book if you like it.


i have very high hopes for this novel. everything seems amazing till now. hopefully, it doesnt get dropped. upload chapters faster, author.


1 star since the Author won't answer his comments


At 28 chapters, the story is progressing well. It has interesting lore, and the MC has an ability that is different from a lot of the stories you read on here and it is currently being handled well, with a lot of potential. There’s also already the hint of romance, which I am happy to see. Hopefully, it won’t take forever for that to continue progressing. Hard to say right now since it is still early, but I’m happy with everything I’m seeing. There are the occasional mistakes in the grammar, but those have been minor and there are not very many. Keep up the good work Author!


Nice book, author. I was captivated by the synopsis so I decided to give the book a try. well, it didn't disappoint and I like it, hopefully, more chapters will keep coming.


Really great start to the book, I am looking forward to more chapters 😁


I was somewhat enjoying it till around 80 chapters but the constant love interests forming with women that is not the dragon empress(also this novel has no harem tag) was off-putting. So, I just dropped it because I just felt like this novel was going the same direction blood warlock was going in....also kind of similar plots with similar power levels... Still keep it up author...Good job!


I honestly feel as if I’m just re reading blood warlock reskinned I haven’t gotten that far in just yet I’m hoping it branches to become its own story


Just an absolute bonker of a novel I just loved this one you know, but unfortunately I have to drop this ,coz I am broke.


I'm in this book by 32 chapters and so far it has been a wonderful rollercoaster. Firstly, the main character. Talon is a really impressionable and strong MC and he's not OP if you're looking for a main character that has actually struggled and is really growing as a person especially in relation to the events portrayed in the novel he's perfect. Additionally so far this isn't another weird, "collect women like pokemon" novels which is great theirs real character growth and so far the other characters are shown as strong or at least complicated and diverse which show in how these characters interact with one another, it feels like these are real people not some middle schoolers edgy wet dream it's amazing. His power system is also incredibly well thought out, yes it follows a system but the stats are actually thoroughly explained and then shown for deeper understanding, the MC(Talons) ability is also extremely unique, its not just another copy paste so far it hasn't done much yet but what it has done is grant him decent abilities based off of how much he struggles. I can sit here and talk about how much of a gem this is but truly you guys just have to read this novel there's a lot to sink your teeth into at the beginning give it 2 chapters and I promise you're hooked.


I love the book and pls keep on updating


The author is not telling whether it's harem or not and simply ignoring such questions.Atleast make it clear whether it is harem or not


I am enjoying this novel quite a lot despite being cliche. However I like the theme of outbreak of apocalypse on earth after the arrival of magic. The MC must level up with his comrades Alongside a mysterious female companion who will be his guide. The development is top notch like many other novels.


Chapter 243 I'm quite enjoying this. The story is set very similar to Blood Warlock but it's more focused on progression and not getting bogged down in unnecessary detail. Stat sheet is simple and the power of abilities are clearly shown without too much flavor text padding. Stat sheet isnt posted all the time for word padding like in some novels. Everything seems consistent. Character progression is meaningful and when things don't go right the solution doesn't feel contrived. The only thing that isn't always believeable is how the MC defies death but it isn't a real problem compared to a lot of power fantasy novels. Minor spelling mistakes but the flow is pretty solid for WN. It feels like it's gonna be a harem novel but I'm hoping that the author keeps the number of women down just like Blood Warlock did. That way all the women get decent screen time instead of being relegated to their specific roles in kingdom building. This is what irritates me about novels like SHGS and My Three Vampire Wives. (When 3 turns into 20+) We'll see though. For Cultured_Daoist or whatever his name is. Author promised no Yuri between two of the characters already so it may be off the table completely.


It's like the opening scene of a game: A mysterious girl appears and problems follow one another, you take the girl with you and run away, then the monsters come and the movie ends, then you take control and kill the monsters, then the game shows you how to collect loot... It goes on like this, In short, a bad copy of a good novel...


It's currently on chapter 41. And I am hooked! The main character though clueless at first developed into strong, dependable MC with a knack for battle, he has a sharp mind and takes advantage of his situation and surroundings. Not to mention the Character development of the side characters, I could feel their emotion and determination as well as improvements by the chapter, especially Jaen with her growing connection with the MC. Acrypha on the other hand is well balanced, the MC is not overly depending on her unlike other MCs, her character background is blurry, giving her a mysterious feel, truly interesting ! The world the story is set on is also quite unique with the different dimensions and higher worlds, indicating that the MC would reach even greater heights in the future. Now on to the System, it's very similar to the typical system, and the way how the monsters drop orbs and loot is unoriginal, but what's original is the new energy source that replaces mana, I would love to learn more about it in the future. Now with the villains and minor antagonists, the author really did a good job writing them, no actually the author did a really good job writing every character! Their character is sinister, filled with malevolent thoughts to harm the MC and his entourage. Overall, a great story so far, with the MC and SCs developing in the right direction, never losing hope and determination for their goals and loved ones! I commend the author for such brilliant work !


nice book, captivating synopsis & cool names and skill [img=recommend]


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