
Vector Firewall!

Dark, that's what Masamune saw when he opened his eyes.

Looking around him, he saw nothing but emptiness, as if he was isolated from the outside world, or rather from the entire world.

Realizing something was wrong, Masamune immediately analyzed it.

'So, there you have it, I managed to create a Vector Reflector Field.

Looking at his seemingly empty surroundings, Masamune immediately understood after analyzing it.

Masamune was currently in a state that could be called 'Omni-Lock' where his 'Vector Reflector Field' blocked, reversed, and reflected all Vectors that hit the 'Invisibility Field' that coated his entire body and clothes through the subconscious calculations he had done earlier.

This completely blocked everything around him, be it Gravity, Oxygen, Light, etc. Even the Space-Time Dimension itself was blocked and reflected, leaving him in a state of isolation from everything.

Retrieving his [Mindscape Virtual-Space] from the Automatic Mode controlled by his subconscious, Masamune tried to adapt for a moment.

Inside the [Mindscape Virtual-Space], Masamune's thoughts were accelerated by more than a million times, this caused inertia towards time and the outside world, everything seemed to slow down or even seemed like time stopped.

So even though everything Masamune thought about since awakening from the 'Self-Hypnotic' earlier seemed to take a very long time or even what happened since then seemed to take a long time, to the outside world or the real world not a single second had passed since the explosion occurred.

After understanding and getting used to it, Masamune smiled and said. 'Alright...'

"[Starting Virtual Simulation Computation...]

[Controlling the 'Vector Reflector Field'...]

[Processing Information Data...]

[Searching for application simplification solutions...]"

Using his calculation, deduction, and mental computation abilities to the fullest, Masamune tried to simplify his abilities to make them more structured and easy to apply.

Then, he suddenly had an idea. 'Well, why don't I use it like that?

Since the main principle of the 'Vector Reflector Field' is to block, reverse, and reflect all kinds of Vectors directed at his body, he could analogize it to a computer.

Like Accelator, his Accelator Barrier had the principle of blocking, reversing, and reflecting all Vectors directed at it.

Accelator could have reflected everything, but he still let some things pass through for his needs such as oxygen, gravity, etc. Because there are some things that are still needed. Because there are some things that are still needed.

The principle of this Field was similar to the 'Network Security System' that Masamune understood.

"[Trying to make a 'Vector Firewall'!]

[Started rewriting the Program Structure of the 'Vector Firewall' Algorithm...]

[Created 'Vector Scanning System', Successful!]

[Created 'Vector Filtering System', Success!]

[Creating 'Vector Proxy System', Success!]


[Starting installation ..... Success!]"

That's right, it's a Firewall!

Like the Firewall, the 'Vector Reflector Field' also had the same principle.

Masamune's body is like a PC.

And Masamune's body that normally interacts with the surrounding environment is like a Computer connected or interacting with the Network & Internet.

So the 'Vector Reflector Field' in the form of an 'Invisible Field' that covers his 'whole body and clothes' is like a 'Firewall' inside the Computer, it restricts, filters and blocks unknown data or unknown attacks aimed at the Computer.

So the Firewall principle is very suitable to be applied to his 'Vector Reflecting Field'.

After completing the mental installation of the 'Vector Firewall' program on his 'Vector Reflector Field', Masamune found it easier to use and even got used to operating passively, and automatically adjusting and controlling his own body's interaction with the environment around him.

It has an automatic feature that always performs real-time continuous scans which are then processed to ensure that everything directed at its body is not fatally harmful, having independent computational analysis power to determine and consider everything directed at its body is beneficial or not, according to Masamune's mindset and mental instructions.

After adjusting everything, Masamune immediately opened his eyes again.

Masamune no longer saw darkness and emptiness, but saw his surroundings that were in ruins thanks to his Vector Reflector power experiment.

Looking at her surroundings calmly, Masamune then smiled and said. "Well, I guess this is bad enough. Fortunately, I had previously investigated the surroundings, and made sure that there were no humans within 90 square meters, otherwise... Well, I'd better fix it right away even if it's only partially, no problem."

Gravity began to hit his body, and his body that was floating in a state of Zero Gravity quickly descended to touch the ground beneath his feet by the pull of the Earth's Gravity.

While bending his body, Masamune's hand touched the ground and then he said in his mind 'Analyst On'.


In his Mindscape, his thought perception penetrated into the ground starting from the palm of his hand.

Starting from the soil touched by his hand, various information data of the structure and composition of each material in the soil below him began to be thoroughly analyzed one by one.

Not only did the information data from the material he touched spread like a network of information networks in all directions, and starting from the soil he touched, the data began to spread so quickly in all directions that in less than a second it reached all the soil on the island of Britain.

Masamune sensed everything material and objects in the ground, from rocks, crude oil, precious metals such as gold and diamonds, and various other things on the island of Britannia.

Masamune also inadvertently analyzed the entirety of the British Isles, from building infrastructure, transportation, technology and more, down to a smaller level, such as each component and the materials and ingredients that make it up.

The sudden influx of enormous information was like a sea of data, but fortunately with [Mindscape Virtual-Space] computing, he was still able to cope.

After performing calculations, deductions, and computations to analyze everything, Masamune immediately manipulated the ground beneath him by shifting the position of the ground, like a puzzle, he simply moved the higher ground from somewhere to this place to patch up the ground from the previous damage.

Seeing that the ground beneath him had been leveled as before, Masamune smiled "Alright, done. Next..."

What Masamune was trying to do at the moment was matter conversion.

Manipulating the ground beneath him, Masamune began to patch up all the damage around him from ditches, lampposts, buildings, and the like with dirt.

After finishing, Masamune looked around him, he saw that there were various soils that patched and formed various objects around him such as poles, building walls, sidewalks and many more, these soils still had a rough replica shape. "Alright, let's try it!"

Putting his hands together, Masamune compared the material data of everything in the entire UK and compared it with the material data of the buildings, sidewalks, asphalt, and more around him.

Then Masamune simulated the current state of his surroundings with the previous state before it was destroyed, and with the comparison of the material data from all over the UK, he created a material conversion formula through his computation.

"Scanning... Completed!"

"Analysis... Done!"

"Simulating the environment before destruction... Done!"

Masamune's low and flat voice one after another sounded very fast like a computer voice.

"Initiate the material conversion process... Completed."

"Erasing the remaining traces of the previous material... Completed!"

At the same time as he uttered those two sentences, the surroundings that had only been roughly patched and shaped using soil into a rough replica, one by one returned to something real.

The walls of the buildings made of soil actually returned to being the walls of real buildings, as well as the facilities of the surrounding environment, ranging from sidewalks, lampposts, and many more, completely returned to what they were before the destruction caused by Masamune, not just crude replicas molded from soil, but actually became real objects, and had real functions, not just replicas anymore.

And not only that, the traces of the explosion such as dust, soil, and so on, also disappeared without a trace, as if no such destruction had ever occurred before, leaving no traces and no evidence whatsoever.

For further security, Masamune did not forget to destroy all recording devices in the surrounding environment, such as CCTV, etc. Even if the place where he is located is in a CCTV blind spot or does not even have CCTV, he still takes care to destroy all recording equipment within one kilometer so as not to leave any evidence.

So even if people checked into this place, they wouldn't find anything, and they wouldn't have enough evidence either, because there was no recording of the event where there was a real explosion because all the recording equipment around the scene didn't even record any anomalous sounds or symptoms at that place because they were all damaged.

So the people in the vicinity would only suspect that they were having mass hallucinations, and might be a little suspicious of the Recording equipment in the neighborhood, but they couldn't figure out what happened and couldn't even start investigating due to the lack of evidence and witnesses.

Actually Masamune didn't want to do it in this place, because the surrounding area was not the local area or the power of his family, it could even be said to be a strange place, there were probably various large organizations in power in this place.

But since Masamune got this Ability here, she couldn't wait too long because knowing the potential of the ability she had, the sooner the better, but at least she had to get a defensive ability for additional self-protection.

After finishing, Masamune opened her eyes and stood up.

Everything around him happened no more than a second after the explosion, by using Accelerator Thought and absolute control over his body, it made Masamune think and move at an extreme speed, seemingly moving in stopped time.

While smiling, Masamune then slowly jumped, although his jump was slow and sluggish, his body glided high into space as if unimpeded, even his clothes and skin did not experience the high-speed friction that occurred around his body, as if there was an invisible barrier around his body.

That's right. The 'Vector Reflector Field' in the form of an 'Invisible Field' that coated the entire surface of his body and his clothes passively and automatically filtered out everything aimed at Masamune including wind pressure, air resistance, gravity, oxygen, etc. and only allowed his 'Invisible Field' to pass through at a 'Normal' level that would not harm his body.

Thus, no matter how strong the wind pressure, air resistance, gravity, oxygen, etc. directed at his body, only a portion of it at the 'Normal' level could actually or was allowed to pass through after filtering and reducing its impact by blocking, reversing, and reflecting most of it.

Once at 10,000 meters in the sky, Masamune decided to stop gliding again and started floating in space to feel and see his surroundings, especially downwards.

"So, this is what it's like to be up in the sky..." Masamune said, while floating in the sky without the influence of Earth's gravity.

He set up a 'Vector Firewall' to allow most impacts to hit him except those that would actually harm him.

A cold wind was felt around him, while the sunlight was visible above him.

After enjoying the feeling of being up in the sky for a few seconds, Masamune decided to head back.

"I can't stay here for too long, I sensed a creature heading towards my experiment earlier." While muttering that, Masamune began to look down and then, as if her vision was magnified many times over, she saw the hotel where she was staying earlier. "...I'd better get back soon so that no other anomalies or variables occur."

In the place where Masamune had previously experimented with his powers.

"Impossible... How can there be nothing going on around here..."

A girl with golden blonde ponytail hair with a hat and mask covering her mouth, coupled with a stylish fashionable jacket and a style of clothing that adequately covered her body.

The girl looked at the place in front of her with a feeling of slight disbelief, before she felt that this place had an explosion, this area should have been destroyed or at least suffered damage.

Since he happened to be not far from this location, he immediately came here, not even 1 minute after the sound of the explosion.

However, this place-seemed normal?

There was not the slightest bit of strangeness around him, not even people, or anything strange like energy or strange traces that he had sensed from this place before, as if this place was a normal place from the start and nothing happened around here.

"Damn, there's someone coming here, there's two... No, there are five. I have to leave this place before something happens and causes something bad."

The golden blonde haired girl immediately got into action and left the place, she ran very fast towards the opposite direction of the people who would come to this place, with fast and agile movements the girl ran at an unbelievable speed.

By Masamune's side.

Soaking comfortably in the bathtub, Masamune hummed comfortably while leaning back with her eyes closed for a while.

"Aah~ a warm bath is indeed the best thing to do after exercising in the morning."

After arriving at the hotel, Masamune immediately took a shower and soaked in the bathtub to relax her body.

By possessing the 'Vector Reflector Field', Masamune was able to live more peacefully in this world.

And with the mental algorithm of the 'Vector Firewall' program inside, Masamune can feel more at ease, as he does not need to be complicated to use it.

The program is both Passive and Dynamic or Automatic, although it is independent but still based on Masamune's Mindset and mental instructions.

Mindset is determined by Masamune's mindset, so for example Masamune subconsciously feels that humans or himself as a human being are subject to gravity, then the 'Vector Firewall' automatically reacts to let the gravitational force hit him or affect him, but if Masamune thinks otherwise then the 'Vector Firewall' will block the gravitational force so that the gravitational force does not affect him.

Not only does this apply to gravity, it applies to anything that interacts with his body either directly or indirectly, of course this is still limited independently through independent analysis by the 'Vector Firewall' of the probability level of how dangerous it is for his body, and if it is very dangerous then it will not be allowed to hit or interact with his body, and vice versa.

After taking a bath, Masamune immediately changed into the black Bodyguard outfit with the previous White Mask, and went back to wearing the Ghost Mask.

Walking out of the room's door, Masamune consciously looked a few meters away into the next room, his eyes passing by a little girl who also happened to see him.

Yes, it was Shinomiya Kaguya and her blonde maid who had just woken up from the incident.

The time gap between the explosion and his current self was no more than 15 minutes or rather 11 minutes 10 seconds exactly when his eyes passed Kaguya who was in the next room at the moment.

Masamune only took a quick shower and bath without lingering because she knew what she was doing would immediately attract attention even if it was only for a moment.

Walking towards Shinomiya Kaguya, Masamune acted like a professional bodyguard who calmly greeted her. "Ohayou Kaguya-sama."

Seeing the confident expression and firm charisma in front of her, Masamune thought 'Hmm it seems like her nervousness from the night has subsided, or maybe it was just a reaction to having her quiet morning ruined?

After Kaguya greeted Masamune back with 'Mr. Ghost Mask', the three of them walked together with Masamune and the Blonde Maid right behind Kaguya towards the meeting room that had been rented by her father.

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