
Chapter 4

Aella is now inside her office in ther coffee shop, she still can't believe about what she just watched. Her bestriend, Demi is still bothering and teasing her instead of working.

"he's really handsome, right?" Out of nowhere, Demi said.

"who?" She asked while fixing some papers in her table.

" Doc. Zaiden Smith?" Beacause of what Demi said, she instantly looked at her bestfriend.

"you know him?" She asked

"yep!" Demi answered while looking at her. "the one in the TV" Demi continued.

"who's that?" She asked and continued fixing her paper.

"what the hell?!" Demi shouted the reason why she looked at her bestfriend.

"you don't know him?!" Demi asked in disbelief.

"No." She simply answered. Even if that doctor entered her condo and always hugging her, she still don't know that guy. She just know his name. Period. And he's a doctor. A freakin' hot Doctor.

Demi looked at her Frustrated. "where are you from, Aella Black? Where planet do you live? A famous hot Doctor Zaiden Smith? You don't know him? ?" Demi Asked.

"nope. Why? It's not my problem if i didn't know him, okay? Go out Demi, i'm busy."

"yeah! Whatever." Demi said before going out.

She continued fixing her papers ang eat cake. She signed other papers until she finished eating.

When she's done signing papers, she did not notice the time, it's quarter to twelve. She closed her eyes and rested on her swivel chair ang have a deep breath.

She notice the door opened but she still colsed her eyes, she can hear footsteps coming near her, she can feel presence infront of her.

"You shouldn't skip your lunch,baby" she immidiately open her eyes when she heard that voice.

"Z-zaiden" is the only word that she can utter, she stare at him for a second, he's still wearing his doctor's robe.

"yes baby?" Zaiden said while putting out some foods from the paper bag. She's just staring at him and watching his every move.

When he finished on what he's doing, he removed her doctor's robe, and put in the armrest on one sofa inside her office.

Zaiden roll his long sleeve and looked at her.

"now, let's eat baby" she just stare at him and looked at the foods in the table.

Adobo, tinola, rice at her favorite ice cream

"w-wait--why is that just one only?" She asked and pointed the plate.

One plate, one pair of spoon and fork.

"are you going to eat here? And let me watched you?" She asked.

Zaiden chuckled.

"nope" Zaiden answered.

"we'll gonna share baby" Zaiden said and serve the food.

Zaiden suddenly spoke.

"what do you prefer?--this one?" Pointed adobo "or this one?" Pointed tinola.

She smiled and answer

"that one" and pointed the ice cream.

"Aella" Zaiden warned her.

He knew me?

"Y-you knew me?" She asked while pointing herself.

"u-huh" Zaiden answered while fixing their food.

"you should eat this first" Zaiden said and put the spoon with rice in the level of her mouth.

She just looked at Zaiden "eat or i'll kiss you?" Zaiden said seriously, her eyes widen and instantly open her mouth and eat.

Zaiden smiled and took a spoon and eat too, in the spoon she used. Her mouth parted as he stare at Zaiden.

"damn! That's indirect kiss"

"H-hell" she whispered while still staring at Zaiden.

Zaiden continued feeding her and himself until they finished eating.

"I'm full" she Said and rested er back in her swivel chair.

"Glad to hear that baby" Zaiden answered. She looked at Zaiden when he stood up, she watched him put back the things they used in the paper bag.

Aella stood up and get the ice cream.

"can i have this now?" Aella asked while holding the cup of ice cream.

"sure baby" Zaiden answered while smiling at her.

She stare at him while fixing the doctor's robe.

Maybe he's going to hospital?

"life is so unfair" she suddenly said.

"what do you mean?"

"why are you so handsome?" She said it out loud, she covered her mouth and her eyes widen while blushing.

She bowed her head because of shame.

"shit! Shit! Shit!" She repeatedly cuss.

Zaiden chuckled, she looked at him.

"what's funny?" Aella aksed, a littlte bit annoyed.

Zaiden did not answer and walk towardds her, he pulled her up close to him, her eyes widen, his arms instantly wrap in her waist.

Her heart beat fast, it's like there's a electricity that spread through jer body from Zaiden's body.

Zaiden hugged her and burried his face into the hallow of her neck and whispered.

"Damn baby, stop glaring, you're turning me on."