
Chapter 17

Aella hurriedly walk towards Zaiden when she saw blood stains oh his doctor's robe.

She cupped Zaiden's cheeks ang stared into his eyes.

"hey, what happened?" Aella asked worriedly.

"i'm alright baby, this blood is not mine" Zaiden answered and removed his robe. His left arm snaked around her small waist and he kissed her forehead.

"ehem" they both looked when they heard a fake cough. And she found her sister and Bestfriend, staring at them.


"hi kuya Zaiden, I'm Ezrah Ivy, ate Aella's sister" Ezrah said while smiling then extended her hand for a shakehand. Zaiden accepted her hand.

How did she--

She looked at Demi who is smiling like an idiot. She rolled her eyes.

"nice to meet you, Ivy" Zaiden answered coldly.

"aww. Cold." Ezrah murmured and chuckled.

"Let's go" Zaiden said.

"oh no, besprend, Ivy will ride with me, right?"

Ezrah just smiled.

She murmured okay and start walking towards Zaiden's car.

"why did you pinch me!" Ezrah said.
