
Dimension Apart

Kaia always thought ghosts are different entities living in the same world. For someone who grew up seeing ghosts, she got used to it. She thought she knew everything about ghosts and paranormal stuff. However, it changes when she met Asher, a guy whom she thought a ghost. What if everything she knows is not true? What if the world she perceived as reality isn't really reality? How could Kaia, a ghost enthusiast person, handle this kind of reality? Updated will be posted daily at 12pm ( GMT +8). Also, please check my other novel Why Did I Become the Villainess. I’m sure you’ll like it.

pshyyyy · Urban
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6 Chs

: Entities

   Kaia is busying herself arranging the books in the library she is working in when someone taps her shoulder. She looks back and frowns when she sees no one.

She looks around to make sure if there's no one. Did she just mistaken? Maybe it's just wind. Kaia continues to arrange the book like nothing happens.

Asher frowns. He is currently arranging the book, but someone is blocking his way. A woman is sitting on the floor. Her back is facing him, so he couldn't see her face.

   Asher taps the woman's shoulders, and he was shocked when he realized that the woman sitting on the floor is the girl he met a few times now. But the woman acts like she didn't see anything. She looks around, and after a few seconds, she continues to do what she is doing.

   What is she doing here? Asher looks at the woman, and it seems like the woman is arranging something. The weird thing is, he couldn't see what she is arranging. Her hands are empty.

   Asher squat down in front of her to see what she is doing. He saw a nameplate pinned on her blouse.

   Kaia? Asher looks at Kaia's face and smiles. Her name suits her.

   Asher looks at Kaia. Waiting for her to notice him. However, he's been sitting beside her for a few minutes now, but she still didn't see him.

   Asher frowns. He is definitely beside him, but this girl acts like she didn't see anything?

Asher tried to reach out to poke Kaia's arms, but his hand stops midair when someone calls him.

"Asher, you're here. I've been looking for you," Mrs. Gracie suddenly speak behind him. Asher immediately stands up and looks at her.

"Mrs. Gracie, may I know what I can do for you?" Mrs. Gracie is the head librarian. Although he was just forced to work here. He started to like his co-workers.

   Mrs. Gracie shows him a paper that has a book title written on it. "Can you find this book for me in the storage? Mr. Lane is looking for this. I'm sure there's still a copy of this in the storage room."

   Asher looks at the title and nods his head. "I will look at it immediately." Asher looks back to where Kaia is, but he didn't find her there.

   Asher frowns. "Mrs. Gracie, did you see a girl sitting beside me a while ago?"

Mrs. Gracie looks at where Kaia is sitting and shakes her head. "I don't see anyone there. You're the only person I saw, Asher. Why?"

Asher shakes his head and looks at the space where Kaia is sitting earlier. He sighs and walks towards the storage room.

"I definitely saw someone there," Asher whispered to himself. He doesn't know if what he saw is real or just a product of his imagination.

Kaia frowns when she feels something is beside her, but she couldn't see anyone. Is it a ghost again?

Kaia sigh and just ignores it. She was already used to this scenario. Since she was a child, she could see and feel entities that only she could see or feel.

Kaia pause when she suddenly remembers Asher. Asher the ghost. He is the only ghost she saw more than once, and he is the only one who took something from her.

Kaia's eyes immediately widen. The book! She needs to return that book on Friday, and it's already Wednesday today. I need to talk to that, Asher!


Kaia slumps on the bed. She felt soo exhausted. After her part time work in the library, she took a long test in one of her major subjects, Clinical Psychology. And it was hellish!

"I just hope I could pass that long test."

Kaia sigh and close her eyes. Wanting to take a nap. But she frowns when she feels someone sits beside her. Kaia remains lying on the bed.

Is it a ghost? Her mother would knock on her door if she went inside her room. Also, she didn't even hear the door open. So, she's pretty sure that's not her mother. If it's not mother, then it must be a ghost.

Kaia opens her eyes and finds Asher sitting on the side of the bed. She frowns when she recognizes the thing he is holding. Isn't that the book about ghost communication? What is he doing?

   Kaia immediately gets up from lying and looks at the book he is holding.

   Asher looks at the book he is holding. Entities? What does it mean? Asher got curious, so he started to open the book and read some part of it.

    'The world is vast, and no one in this world can fully understand it. Scientists might think they know almost everything about this world. But in real life, we don't know anything. No one in this world knows anything about it.'

Asher frown. What in the world is this? No one in the world fully understands it? What do we need to understand? For what?

Asher flips the book on the front page. "I thought it talks about entities. Why does it talk about the world?"

Asher put the book down and lay on the bed. He was exhausted and want to rest. He looks at the book that is still in his hand. He raises it and stares at it for a minute.

"Where does this book came from? And entities? What does it even mean?" Asher flips the book, and he sighs. "I thought it's something interesting, but I guess it's just another useless book." Asher them throws the book at the corner of his room.

Kaia immediately stands up when she saw Asher throws the book at the corner. She then glared at Asher, who is still lying on the bed like he didn't just throw the book.

   "I am about to return that to the library! How can I return it if you throw it like that? Are you the one who will return it, huh?" Kaia complains to Asher. Although she knows it's futile. Since she knows Asher can't hear her no matter what she does.

   Kaia then looks at the book and walks towards it. She tried to touch the book, but her hand passes through the book just like the last time. Kaia groan. Not again.

   She then stands up and walks towards Asher, who is lying on the bed. Half of his body is still dangling on the floor. She pouts and glares at Asher before she kicks his feet.

Asher jumps out of shock when he felt extreme pain in his feet. He touches his feet and looks around him to see if someone is inside his room, but he didn't find anyone.

"Who's there? Come out!" Asher shouts.

Kaia looks at Asher, and she burst out laughing. That's what he gets for throwing that book. Kaia spends a lot of time just to find that book, but this guy got the guts to throw it. Is he the one who will return the book?

Kaia smirks at Asher when she saw him looking around the room. She saw him open his mouth. He's probably shouting.

Kaia sits beside Asher, who is still looking around the room like he is expecting someone will attack him anytime now.

Kaia glare at him before she smirks. She is thinking of getting back at Asher for throwing that book. Kaia is someone who loves books, and it's a crime for her to see someone throw a book. So, how can she let Asher go like that?

Since Asher cannot see him, she's going to take this opportunity to make him pay.

   Asher felt a shiver in his spine. He looks around to make sure no one is inside his room aside from him.

Asher sigh and shake his head. "Asher, what is happening to you?" Asher is about to stand up to take a shower when he feels something touch his cheeks.

Kaia giggles when she sees Asher frowns. "That's what you get for throwing a book. I should give you some lessons, so next time you will know how to take care of the book properly. You work at the library before, but you don't even know that it is a crime to throw a book." Kaia continues to poke Asher's cheeks.

Asher frown even more, when he felt something touch his cheeks. It repeats for a couple of minutes before he touches his own face. He looks around his room again, but the same as before, he couldn't find anyone inside his room aside from him.

   Kaia giggles even more. She then starts to mess with his hair. She is really enjoying this. Although she admits that she finds Asher handsome, but she cannot let him go because of what he did to the book she borrowed.

   Asher shivered when he felt something touches his hair. It's as if someone is caressing his hair. Asher stands up and raises his arms. It's as if he is preparing to fight someone.

   Kaia laughs loudly while looking at Asher, who looks like he is ready to fight with someone.

   "Really? What are you doing, Asher? Do you plan to challenge me a duel? Have you forgotten you're a ghost?"

   Kaia continues to laugh at Asher. But her laugh froze when she remembers something.

   "How did he become a ghost if he could bleed? As far as I know, only a living person who has a physical body can bleed if wounded." Kaia looks at Asher. "Are you really a ghost, Asher?"

    Kaia stands up and stares at Asher from head to toe. She then walks around Asher. It's as if she is looking at something in a museum.

Asher shiver again. He felt something surrounding him. He raised his hand and made a chopping move in the air. However, his hand didn't touch anything.

Kaia got startled by the sudden movements from Asher that she fell to the ground. She put her hand on her chest. Kaia felt like she almost have a heart attack.

It's a good thing Asher is just a ghost, or she will definitely break her bone with that chopping movement. Is he a martial artist? Kaia can feel how strong that move by the wind it created.

Kaia sigh and glares at Asher, who is still looking around the room while maintaining his defensive stance. "I almost have a heart attack because of that!"

Kaia abruptly stands up and crosses her arms. She then squints her eyes at Asher. She walks towards Asher and pokes his cheeks again.

"If you're not handsome. I would have hurt you again." Kaia sigh and stare at Asher's face. He really looks handsome. Does he have a girlfriend?

Asher frowns when the shivers he felt disappeared. He looks around, but he couldn't find anyone. He sighs and messes his hair out of frustration. "Arghh. Asher, what is happening to you? You must be too stressed. That's why you are now hallucinating."

Kaia looks at Asher when he messes his hair. He also looks like he is saying something, but since Kaia cannot hear what he is saying, she could only guess.

Is he frustrated? Is it because of her? Kaia looks at Asher. She then touches his hair again, but unlike before, she's touching it to comfort him.

Asher looks exhausted just based on how he looks. But why is he tired? Do ghosts felt tired when they don't even have physical bodies? Is that even possible?

Asher looks up, and he was stunned when he sees Kaia standing in front of him. Kaia is currently combing his hair. It's as if he is comforting him.

Asher sigh and shake his head. He must be hallucinating again. How can Kaia be inside his room when he knows he is the only person inside it. He is not even sure if the girl's name is Kaia or he is just part of his hallucination.

Is he going crazy now?

Kaia stares straight at Asher's eyes. Is he seeing her again? Kaia takes a step forward and tiptoes to get closer to his face. She then leans to him to make sure if he is really looking at him.

Asher freeze on the spot when Kaia takes a step closer and tiptoe to lean towards him. His face and Kaia's face are just an inch away from each other.

Kaia tried to balance her weight since she is tiptoeing, but because of Asher's handsomeness, her knees got weak, and the next thing she knows she felt something cold touched her lips.

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