
Dimension eater chapter 1

The all father/l God once created all of existence. Existence included an Infinite amount of multiverse, each multiverse had a dimension.The first multiverse was 1 dimensional, just like that there was a corresponding amount of dimensions. So As many multiverses there were, that many dimensions were there. Then there are dimensional barriers that are predated by time barriers. For example you would need to travel distance in negative time to go through it or bypass it.

Somewhere in the 86th dimension there was a kid named Aji Jin. He was from a commoner family, and he was not rich but he was not poor as well. Even though he was a kid, he had to work to support his mom who had lung cancer. The only thing he could do without problems was art, so he was an artist. Despite these issues, Aji was content with his life. His mother was getting better and his career as an artist was decently successful. What he didn't know is that it would all come crashing down in an instant.

The Allfather is a being that can only be described as "interesting". He merely did things for his own pleasure. He believed combat was the true test of one's character, and actually despised his creations for being so weak. Finally he decided enough was enough, he searched for the weakest dimension of all of them and planned to wipe it's very existence from the infinite multiverse. As casually as a normal person would breathe, he went less than a fraction of his power towards the 86th dimension.The phenomenon that occurred could not be described as just an explosion, it was an attack that ruptured the very concepts of the dimension. The very fabric of reality had come undone. Before the attack was even sent the fates of the inhabitants were already decided. The [dimension eraser] happened so quickly it could not be perceived, even if time was slowed down infinitely. Aji's mother, along with the trillions of other inhabitants in the universe had their very concept destroyed. But the Allfather had made a mistake. The dimension he thought was the weakest would soon turn out to be the most dangerous.

Ajin was near the middle of his dimension when [dimension eraser] was sent. As he was enveloped by the blast he flashbacked to his past when he was even younger. He saw his mom before she had lung cancer. She made him food and they had a nice family dinner. He repeated different, yet similar memories of his life 1000s of times as his life flashed before his eyes. Then something peculiar happened. He saw memories that were not his own. He went through the life of his mother, then his father, and soon he found himself forced to relive the life of everyone in the entire dimension. As trillions of lives played in his Mind before the blast even touched him, he realized something. He could see the blast. While everyone else was motionless, he was somehow fast enough to perceive everything that was happening. That is when he was enveloped by the light. Yet he did not feel a thing. He realized he had not been hit, but rather absorbed the blast. This was not enough though, by the time he absorbed the blast it had already eradicated everything in the universe. Not even the very concept of their being existed anymore. Aji was left floating through space, alone stuck in a void without even the concept of space and time as those were destroyed too. As he aimlessly floated around he no reached the end of his dimension. He thought if he went through he would be able to see people, he would be able to start a new life. He tried to pass through the barrier that separated his dimension from the neighboring ones, but as he flew through he found himself back where he started. That's when Aji realized something, he was flying. He had done it so naturally he hadn't even noticed the change. He discovered that by absorbing the [dimension eater] he gained new powers. He decided to test how fast he could go. He flew through the barrier as fast as he could and ended upon the other side. He had gone so fast he made it to the other side before he even started, and thus he was able to make it through the barrier without being sent back. However, Aji could not control his speed. As someone who gained powers only minutes earlier, he found it quite difficult to slow down. His momentum was so great he traveled through not just his own dimension, but through 57 dimensions. Now Aji was stuck in the 29th dimension. As a higher dimensional being he was so infinitely above the lower ones they could not even perceive his presence. He tried to talk to the locals but they were entirely unaware of his existence. Aji realized he was alone. If he went to a lower dimension he was practically invisible to everyone else and if he went to a higher one he wouldn't be able to see anyone. Aji cried, despite only being 16, he had just lost everyone he has ever known, and was physically incapable of interacting with anyone else. Aji remembered the one thing he did gain, powers. He went to a secluded planet to test his new powers. He decided if he was going to live in isolation he could at least learn the limits of his abilities and train them. He decided to go with something simple, fire. He imagined a bright red flame in his hand and it appeared. He tried to make all the elements he could think of and nonetheless he could make them. Ice, water, lighting, wind, he seemed to have every power. He decided to try teleportation. He thought about the closest star he could see in the distance and instantly he got there. Aji had decided, he would test all the powers he had and see if there was anything he could use to bring back his old life. He thought of his friends, his mother, and his old town and he vowed to bring it all back, if the power of the blast could eradicate it then it should be able to bring it all back.