
Dimension Fourth

Every single thing started from here. The attacks by some dinosaurs and apes from the stone age, and the fashion crisis from Victorian era. Okay okay. Let me just rewind a bit. It was March 28th. My birthday. My parents got me a big gun. A plastic one of course. That was my 9th birthday. They say children need to be curious but I was a special case. My curiosity level was way higher than a normal kid. So that's how the world turned upside down. Follow me. Let me take you to my past and future. Hold my hand, time portals can fry your brain. Close your eyes. I'll tell you when we get there.

RedR58 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Is that my girlfriend?

"Shut up." Focus grumbled as I rubbed the spot he hit me. "Think Focus think." My eyes scanned around hoping to find anything that could help us but then suddenly my mind flashed back to something dad said to me one time when I snuck in to his study and got caught.

"Oi! Do you remember what dad told me once in his study?" I asked. First his face was full of confusion then next his brows knotted together like deep in thought about what I said. His eyes snapped open shocked by the recognition. The same thing left our mouths at the same time. "Blackhole." In an instant, I felt like I'm being sucked in through a small tube. Black spots clouded my vison before everything went black.

I woke up with Focus yelling in to my ear asking me to wake up while threatening me about how he'd kill me if I don't open my eyes. He was almost in tears. The fear in his eyes were over flowing. Immediately I got attacked with a bone crushing hug from Focus blocking my vision.

"Thank the freaking god! You woke up! You scared me to death little guy."

"Yeah yeah. Now get off me pig head. You are squeezing me too tight." Focus backed away repeatedly apologizing.

Surveying of our new position proved my thought of been traveled back in time. We sat in a lecture hall alone with no one in sight. It was quite big and spacious even with the numerous rows of black cushioned chairs curved like the nuclear envelope, with each one facing the semicircle of a small stage for the lecturer to perform his magic, and each chair had a generous amount of a mahogany tabletop for the students to work on. The white painted ceiling adorned several fluorescent lamps here and there just enough to let the students work with ease along with two projectors solely dedicated to the lecturer, and the gray walls bore sealed windows and air conditioners. There was a large gray carpet running all over the raised floor, and I could spot several places where the carpet has worn out from treading over.

"How did we come here?" Unlike the last time I woke up in the café out of nowhere, this time I felt slightly uncomfortable. My legs were a little numb. Ignoring the pain, I looked over at Focus waiting for his response.

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I was going to ask you!" Focus senior threw his hands upwards showing his frustration.

"Then...does this place look familiar to you?"

"Yeah duh. This is one of our university lecture halls used by us second years."

" Then we are still in your university years. come on. We should go out and see what's going on because I'm sure there we are here for a reason." My knees buckled under me as soon as I was on my feet. Focus caught me before I could fall down.

"What's wrong?" He sound worried. I waved my hand silently saying I was fine but I held the chair next to me until I was sure about standing on my own. Focus followed from behind to catch me if I fall down again when we exited the hall. Immediately a basket ball court greeted us outside the hall. Focus frantically glanced our environment averting his eyes from one thing to another like he was astonished by it.

" Anything you want to share with me?" I had to question him as he kept his mouth shut not saying anything.

" This scene looks familiar for some reason. I feel like I've seen this scene before."

" Well duh. This is your fucking campus for gods sake!"

" No. I think we've traveled back in time. To five day ago to be exact." I was taken aback.

" Are you sure?" Focus nodded with more confidence.

" Shit! God really has lost some nuts." I mumbled to myself getting angry at the god for making my small wish come true instead of the bigger one which is going back to my own time where I was living a peaceful life.

" If we went to five days back, then...crap! She must be in danger!" In a second he was running away from me in lightning speed. Not having another choice, I had to follow him to see what got him so pissed. He stopped somewhere making me bump on to him. He would've glared to snap at me annoyed if he wasn't distracted by the two people stood before us.

I took a little time to look around. There was nothing special other than the green house and the ponds. So I didn't waste any more time to look at their details.

One of the two before me was a girl and the other was a boy. Beauty screamed from her. Her dark hair tumbled down in curls to dance around her hip, her brown eyes shone brighter than stars. She had pink plump lips constantly were decorated with a smile that forced her rosy cheeks to cave in- it was her trademark.

The boy conversing with her was no average guy either. His hair was messy with a few small strands falling on to the forehead. I felt like a pervert when checking him out. The thin fabric of his t-shirt and jeans hung on to him like second skin. A pair of sneakers covered his feet. His thin lips were in a darker shade of pink. His adam's apple which showed the masculinity bobbed when he talked. Unconsciously his hand ran through his hair.

A low growl escaped from Focus. I glanced between Focus and the girl. I gasped understanding the situation.

" Is that my girlfriend?"

" No. She's MY girlfriend." I chuckled at Focus's behavior.

" Don't go all alpha on me pig head. But hell she's a beauty! How did you guys meet?"

" Now is not the time little guy." Somehow the way Focus said it sent me warning singles. Before I could stop him, he was already taking long strides towards the two who were clueless about what was going to happen next.

" Oh fuck."

Please have some pity on this wanna be story and send some love so I might have energy to continue........ Pretty please with a cherry on the top!

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