
Reverse World (1)

10.00 am, London Time.

[ ... An earthquake occurred early this morning in the region of ××××× fortunately the location of the epicenter of the shaking was quiet at the time of the incident so that it did not cause casualties and damage.... ]

Masamune listened to the news carefully, currently he was sitting with Kaguya Shinomiya eating sweet pancakes at a famous cafe in England.

Due to this morning's incident, the Shinomiya Gan'an meeting was postponed until noon at 13:45.

So, to pass the time. Now, Kaguya was free to travel anywhere in the area as long as someone escorted and accompanied her, and Kaguya did not hesitate to choose Masamune to accompany her.

"What do you think about that?" Putting down her fork elegantly, Kaguya asked casually.

"You mean? Oh, the news?" Masamune responded lightly, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Drinking his juice through a straw calmly and sweetly, Kaguya raised his head to face Masamune, before he replied. "That's right. With such a strong scale of shaking, it is already remarkable that there were almost no casualties at all, yet it also caused no damage at all in the area around the epicenter. Isn't that very strange?"

"Yes, if according to the data shown on the news it is valid. Then it is indeed strange, according to my personal assumptions if the scale of the shaking was that strong, the damage caused should have been at least equivalent to the explosion of a medium-sized bomb or something like that which would have destroyed at least tens of meters in the area around the epicenter."

Masamune responded by nodding in agreement and expressing his opinion while raising his coffee quietly, before taking a small sip of his coffee and then continuing.

"Nevertheless, it has been proven that other than unexplained damage to the recording equipment in the surrounding area, there is no evidence or clues that could indicate what happened when the event occurred, either what damage might have been done, or anything else that happened at that location. Since we could feel the vibration waves all the way to the hotel we stayed at before, it's possible that they're covering up."

"I also suspect-" Before Kaguya could finish her sentence, Masamune shouted to cut her off.

"Kaguya-sama, look down!"



The sound of shattering glass rang out loudly, shattering the entire front of the cafe.

And at the same time, Masamune immediately pulled and hugged Kaguya's body, then threw both of their bodies into the distance while rolling to the side avoiding most of the impact of the last-second attack that almost hit both of them.

Masamune looked towards the place where the two of them were sitting before and saw that it had been destroyed by an explosion. It was no ordinary explosion, for what destroyed it was neither a bomb blast nor a high-speed collision of objects.

What hit the place where they were sitting earlier was actually some kind of red-colored fiery ball of energy that exploded right at the table where the two of them were sitting earlier and not only the table, it also destroyed most of the front area of the cafe as a whole.

*Clang! Clang-!

*Bang! Bang-!

The sound of swords clashing and explosions repeatedly could be heard clearly enough to reach them from a distance.

"Upside Down World?" Masamune muttered doubtfully as she looked around her quiet surroundings and was still separated from the sounds of battle in the distance.

Masamune put on a quite serious face, she could hear the sounds of battle in the distance. The sound of swords clashing and the various explosions that accompanied it could be heard in the distance.

"How did this happen? Masamune thought in his mind.

A few moments ago Masamune and Kaguya were still in one of the famous cafes in London chatting lightly while listening to the news displayed on Kaguya's smartphone, at that time Kaguya was curious about what happened early this morning so she looked up the news on the internet.

But moments later, for no known reason, suddenly everything around her became silent and everyone in the cafe suddenly disappeared.

Leaving Kaguya and Masamune who were discussing the news almost hurt from a random attack aimed at the two of them before Masamune pulled Kaguya's body to avoid it.

"What, what happened Masamune-kun. Wait, are you okay?" Kaguya who was still in Masamune's arms was a little panicked and worried about the situation they were facing, she thought 'Terrorist Attack? Suicide bombing? Kidnapping?"

Noticing the movement of Kaguya in her arms, Masamune snapped out of her momentary reverie before she got up from her rolling position and released Kaguya from her arms after making sure her surroundings were safe enough from random attacks from a distance.

After releasing Kaguya and patting her clothes from the dust, Masamune replied, "It looks like we got caught up in the battle confrontation Kaguya-sama, or rather we were accidentally dragged into the battle confrontation area. And as for my condition, I'm fine."

"Battle confrontation, what does that mean? Don't you mean Terrorists or Street Fights? And again, do they fight in public openly, especially in the morning like this? Aren't they afraid of the local police... Wait..." Kaguya although she did not know much about the details, but she knew some views on the general situation regarding law and politics, she immediately deduced something from Masamune's answer before becoming slightly aware of her surroundings.

If before Kaguya had not paid much attention to her surroundings due to being in Masamune's arms so all she could see was Masamune's broad chest, now she was slowly becoming aware of her surroundings.

The streets and sidewalks that had been bustling with people and tourists were now very quiet except for some concrete, marble, and asphalt that had been damaged by the explosion, and the customers who had been sitting at the various customer tables around the two of them had disappeared into thin air.

Kaguya's expression tightened slightly, their current situation if not for the bright display of the morning sun hanging above the sky, then the current situation would feel like a Horror Movie situation.

"Masamune... This..." Kaguya unconsciously brought her body closer to Masamune and grasped his hand tightly.

Masamune looked at the necklace with sword-shaped wooden accessories around Kaguya's neck and instantly realized why all this was happening.

"Kaguya-sama, we are currently inside the 'Pseudo Inverted World', it seems that we were accidentally dragged into it because we were too close to the range of their initial confrontation location so we were drawn into it."

Under normal circumstances, even if someone is near the confrontation location, they will not be dragged in especially Kaguya who can be said to be a normal person, but with the Item necklace that Kaguya wore from Masamune's gift caused normal people to be dragged in, especially when the Item was activated or continuously activated.

Hence the many cases of archaeologists disappearing while investigating ancient relics or certain items that have supernatural properties, although it is slightly different in their case, where they do not disappear into the 'Pseudo Reverse World' but actually disappear into the 'Reverse World'.

The 'Reverse World' is the reverse side of the world or the 'Normal World', where everything from the Mystery side of the world such as Fantasy, Supernatural, Mystical beings still exist and continue to live on into the current era, as they have done since the end of the Age of Mystery where Myths and Legends lived on Earth literally.

In the 'Upside Down World' there are almost no restrictions in the use of power, unlike in the 'Normal World' where 'Gaia' ‗The Will of the Plane/World/Planet' places many restrictions in the use of Non Normal/Technology/Science power.

If fighting in the 'Upside Down World' there are almost no restrictions at all where all beings can almost use 100% of their powers.

Then in the Normal World, most creatures can only use their powers within a certain damage limit, not really using % of a creature's power, but limited by the impact damage allowed by Gaia.

So if the impact damage allowed by 'Gaia' was only at the level of 'tens of meters of impact damage area', then no matter how powerful the creature was, the output or damage it could deal could only be 'that much'.

Even if the power is at a higher level such as the destruction of Countries, Continents, Planets, or even Stars and above, the power that can be unleashed 'will only remain limited to that amount', no matter how powerful the creature is.

So, it's not a 'power limit' where a being limited to 90% of its power is restricted to only being able to use 10% of its power or 99% of its power is restricted to only being able to use 1% of its power and so on, it's about the limit of 'allowable damage' so no matter how powerful a being is, this limit always applies, even to God and Deus-level beings.

In the Reverse World there are still various places, locations, and regions depending on the actual location of the place, but Masamune's current situation has nothing to do with that.

The 'Pseudo-Reverse World', the situation Masamune was currently in, was different from the 'Reverse World' which was truly formed from the opposite of the real world/Normal World, a 'fixed and permanent' place.

The 'Pseudo Reverse World' is just a separate Mirror Dimension created from Fragments of the Reverse World and the Normal World and is not fixed or permanent, it can be artificially created by accessing Gaia's permission if they meet or fight in the Normal World.

So the 'Pseudo Inverted World' looks like a 'copy or mirror world' of the 'Normal World' but without any power restrictions like the 'Inverted World', making it like a temporary private dimension that is only used for fighting or supernatural things.

But in the 'Pseudo Upside Down World' there are also some limitations and drawbacks, i.e. the Mirror Dimension usually has an acceptable area limit, time limit, and power limit depending on how powerful the Mirror Dimension they want or are able to create with access permission from Gaia.

Usually only about 1 kilometer of mirror dimension with the creator as the center, the damage limit is also only 1 kilometer and has a certain time limit to maintain the space.

And if they overdo something, such as directly using a force that has the power to destroy an area of 1 kilometer, then they will only be destroyed or thrown into the Dimensional Gap between the Inverted World and the Normal World which contains a Space Storm Field that can destroy almost anything.

If they crossed the 'outer limit of a large area', usually the person could directly exit the Mirror Dimension area of the 'Pseudo Inverted World' and return to the Normal World.

And if they lingered in the Mirror Dimension until the 'Time' to maintain their Mirror Dimension ran out, they would also be directly ejected from the Mirror Dimension and returned to the Normal World, assuming it happened during a pause in the battle even if it was only for a few moments, they would still be returned to the Normal World if they did not extend the duration in some way, but if the Mirror Dimension Time ran out during a high-level battle that exceeded the limitations of the Normal World, then they would be directly thrown into the Dimensional Gap.

Looking at the situation around him, Masamune knew it was better to observe the situation first before making a decision to go out or join the fight, if he just left it might alert the enemy and even provoke a fight from one or both sides, Masamune did not know what kind of people the two sides were, so it was better to observe and after understanding the situation then make a decision.


"Let's follow me first to observe the situation, Kaguya-sama."

Masamune said calmly before suddenly grabbing Kaguya's petite body and carrying her in a princess position before jumping slowly onto the top of the surrounding buildings, heading towards the nearest building which made it easy for Masamune to observe the battle in the distance safely and inconspicuously.

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